I've Got You


Miley had to run through her scenes with Mitchell. They were currently on the beach as their set. Miley and Mitchell were seated on the sand practicing their lines. Meanwhile Sierra and Cody were on the sidelines watching them.

“So what do you think about Miley?” Cody asked Sierra curiously.

“She’s great! I bet this is a start of a beautiful friendship,” Sierra said, hiding her disgust easily. And that's why we're called actors.

“That’s cool. I want my two best girls to get along of course,” Cody said sincerely, smiling big. Sierra smiled back sweetly. She looked over and saw Miley watching them out of the corner of her eye. I’m going to give her something to really want to see. She turned to Cody and pouted.

“What’s wrong Sierra?” he asked chuckling at her childish behavior. Sierra fiddled with her thumbs and looked down. Sierra sighed and responded, “It’s just that I don’t think I have my lines down for our scene together.”

“Ohh, well if you want we can practice now,” Cody said more than stated. "Which scene do you want to rehearse?”
“Uhm…The one in the hallway," Sierra said referring to the scene where Cody and Sierra are supposed to flirt, as Jake & Lily of course.

“Okay, sure “ Cody replied. Sierra smirked seeing her plan go into action.

As Sierra and Cody were running through the lines and acted flirty Miley was Glaring harshly across the set. If looks could kill, Sierra would surely be dead by now.

But little did Sierra know that while flirting with Cody, as part of her acting, Matt was walking through the doors of the set looking for Sierra to congradulate her and take her out to lunch. Sierra heard the door open but thought nothing of it as her and Cody continued practicing.

“I loved you as the zombie player, Jake,” Sierra said, acting out her lines by putting an arm around his shoulder.

“Thank you. I really enjoyed playing that in the movie,” Cody replied back in the same flirty tone. Sierra heard someone clear their throat and say her name. She turned around taking her arm off Jake and forgetting completely about the scene as she came face to face with Matt. Matt looked furious and Sierra was scared because she knew he saw the acting scene. Matt clenched his jaw trying to control his anger but it didn’t work one bit.

“Wow Sierra, never knew you were such a slut,” Matt seethed. Sierra looked shocked and hurt that he would say such a thing. Matt was always sweet in their relationship and never did nor said anything bad to her. Sierra was at a lost for words. But then cleared her throat and asked frightened, “What are you talking about Matt? I'm doing nothing wrong.” Sierra spoke with a shaky voice trying to swallow back tears. At thid point everyone was just watching what was taking place. Matt just looked at Sierra with hatred.

“I came here to congradulate you and take you too lunch, yet you repay me bye being all over some actor and basically throwing your self at him. Wow. And to imagine I actually thought you had self respect, but you clearly don’t, seeing as how your probably the biggest whore I have ever met. Right now, I thought you were so innocent. I thought what we had was special, but apparently it means nothing to you,” Matthew said venom dripping of his every word. Sierra was just shell-shocked that he had actually said those things. She couldn’t take the way he was looking at her.

Miley hated to admit it but she actually felt really bad for Sierra as she saw a single tear run down her cheek. After that more just kept freely coming as much as she tried to wipe them away she couldn’t.

“It w-was j-just acting,” she managed to choke out as Cody took her in his arms trying to calm her down. Matt looked over to both of them just glaring.

"Yeah just acting right?” he said more than asked, pointing at Cody hugging her in a brotherly manner. But he overlooked that part, and just saw it as more proof of her cheating.

Before Sierra had a chance to say something back, he just stormed out of the place.

Sierra fell to her knee’s sobbing. I can’t believe he said that to me. We were practically inseperable. I thought he loved me but I guess wrong. I guess our bond was as string, as I thought if this is all it took for him to be gone. Thinking these things, she heard someone running over to her and lift her up off the floor into a hug. She pulled away to see who was hugging her and she was shocked and speechless as to who she saw. She saw Miley!

Sierra was still really mad and felt that Miley was doing it out of pity. So she pushed Miley off and dashed for the dressing room. She went to the corner of the room and wrapped her self up in a ball buring her face in her hands.She stared getting flash backs of when her and Matt were together.

Miley Point of View

I watched as Sierra fell sobbing to the ground. I pushed aside all of our differences and ran to her. I picked her up off the ground and cradled her in my arms knowing no one deserved this kind of torture. Sierra pulled a little out of my grasp, still shaking and sobbing violently. She looked at me and then pushed me off of her, but not with enough force to hurt me in any way. I sighed as I saw her run towards the dressing room.

Cody pulled me into a tight embrace, seeing me frustrated in trying to help her and make her feel better. I heard the double doors to the set open and I hoped for Matt's own good he didn’t come back, or else even I would throw a punch at him. But when I looked to see who it was, I saw none other then my best friends, the Jonas Brothers. Kevin was the first to notice me and smiled happily but when he saw the frown on my face his smile quickly disappeared and got replaced with worry. He tapped his brothers on the shoulder who were STILL looking around for me completely clueless.

They turned to see me but also saw the frown on my face and rushed over.

“Miles, what wrong?” asked Joe, putting two comforting hands on my shoulder. I sighed and sat them all down with Cody by my side . I slowly started explaining everything that happened with Sierra, and everything that asshole Matt had said to her. At the end I looked up at them they looked really angry even though they didn’t know Sierra. They were truly warm-hearted people.

“Where did she go?!” they all asked at the same time. I sighed and pointed to the dressing room. They were all about to get up but I grabbed all of their arms and sat them back down.

“Wait, you guys can't all go in at once. Trust me she will not like it. But I think Nick should go in guys.” I said to them. They all looked at me with a weird expression but I just gave Nick a reassuring smile and pushed him towards the dressing room. I couldn’t understand it, but I had a feeling that only Nick would be able to get through to her and make her feel better.

Third Person Point Of View

Sierra was crying and practically choking on tears. Her head was throbbing and her vision was blurry. But she didn’t care. She felt so betrayed. Matt didn’t even give her time to explain; he just threw everything away. Sierra was sure she didn’t love him. But she still liked him very much. She couldn’t help but think their relationship was a lie. She heard the sound of a door open.

“If its Cody or Miley, please go away,” she said quietly. She waited for a sound of the door closing, but instead was met with the sound of a beautiful voice.

“What about if it's not them? Hi, I'm Nick. You must be Sierra.” Nick said offering his hand and sitting on the floor next to her. Sierra was shocked when she looked up and saw none other than Nick Jonas. She studied his face looking for any signs saying that he was just mocking her, but found nothing. Instead she saw sincerity. On the other hand Nick was sure he never saw anyone so beautiful. He looked in her eyes but saw someone that was bent and broken on the outside. He was snapped back to reality when she shook his hand.

“Yeah, I am. And I don’t need your pity. Why are you here? Why do you care? You don’t even know me. I'm worthless.” she said sadly.

He looked deep into her beautiful eyes and said something that was very deep, enough that it got Sierra thinking.
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LOL I'm sorry I'm so mean, Nicole.......but that's just the way I roll!!!! (:
Anywho, chapter written by Nicole over there...so next chapter is me!!!