‹ Prequel: Chasing Cars

Around Our Heads


The next day was Saturday, so Chris and I rolled around the sheets a little longer to enjoy our free time, which was something we rarely got anymore. When we finally did manage to pull ourselves out of bed, it was just after eleven and mostly because I was starving and he’d missed his morning run. So Chris made me breakfast, and he got his exercise by fooling around with me while we waited for it to cook.

Truthfully, we rarely got to have this much sex. We just got like that when he was home for off seasons or when Avery was spending the night with Chris’s mom or sister or even Olivia. In this case, it was an off-season, and Avery wasn’t home, so we were taking advantage of the ability to be as loud and crazy as we wanted.

“I think with the number of times we did it without condoms in the past twenty-four hours; I’m just going to go ahead and say I’m probably pregnant,” I told Chris as we ate breakfast.

“Maybe. I like getting you pregnant. This is fun. We should do it again,” he replied. I narrowed my eyes.

“We can discuss baby number three when this one’s like six, okay?”

“Six it is, but if you got pregnant BEFORE last night, it means it was another accident, and they happen.”

“I’m going on birth control again after this.” He shrugged.

“Whatever floats your boat.”

When we finished eating, we took a shower together. Then we dressed and went to the store to get stuff for Avery’s birthday party. And to get a pregnancy test. We got one that came in a pack of two just in case this last adventure ended up being the one that did the trick.

But when we got home, I had to pee like no one’s business, so I excused myself to the bathroom and took the test with me. My heart was pounding as I waited for it to show up. I was scared and excited all at once. The last time I took a pregnancy test, I was mostly scared and confused. I didn’t even know if I wanted to have a baby. But at least this time around, I’d be able to enjoy it. We could even have a baby shower.

I didn’t leave the bathroom right away because I was feeling a bit weepy again. So I waited by myself while Chris got everything together for Avery’s last-minute party. Finally, after enough time had passed and I was brave enough to check the test, I lifted it off the counter to see the results.

It was positive.

So I cried a little bit before leaving the bathroom to find Chris. He was in the kitchen taking the dishes out of the washer. I cleared my throat, and he turned around to face me. He lifted his arm to wipe the water off of himself.

“How’d it go?” he asked. I handed it over.

“It’s positive,” I said. He smiled and then took me into a hug. I squeezed him back and sniffed against his chest. He held me for a moment before pulling away and wiping the tears from my eyes.

“Why are you crying?”

“Happy tears, I promise.”

“You sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure.” His smile came back, and he hugged me again.

“This is great news, Mar. I love you.” And that just made me cry harder.

“Oh jeez. I’m over here crying like a baby.” He laughed and wiped my tears again. Then he lifted my glasses to smush my face in kisses.

“I understand, babe. It’s overwhelming.”

“I don’t know how I got so lucky.”

“I ask myself the same question every day.” Then he reached down to kiss me on the lips. “I’m so fucking happy.”

“Me too.”

“Let’s go back to the bedroom.”


“Yes.” He took my hand and led me back to our bedroom.

Later we were lying in each other’s arms, kissing and being ridiculous with our happiness.

“When are we supposed to get Avery?” I asked him.

“My mom said she’ll bring her to the party.”

“I miss her.”

“Me too.” He moved me onto my back and moved down to kiss my stomach. “I can’t believe we’re gonna have another one.”

“I know. It’s crazy.”

“You seem a lot happier this time around.”

“I am. For sure. I’m not scared anymore. I know what I’m doing.” I tangled my fingers in his hair as he continued to plant kisses on my bare stomach.

“I’m glad.”

“I won’t go anywhere, Chris.”

“I know, babe. I just worry sometimes.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. These past few years have been—amazing.”

“I’m glad you decided to cut into my drug habit and get me off the Theraflu.” He laughed.

“Me too.” Then he moved to my level and leaned on his elbow to smile at me. “You know you get more and more beautiful every time I see you.” I rolled my eyes.

“Shut up. You’re only saying that because you have a weird thing for nerdy girls,” I said. He laughed again.

“I don’t have a weird thing for nerdy girls,” he retorted. “Just you.”

“Psh.” He reached over and took my glasses off of the nightstand. Then he put them on my face.

“Mm. Sexy.” I snorted.

“See? I told you!” He leaned down to kiss me.

“Keep them on this time.”

“You are so weird!” He tickled me as I tried to push him away.

“You can’t push me away. I’m your baby daddy. You can’t escape me for at least the next eighteen years. And even then, you’ll have to see me at big events like marriages and graduations.”

“Oh God, what was I thinking?”

“Maybe that you love me?” I laid still.

“Oh yeah. I remember now.” He kissed me again.

“You’re so weird,” he whispered against my lips.

“I know. Kiss me again,” I told him.