Status: In Progress :)

Cheaters = Losers


I know, I know! I don't usually do Author's Notes because they're boring and blah but this is actually important so PLEASE READ!

First of all, no I am not stopping this story/deleting/going on hiatus. This book is in full swing and I'm working on the next chapter I promise, I've just been crazy busy atm.

What I wanted to talk to you about was my title. Since I started writing this over a year ago I've had the same title, and I have a few working ones that are kind of growing on me, so I'm putting it to a vote.

All I want you to do is comment the number of your vote (like it won't even be that hard, two seconds isn't too much, right?)

1. Keep the title “Cheaters = Losers”
2. Change it to “Home Is Where Your Heart Is”
3. Change it to “Silently Drawn” [this was thought of by @jadedspazz and she said I could use it because I love it so much]

Yeah so that's it. I really value what you guys think because you're the readers and I want a title that captures your attention and makes you want to read, not just what I, as an author, think of.

So yeah, votes are HUGELY APPRECIATED and I'm so so so sorry this isn't an update, but expect one soon.
And here's a little gift for those of you who actually voted and read all of this:
[Something MAJOR is about to happen in the next chapter and I'm so excited to get it out for you!]

Much love,
Le Gremlin