Status: In Progress :)

Cheaters = Losers

I Don't Take The Time To Feel The Way I Do

Billie yanked his body away from mine as if he'd been burnt, effectively ending the feeling of limitless bliss. He began to shuffle backwards rapidly, until he let out a yelp. My hand was still entangled in his messy hair, but instead of laughing like we did earlier he simply hissed a "fuck," and grabbed ahold of my wrist, roughly pulling himself free. However, Billie didn't go very far; he just sat at the end of the bed furthest away from me, his bare back hunched and his head in his hands. Needless to say, the silence following was painfully awkward. I don't think either of us knew what to say to make the situation better.

The longer I sat there the worse I felt, naked, spent and alone in Billie's bed, I could think of nothing better than to crawl into my own and forget the whole incident, because clearly neither of us wanted to hear what had been said. The words were still echoing in my mind, I think I'm in love with you. I didn't know what to say and worst of all I didn't know what Billie wanted me to say. After what felt like an age but was about three minutes realistically, if that, I was feeling more vulnerable than ever. Wrapping his sheets around my body I reached for the nearest item that I could pull over my head, which of course was one of Billie's cotton t-shirts. I cringed but yanked the shirt on and stood up, picking up my dress and heels padding softly to the door.
"I'm, um, I'm going to go," I said slowly.

Apparently that seemed to shake Billie from whatever was occupying his mind.
"Wait! No!" I turned around, as Billie was scrabbling to pull on his boxers and stand up straight. "Oh fuck, Lily I'm so fucking sorry. I didn't mean to freak you out, fuck, I didn't even mean to say it and now I've fucking scared you off and this really isn't how I expected this to end," the heavy feeling in my chest was back, the one I felt when I broke up with Josh, expect this time it was ten times more acute, as everything was with Billie.
"It's okay, Beej, I'll just go back to my room and pretend it never happened," I muttered, but Billie reeled back, his hands gripping frustratedly at his hair.
"Fuck no," he groaned, apparently caught up in some inner turmoil.
"Um okay, I'll just stand here?" I questioned, but that seemed to not be the answer Billie wanted.
"No, I mean, I don't want you to pretend it never happened. Or forget about it," I stared at him, utterly bewildered.
"Billie, I don't get it? What do you want from me?"
"I don't want you to forget it because I meant it!" He finally yelled, effectively shutting my pathetic confused warbling off. There was a heat in my cheeks that matched his voice and I felt like there was a huge balloon in my chest, an overwhelming warmth seeping through me like syrup.

"You don't have to say it back, it's early days I know, but I think I've known for a long time. Something was up the day I met you for fucks sake, no one else makes me feel like I'm attached to a fucking live wire, y'know?" There was an incredibly irrational part of me that desperately wanted to run around screaming, call every person I knew and tell them that Billie Joe Armstrong loved me. I didn't, because I believe that kind of behaviour is considered stalkerish and is not how you behave in front of potential boyfriend-to-be, but I was fighting tears of pure ecstasy because I had loved Billie since I discovered his up and coming band when I was fourteen, and now here he was sat in front of me telling me he loved me first.

For the first time ever it felt like my brain had completely shut down, and I was numb. There wasn't a rational thought in my body and the more I concentrated the more I couldn't think of what to do about the situation. Instead, I let the insanely warm feeling in my chest and stomach decide,
"I think I'm in love with you," I muttered, trying to ignore the intense full-body blush by staring at my feet. Then I repeated it again more firmly to let him know that I really, really meant it. Billie's face split into a grin like a kid who just got everything he ever wanted on Christmas morning.
"Are you just saying that?" He suddenly questioned, expression immediately dropping.
"No, oh God no," I said softly and flung myself at him.

Billie caught me easily, his arms wrapped strongly around me, and when I had got over my blush enough to look up the first thing he did was smash his lips onto mine. My eyes immediately fluttered closed as the sweetness of the kiss took over, it felt different. This wasn't like our usual kisses, filled with passion and desperation and sexual tension, this one was sweet enough to make me melt, and I was glad we were sat down because had we been standing my knees would have given in. This was a kiss that put all of our previous words into action, I could feel it radiating off Billie and myself, mixing us in this warm, safe little bubble where nothing else mattered.

I felt Billie pick me up again and walk me towards the bed, gently placing me down. He carefully climbed into his side of the bed and immediately rolled to face me, lying so close that our legs intertwined and we were sharing breath, which should have been gross but saying as I just had sex with the guy I wasn't particularly bothered.
"You know," I said quietly as his hands traced my fingers, locking them together, his forehead gently touching mine "This really does change the dynamics of our friendship," he laughed softly, eyes creasing in that way that I just adored.
"Thank God," he chuckled as I stared at him. "I never wanted to be friends with you y'know?" He paused for a second, perhaps he was waiting for me to say something, but I was so tired my brain was going fuzzy and all I could manage was a grunt. "You know what? Why don't we make this official?" I squeezed Billie's hand gently in agreement "We are no longer friends,"
"Aren't you worried about the age difference?" The second I said it I regretted it and I sent a curse at my parents for the constant lectures as a teen.
"Why? How old are you?" Billie suddenly sounded panicked and he pulled away from me a little bit.
"Lily, three years is hardly a difference," Billie laughed, relaxed again. I don't know why I asked, I think somewhere in the back of my mind being so looked after by Billie and the others made me feel a lot younger than I actually was.
"Okay then,"
"You are strange, girlfriend," he placed a kiss on my nose.
"Don't get all cliché and gross on me, Mr," I said softly, feeling the tendrils of sleep pulling me even closer. Billie gently rolled me over so he could pull me into his body, burying his head into the crook of my neck, the last thing I heard before falling into a deep sleep was him whisper
"You don't even know how fucking amazing it is to call you mine,"


