Status: Drabble/Complete/Finished



No, you’ll never talk to me again.

The same cycle will occur and the broken one will be me. I am already broken, so broken that you won’t recognize me if you try to touch my soul with the warm tips of your fingertips.

I’m not going back to you, no.

When you broke up with me the way you did, out of the blue and no explanations given, it was the end of the world for me. I survived but something is still missing. One year has passed since we broke up but I can’t take even another step forward.

Are you happy to see me like this?

I wonder. I really wonder. You broke me; you broke what it was me.

Do you even remember what it was like? Being with me?

All I ever wanted was you. I gave you everything, you were everything.

The silliest thing is that even though I don’t want to, I still hope that you’ll complete me again. No one will ever put my pieces back together, no one other than you.

You can break me again or you can love me, but remember; this time I will be beyond repair.

I won’t let it happen.