I've Got You


Nicks point of view

Me, Cody, Joe, and Kevin were walking to Miley’s house to pick up the girls. We were just goofing off as we walked down the street, and the only talk was about how the girls would look tonight.

“Ah, I cant wait to see how Miley looks. The things that girl makes me feel man.” Cody said.

“Yeah well, you better not hurt our best friend or you’ll go down!” Me, Joe, and Kevin said simultaneously and started laughing.

Miley was really close to all of us and so was Aly & A.J. Joe and Kevin had been dating them for months now and they were always over so we all go really close; almost like siblings. Cody just chuckled and we arrived at the girls doorstep and knocked on the door. Miley’s dad answered the door and shook our hands.

“Miles! Get down here! The boys are here!” He yelled up the grand staircase.

I heard heels colliding with the floor and we all looked up. There was Aly, A.J, Sierra, and Miley. They all looked amazing. I’m pretty sure all of our jaws were hitting the floor, but they just continued down the stairs.

“Pick up yours jaws boys. Don’t wanna catch a fly in there.” Miley said, smirking. We just rolled our eyes. I decided to play a game with Sierra. I winked to the guys so they could do it also. They nodded and smirked.

“Wow Miley, you look amazing. I’m proud to say I have a hot best friend,” I said to Miley. Miley blushed and chuckled. I knew she knew what I was doing. We were best friends, after all. She smirked even more.

“Wow Nicholas, you sure know how to clean up after yourself. I’m proud to say that I have a hot best friend, too!” Miley smiled at me.

“Goddamn Aly you look hot! How come Kevin gets the good twin?!” Joe said to Aly. Aly’s jaw dropped and she smiled nervously. Joe looked at A.J and she had a sad smile on her face but a glare in her eyes. Joe smirked again.

“Oh wow A.J. I was right you are the prettiest most amazing girl ever.” Kevin said smiling at A.J. She smiled weakly.

“I agree with Joe!” Cody said smirking and pounding Joe’s fist.

“Hell yeahhh !” Joe yelled .

We all looked at Sierra and seemed really sad and disappointed. The guys looked at each other and we doubled over laughing. The girls glared at us now knowing what we were up to except for Miley; she already knew and was just shaking her head, smiling.We all walked up to our dates; I grabbed Sierra hands and she glared at me slightly, still mad about earlier. I smiled and put my mouth next to her ear.

“You know im just kidding. You took my breath away.” I whispered in her ear.


“You know im just kidding. You took my breath away.” Nick whispered in Sierra’s ear seductively. Sierra flashed him her million dollar smile. Sierra looked at the girls and saw that they were making out with their boyfriends. She laughed when she saw Joe, Cody, and Kevin pound fist behind the girls back. Nick smiled and coughed to get their attention. They still kept kissing though. Sierra smiled.

“Oh my God! Jessica Alba’s on T.V!” all the boys pulled away from their girls and ran to the T.V. The girls laughed, and you could hear aggrivated noises coming from inside.

“Sierra!” The boys whined. Sierra smiled and shook her head. Nick grabbed her hand and walked out the door and in the limo. 2 minutes later everyone else got in and they took off.


The limo ride home from the restaurant was fairly quiet. It was quite late, and everyone was tired. No one spoke, no one laughed, no one cracked jokes. Music was playing somewhere softly in the backround, which Sierra was quite grateful for. Otherwise, there would have been an awfully awkward silence.

The dinner itself had gone pretty well. Everyone was having fun, and nothing had really gone wrong.

Until dessert, that is.

Everyone was enjoying a sundae, when all of a sudden, Sierra looked up and found herself looking right at her ex, Matt.

She had sucked in air, trying to remain calm. All of her muscles tensed, and her heart pounded in her ears.

“Sierra, you okay?” Nick had asked. She nodded her head, keeping her lips pursed, instead of opening them and screaming out.

“Sie, you look really pale,” Miley had stated, pulling her hand out of Cody’s grasp and putting it on top of Sierra’s. Matt was still watching her, with absolutely no emotion in his eyes.