I woke up the next morning hugging a pillow, which sent a bolt of panic through me that last night hadn't happened at all, but as I felt for my glasses and shoved them on I realised that I was in an unfamiliar room, Billie's room, and there was a very obvious smell that made a small satisfied smile start to tug at my features. I pushed myself up to look for Billie but he was nowhere to be seen. I reached for my phone on the bedside table and my hand touched paper. Immediately I knew from the messy scrawl it was Billie's and it simply stated that I was not to panic because he was just downstairs. I assumed he was alone and decided he could survive for a little longer as I hauled myself up and began to root around in he's room, searching for something to wear.

When I made my way downstairs I followed my nose to the kitchen, where I once again found Billie. This time I stole up to him, wrapping my arms around his middle from behind and resting my head happily on the warm plane of his back. "What're you doing, Armstrong?" He didn't even flinch just turned so he could swoop down and press a kiss on my mouth. I found myself giggling against his lips, for some reason the thought that we both tasted of toothpaste was hilarious to me. He pulled back softly,
"Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to do tha- woah," he tailed off as his eyes left my face and trailed down my body. I was wearing nothing but the underwear from last night and Billie's denim jacket. He lunged for me, picking me up with ease and placing me on a counter top, positioning himself between my legs as he attacked my neck with peppered kisses.
"That's not fair, Lily,"
"What's not?" I played innocent as I traced patterns across his back.
"Driving me wild, dressing like that," he almost growled. Getting the response I was aiming for my head fell back in laughter, to which Billie responded by shutting me up with a kiss.
"No Jimmy this morning?" I asked, suddenly aware that our usual intruder wasn't around making snarky comments.
"I locked her out," Billie grinned darkly and pressed another kiss against my mouth.

"Okay, but actually I'm starving. What are we having?" I forced myself to pull away, but not far. Billie jumped and shot away from me, frantically back to his pan.
"Burnt waffles if you keep distracting me!" He scolded, looking very adorable as he pointed the spatula at me accusingly. Stifling a giggle I slid down from the counter and into one of his barstools.
"Then have it noted, sir, that I'm duly apologetic," he gave me a weird look as he set down two plates of waffles. We ate for a while in silence, I was far hungrier than I realised. I found that I kept watching Billie as I ate, and he me, so that our gazes kept meeting, but it was no longer awkward as every time it happened we both dissolved into giggles like a pair of teenagers. I liked to watch Billie, he was a very beautiful person in a morning. Well, actually he was always a very beautiful person, but that morning there was something spectacular about him that I couldn't quite place.

He was wearing his boxer shorts and a random cotton shirt, which was pretty standard for Billie, but maybe it was the way he held himself a little more upright, or how he hadn't taken off his eyeliner so it was a little smudged or the way his usually messy hair was a complete birds nest with no rhyme or reason to it, with bits that were straight and bits that were curly and bits that were sticking up and out and bits that were stuck to his head.
"You know, you have the best sex hair," I stated bluntly when he asked my what was up, before laughing at myself, God I sounded like Jimmy, which I decided wasn't an entirely bad thing.

Once we had finished eating Billie had to go and get dressed. He reappeared with his hair back in its more organised mess and placed a quick kiss on my lips, again. "I have to go to the studio, I should be home for dinner but if I'm not don't stay up for me, okay?"
"Okay," I lost myself to laughter again, which was a really bad habit. "Look at us being all domestic," I giggled, he got that funny look in his eye and swooped down for another kiss.

It was at that moment that Jemima walked in, apparently knocking or even respecting the fact that this was somebody else's house was below her.
"Gross," she sang as Billie and I sprung apart
"Jimmy!" Billie started, but I intervened by placing both hands on his chest.
"I thought you locked her out?" I questioned him with an soft laugh. Billie was scowling at Jimmy, but there was a smile quirking at his lips.
"Well it would have worked better if she hadn't shoved her key down her pants," at that we all burst out laughing
"Go to work," I said quietly.
"Okay, love you,"
"Yeah yeah. Love you too," I said as he pecked my lips a final time before leaving.

