Swallowing Light


Jimmy and Hanna were always connected at the hip. Even though he was older then her by about six years, when Hanna moved next door to the Sullivan's it didn't stop her from wanting to befriend him. Jimmy was playing with his friend in the front yard. He was always the odd one, making weird face or doing something no one would think of doing in public simply because he wanted to. Hanna, was five years old and quite bored or so she had told her mother. So she too matters into her own hands, she wandered outside because her mother was too busy helping the movers get everything inside the house, and into the proper rooms.

Looking around she saw five boys playing in the front yard, she giggled at the tall lanky one as he made faces and danced around the yard. Hanna ran over to them and poked him in the side making him jump.

"You're funny," she giggled as she looked at him and he put his hands on his hips.

"I'm not funny, I'm hilarious." he said to her making her look at him confused.

"What's hilarious mean?" she mumbled as she looked at him questioningly.

"It means....super funny!" he said to her making her giggle. "I'm Jimmy,"

"I'm Hanna and I'm this many years old," she said holding up her hands flashing him a bright smile. From that day forward it seemed that Jimmy never left her side. Of course they had their spats but their friendship was unlike anything their parents had ever seen before.