‹ Prequel: BlackHeart.
Status: Trying this out.



The metal that touched my back was cold sending shivers throughout my body, I had been ripped from my peaceful slumber and brought to the medics room. I should have been used to this by now, they did it at least once or twice a week. I would be slammed into a cold metal chair, my wrists and ankles would be bound and my mouth would be tapped shut.

All they allowed me to do was breathe through my nose and watch everyone, I was to dangerous to not have my mouth tapped shut.

There were very few windows in the room, and the ones that were there had bars on them. The walls were white lines with photos of experiments both failed and successful, notes that were taken while testing subjects and a few educational pictures.

'Please tell your doctor if you are feeling any of the bad side affects, such as nasuea, bleeding, headaches, anger problems etc, memory issues.'

It was actually pretty comical, because if you did tell them any of those symptoms-Well, they'd kill you- so I kept my mouth shut, even when it wasn't taped shut.

"Good morning beautiful." My eyes went from the walls towards the door way, a man with a white doctors coat stood with a file in his hands. He wasn't bad look either, he was tall, maybe 6'0. His head was bald but his face was very masculine, to masculine to be a doctor.

I watched him look me over, a sly smirk of satisfaction held on his lips as he fully entered the room. Swiftly he placed the file on the desk and made his way over to me while pulling a chair with him.

"Do you know who I am?" His hands rested on my mid thigh and my eyes narrowed, the urge to kill him rising, the urge to drain the life from his eyes. But I shook my head no waiting for him to continue.

"My name is Ajax" Pulling his hands away and leaning back he folded his arms, tilting his head to side and sighing as if something was wrong. "I was hoping you would remember, at least something."

A few seconds of silence passed before he started to move, rolling back to the table he opened the file and read over it with a few hums as if really interested in my life. His fingers tapped against the desk slowly as he read, his other hand turning the pages and his back to me. So I turned my attention to the binds on my wrists, twisting my arm slowly I tested the strenght of it, pulling back my arm I tried to see if I could slip out.

"It's pointless, those are specificly made for you." His voice was soft causing me to look up, Ajax was now facing me with a needle in his arm and for the first time I felt terrified. My whole being screamed at me to get away from him and soon, but I stuck. He rolled forward, needle now facing my arm.

"Seeing as you have no memory, might as well make this worth it." The small prick of the needle entering my skin made me flinch "I've got a mission for you Ann.." My eyes went from him to needle and back to him as I felt the cool liquid coursing through my veins.

"I want you to kill deadpool or as you knew him, Wade Wilson."
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