"Ew, if you're gonna be all mushy you should really get a room,"
"Jimmy, we had a room! In fact we had a whole house! What are you even doing here?"
"A hallway is not a room, well unless you're Tré, but that's a whole other story," she raised an eyebrow as she looked me up and down, suddenly I remembered what I was wearing and felt very self-conscious, I twisted in that funny way you do when you're trying to hide yourself.
"Jimmy!" I shrieked.
"What? Can't kill a girl for looking, especially when you're stood right there,"
"Oh my God you have no shame," I whined at her smirking face.
"Not a scrap. Anyway, relax, it's nothing I haven't seen before. Go and get changed, Ruby's coming over later," she said as she shooed me up the stairs. "Have you ever considered a threesome?" She shouted up after me.
"Jimmy!" I yelled.
"Just asking!" Her reply was getting fainter, telling me that she'd probably wandered off, most likely to raid the kitchen.

I changed quickly into a pair of pale ripped jeans and a burgundy Harry Potter tank top. Jimmy was in the den when I next appeared.
"There you are," she said as I collapsed next to her. She held up one of Billie's old VCR tapes to me and I grinned in approval. It was a shitty old horror film about a psychopathic magician who actually cut his assistants up and it was full of plastic limbs and red paint. We stuck the movie on and began to dig in on the snacks that Jimmy had set out, for about twelve people. We sat in companionable silence for about to twenty minutes until Jimmy suddenly spoke.

"What's that?"
"On your neck?" Without much warning she lunged and me, and had me pinned down. She sat on my hips with ease as she pushed aside the thin strap of my tank top to get a full look at the bruises forming on my neck. "Damn girl you got hickeys," she nodded approvingly.
"You could've just asked, I would've told you," I muttered as I pushed her off me, and threw a handful of popcorn at her for good measure.
"I like my way better though," she winked at me. "Anyway, so you got hickeys. Did you and Billie fuck?" My face was most definitely red as I hid from her. "Don't be shy, Lily, we all do it. Some more than others,"
"Okay! Yes we had sex,"
"Ah ha! I knew it, ten points for me," she sang. "And?"
"And nothing. We had sex,"
"Yeah and then what?"
"Fine, he said he loved me,"
"Yessss," she punched the air "and you said it back?"
"Great. Finally. It's about time you two fucked. Now how long ago was that....a month? Two? Thank you, Lily, I just earned my ass $100,"

"Jimmy, what have I told you about betting on your friends?" Another girl was stood in the doorway, it was Ruby. I'd only briefly met her a few times, but I quite liked her. She wasn't as loud mouthed as Jimmy, but she wasn't as painfully shy and awkward as me. She sat at a comfortable in between. Ruby was pretty, too, she was taller than both Jimmy and I and carried her self with a classy air that matched her sleek, city fashion looks. She had long auburn hair that was always left down in shining waves and soft mocha eyes, with perfect make up.
"Don't do it?" Jimmy asked with wide, innocent eyes.
"Exactly, but like you listen to the law major, hi Lily,"
"Hey," I called to her. As she came in and sat down.
"So, why are you $100 richer?" She asked Jimmy
"Lily and Billie fucked!" She cackled with great glee.
"That's it? Thank god, finally," Ruby said with a smile at me. "Sorry, Lily, it's been killing us watching the two of you struggle to control your sexual tension," she laughed and popped a handful of M&Ms in her mouth. My eyes widened as I had missed that bowl. I grabbed it off her at lighting speed and began munching like a crazed squirrel.
"Oh yeah, Rubes, don't touch her M&Ms Jesus Christ, do you want to die?" Jimmy laughed. We didn't really pay much attention to the rest of the film, as we talked and giggled our way through it like teenagers on a sleepover, the girls demanding to know every last detail and as incriminating as it was, I was under death threats from Jimmy so I spilt the beans and told them everything. There was lots of squealing and Jimmy's comments making me try and burrow under the sofa as the blush covered me from head to toe.

Once the movie ended, Ruby stood up. "Right, it's been great guys but I'm gonna have to go, Mike wants to take me to that fancy restaurant near Queens,"
"Oh, that's nice that place," Jimmy stated knowledgeablely.
"How you you know, Jim? You and Tré got kicked out," Ruby laughed as she
"Have fun!" I called as she left.
"I should get going, too," Jimmy said, "Tré wants a lock-in," she smirked and I could feel what she meant. "Oh, wash the sheets at 86 degrees. Does wanders for removing stains," and with that she left.

I didn't do much for the rest of the day, aside from the washing like Jimmy told me to, and she was right of course. I think I would be very much dead without Jimmy by this point. Billie didn't come home till late, which meant I spent about an hour fighting with the oven before ordering a pizza. After pigging out on junk food I then crawled back into my own bed at a silly early time and was just drifting off to sleep when I heard Billie come through the front door. He was very quiet, careful not to disturb anything in case I was asleep.

I vaguely heard the door creek as Billie came in to see where I was
"There you are," he murmured. "What on Earth are you doing in here?" I felt him ever so gently pick me up bridal style and carry me across the hall. I was too sleepy to do much but snuggle further into his warm chest. He collapsed into his bed and resumed the same position as last night, curled protectively around me.