I've Got You


After a really nice pep talk from Nick, Sierra prepared her self to go speak with Miley. She walked out of her dressing room with Nick’s arms slung around her shoulders. They appeared out of the hallway and Sierra met the smiling faces of Joe and Kevin. She smiled back and Joe nodded towards Cody and Miley who were still hugging. Sierra frowned and tentatively walked towards them. She tapped Miley on the shoulder and Miley spun around. When Miley saw Sierra she took a step back into Cody’s chest.

“Miley I’m so sorry for the way I treated you. It’s just that I’m not use to being cared for so I tend to punch people away. But you’ve been trying reallyhard and I‘ve been acting like a bitch. And I apologize. I hope we can be friends if you forgive me. I think you’re actually a great person.” Sierra said honestly. Cody and Miley smiled at her. Miley hugged Sierra, and Sierra hugged back. After they parted, Sierra looked at Cody and smiled. They hadn’t talked in a while.

“Si! We haven’t talked in so long. I missed you,” He exclaimed and hugged her tightly. Sierra laughed and hugged back, trying to pretend she didn’t see the daggers Nick was shooting at Cody.

Sierra, Cody, Miley, Nick, Kevin, and Joe decided they would go to dinner that night. But until then Miley, Cody, and Sierra got back to filming.

It was 2 hours until Miley and Sierra would be getting pick up by the boys. They had decided that Nick would be Sierra’s date, since they both were single, then Cody and Miley of course, Joe and A.J, and Kevin and Aly. Sierra went over Miley’s house to get ready and be picked up from there since they all freakishly lived in the same neighborhood, even Cody.

Miley and Sierra were reading Seventeen Magazine when Miley jumped up and said, “Okay we really need to start getting ready. Sierra you can shower first if you’d like.”
Sierra laughed at her hyperness and agreed. While Sierra showered Miley pulled out the outfits that they were going to wear.

She had a surprise one for Sierra. It was a beautiful black Dolce & Gabbana dress that stopped 4 inches above the knee. Miley herself was going to wear an also beautiful Louis Vuitton dress that stopped at the same length.

Lets just say the girls were going to look stunning.

When Sierra came out the shower, Miley showed her the dress.

“NO WAY! I can’t let you do this for me! Its too much,” Sierra protested. Miley smiled and held out the dress towards Sierra.

“Listen Si. I know you and Nick have feelings for each other even though you guys are too stupid enough to see it. Nick is my best friend and you will be too. But let’s make these boys drool tonight,” Miley smirked. Sierra sighed in defeat and smiled in appreciation. They hugged and Miley took of towards the bathroom to shower.

Sierra started doing her hair and make-up. When Miley came out the shower Sierra was done with her hair and make-up and offered to do Miley’s. Miley accepted the offer since Sierra could catch the spots that Miley couldn’t if she was doing it herself. After the girls finished their hair and make-up, they slipped on their dresses and sprayed on some Burberry perfume for the finishing touch.

Aly and A.J. had just come over so they could make their grand entrance together. The door bell rang and Miley’s dad opened the door.

“Miles! Get down here; the boys are here!” He yelled. The girls took a deep breath and started down the stairs. They were happy, excited, and nervous.

And the boys…..Well lets just say they were speechless.
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Beautifully written by Nicole (:
Ok, next one is mine