Sierra let out a soft whimper, and had felt her lips quiver slightly. Miley’s eyes left her face and looked in the direction of Sierra’s own gaze. Nick looked too, and his gaze hardened.

The napkin that had been on Nick’s lap dropped to the ground as he stood up. Sierra could see his clenched fists down at his sides, and his arms quivered in anger.

“Nick,” Miley started, reaching across her boyfriend in the hope of stopping Nick as he started across the restaurant towards Matt. Sierra’s eyes widened as she realized what was happening.

“Nick,” she called, getting up as well. She ran towards him, but he had already almost reached Matt. “Nick, wait.” She reached towards his arm, but he continued to walk, brushing right past her.

“Matthew,” he simply said once he reached the table where Sierra’s ex was sitting. He was there with another girl that she didn’t recognize.

“Sierra,” Matt said once he saw her come up from behind Nick. He said her name with a sneer, and she could hear the hatred dripping from his voice. “So nice to see you here with….him.” He nodded towards where Cody was sitting with his arm around Miley’s shoulder, who was watching them anxiously. “Except he seems to be getting quite cozy with Miley Cyrus over there, doesn’t he?” He laughed harshly.

“Don’t mock Sierra,” Nick said tensely, his glare never leaving Matt’s face. Matt turned towards Nick, as if noticing him for the first time, and raised an eyebrow.

“And now you’ve got Nick Jonas to protect you, Sie? Jeez, you’re surrounded by Disney freaks.”

Sierra didn’t let the weak side of her to take over. She just simply shook her head and continued to gaze softly at Matt, not letting a single emotion cross her face.

“Don’t you dare talk to him like that,” she hissed. Matt turned towards her again, but she didn’t let him speak quite yet. “He’s done nothing but help me, especially when you walked out. If you loved me like you said you did, you would have let me explain what was going on. You would have known that I was simply rehearsing a scene with my co-star, and there was nothing else to it. If you loved me, you would have forgiven and forgotten.”

“So what you’re saying,” Matt scoffed as he stood up, “is that I was lieing when I said I loved you?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

Sierra ignored the looks dripping with jealousy that were coming from Nick. His fists were still clenched at his sides, probably trying to refrain from hitting Matt.

A silence engulfed the three teens, and it seemed that the only way it could have possibly ended would be if someone were to come over and save them. Which was exactly what happened.

“Hey, Sie? Nick? We’re leaving. The limo just got here.” Miley looked anxiously from Sierra to Matt to Nick, praying that this feud would stay violence free. Miley reached down and tried to take Sierra’s hand, trying to pull her out of the death glare she was sending Matt.

“Come on, Sie. We really have to go…”

Sierra nodded once and took a step back towards Miley. She took Nick gently by the arm and pulled him away from Matt, and then the three friends walked away in silence, leaving Matt standing there in silence.



Miley followed Nick into his house, just behind his brothers. They had already dropped Sierra, Aly, and A.J. off at their own houses, so now it was just the four best friends.

“Nick, you should be really careful…I don’t know if you saw how Sierra was looking at him.” Miley tried to make her best friend see some sense.

They had been discussing the evening’s events that had ended in Sierra crying lightly on Nick’s shoulder on the way back home in the limo. Currently, Nick refused to hear anything that involved Matt & Sierra (as an item).

“She looked really torn and hurt, Nick.”

Nick continued to pretend as if he couldn’t hear her. He jogged up the stairs and slipped into his room, but Miley was right behind him.

“Nick, would you listen to me? I’m trying to give you some advice I may never give you again.”

He simply sat down at his desk and opened his laptop.

“Fine. Then I won’t tell you how confused Sierra is about you and Matt…”

Nick’s head snapped up to look at Miley. “She’s confused about me?” he asked, hopefully.

“And Matt.”

Nick rolled his eyes, but he was full-on listening now.

“I think she likes you,” Miley went on. “You comforted her when she needed it and didn’t care that she looked crappy because she was crying. And that makes a girl impressed. But she still feels guilty about Matt, so she doesn’t really know what to do.”

“You really think so?”

“I know so.”
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nicole finally said i could post it haha.
so next one's mine again...and then it's nicole's.