Luna Roja


Roja never slept.

She found herself enthralled with the book. What words that weren't faded were in what looked like a long forgotten language. But some how the lettering felt as if she had seen it before.

Only one other phrase was clear and all it read was "a red moon"

Roja sighed and turned back to the very last pages, all blank.

"Why would anyone give me this?" She thought.

There was a knock on the door and Roja tucked the book into the Breast of her jacket.

"Come in" she called, try door opened and there stood Maria and Al.

Maria looked annoyed and Al look slightly ashamed.

"Whats happened?" Roja asked.

"Finn, Nero and a lot of the others they...." Al bit his cheek. "Bailed" Maria finished.

Roja nodded and stood up slowly staggering a bit, but she steadied herself and played it off as her stomach lerched painfully.

"Its ok, I figure they would" Roja said. She gave a firm nod. "We still do the raid" Roja affirmed.


Toboe was on his way back to Kiba and Hige. He hadn't found Tsume, but he wanted to check up on Roja before going back.

On his way, he stopped by an alley and herd a familiar voice.

"So we do the jump after?" Nero asked. "Yeah, we good the goods and go, it'll be just another gang crime to the police, petty slums having a spat" Finn's voice said.

Toboe listened with his sharp ears. "And if Tsume returns?" Nero asked. "Won't matter, we'll be long gone" Finn said. Nero fell silent. "I don't like either of them either but this would be..."

Toboe stopped listening and looked around, "I've gotta get Tsume!" He thought running off.

In the den at the ruins of the cities edge Tsume, Hige, and Kiba lay sleeping.

"Get up! Guys! Come on!" Toboe yelled running up. Hige grumbled and turned over. "Tsume! Tsume you have to wake up and come with me now!" He tried again.

"Shut up runt, I have a few more hours left to sleep" Tsume muttered. Kiba slowly sat up and examined Toboe's frantic face. "What's wrong?" He asked calmly.

"Its Roja!" Toboe kept his eyes fixed on Tsume who sat up.

"How do you?" Tsume asked. Hige woke up rubbing his eyes "a lady?" Hige asked groggy.

"Nero, Nero and Finn are-" before Toboe could finish Tsume had kept to his feet and took off "damnit!" He called.

Without asking for details Kiba got up and followed after Tsume and Toboe.

Hige sighed "aw man, tch" Hige huffed going after them.


Roja slid her mini revolver in her skirt and got ready for the raid, she left her building early and got down to the railway station.

There she was met by 5 nervous looking people. Roja drew in a breath, she had expected for some to leave but not over half. 5 left out of 15?

Closing her eyes Roja walked past the five. "Prepare the artillery and I'll get the Dun buggies ready" she said holding posture until she was out of their site.

Leaning against the buggies Roja banged her fist against it softly and gazed off in thought. "Can I really pull this one off?" She thought.


Tsume and Toboe had lead Kiba and Hige to the abandoned building that Tsume had called home with Roja.

Tsume flung open the door to find it empty. "Damn" Tsume growled looking around, Roja was gone and by the looks for this she'd been gone a while.

"Check the rooftop" Toboe said. Tsume nodded and ran out the door and up the stairs.

Stepping out onto the rooftop Tsume exhaled finding it vacant. He paced for a while when his eyes spotted orange flashes far off in the distance just outside of tried cities boarders.

"She's already started the raid" he muttered. Toboe had made it up the stairs just as Tsume went to jump down from the building. "H-hey, We're you going?!" Toboe called. "Tell Kiba and Hige to go to the railway station!" Tsume said before jumping.


Gunfire drowned out all over sounds as Roja stood on top of the moving Noble train. She had just kicked a shot guard off the side and opened the hatch.

Dropping herself into the train car she was greeted by another armed guard. Armed with a dart gun she fired a instant tranquilizer and the guard hit the ground sleeping.

Roja let out a sigh of relief that he hadn't drawn first before unlocking a large side door. And she did so Maria pulled her buggie close and Roja handed her boxes and luggage. This was only their second car. They needed at least one more. But time was running out.

Al fired at a guard taking him out meanwhile near the head of the train the conductor managed to shoot and blow out one of the other buggies tires. It swirled losing control and flipped several times.

Roja watched wide eyed. This wasn't working. She threw one last box and set an grenade in the car before jumping into the buggie with Maria and Al. "Lead us back to the old railway!" Roja called over the noise.

"Why?" Maria asked. Roja shook her head "I won't risk anymore of you this is over for tonight there are to few of us!" Roja called. She looked off to the side, ashamed and her pride hurt. "Sorry Tsume" she muttered as she fired a shot at the grenade in the train car blowing it up and causing the whole train to follow the same fate.

Maria then lead them off back to the railway.