The Great Sea Quellin and Other One Chapter Average Stories

Quarter, Quarter, Dime

Maybelline wandered away. She saw that the sky had two stars. Not just one, but two.
Maybelline liked the look of it, and then as the day became winter, more stars appeared like always.

With a sigh, with a cloud, Maybelline couldn't help but smile. The day was at an end, and so the work was at an end. Work was work and work used to be fun. Nowadays, she woke in the morning and struggled to find her way upright.
Her coworkers were not helping either. Work was work for them, and work used to be fun. Nowadays, Maybelline's coworkers would play hooky and play Grinch during hours.

Righting her cap, Maybelline walked her way home in the light of the stars and the waxing moon.

She was pushing through insecurity for a while, but Maybelline found her way. Her life had been okay, but there was life outside her own. Life that was waiting. Waiting out of the lines. The people in Maybelline's life wanted her to stay still, to stay with them, to stay content. But there was more to be had, there was more in the jungle.

Maybelline was starting to get hot on her way, a crisp pace alighted her thoughts and crisp thought enlightened her pace. There was no fear here, just resolve.

Mick, one of Maybelline's coworkers, had quit already. Maybelline was always on the fence about the subject, but stayed content with normal complacency. She thought that Mick knew secret information that no one else did, but little did Maybelline know, Mick just did not like the work he had to do anymore. Work was work, and work used to be fun.

That night, or maybe next week on another night, Maybelline was gonig to break up with her boyfriend. It was about time. Maybe break up with work. Work was not fun anymore.

Her partner was content, calm, and prudent. Adventure was out there, and it was waiting! Why choose to know life might not bless her partner with change? Maybelline knew her life was out in the world, out in this blazingly, cold world, and it was to live. Content is not living, content is cruel.
Maybelline could not stop thinking about contentedness, because on the other hand, she loved and loved deep the world. She found it hard to allow herself to not love anymore.

As Maybelline saw her way up her driveway, the water sprinkled down from the sky, and Maybelline was glad she made it home before anything else could block her one-way ride to chicken dinner.
Maybelline was greeted at the door by nothing.

With a smile, she turned on the lights, chose to end things next week instead - it'll be much easier - and sauntered into the kitchen.