Demolition Lovers

I'll let you know just how much you mean to me

A week had passed since his heart had shattered into a million tiny pieces. Most of his time had been spent in the darkness of his room, where he'd spent his time drawing. Drawing pictures of her, over and over again. Her jet black hair, her ice blue eyes, her full lips. She was his reason for living... he'd thought she understood. In his depression, he'd contemplated the razor, but he knew that way hadn't helped in the past. He couldn't sleep, couldn't eat. He felt so lost and there was no way to release the pain. At least with his pen and paper images of her, she'd still be there with him, in a twisted kind of way. He knew his logic didn't make sense, but he was beyond caring.
He'd followed her once. Yesterday. It was a Saturday. He'd watched her saunter down the road, chatting on her phone, seemingly without a care in the world. He took careful precautions in order not to be noticed. He'd witnessed her meeting up with her best friend, and spied on them as they went shopping together. Typical girly things. He'd seen her flirt with the guy behind the counter in Starbucks. That had enraged him. How could she have gotten over him so quickly? Didn't he mean anything to her?
He stopped his furious sketching and put his pen down. He knew what to do. Life wasn't worth living if he didn't have her. If he was going, she was coming with him.

She was still thinking about him. She still felt...she didn't know what to feel anymore. Tired after a long day, she came to a halt in front of her house. She just wanted to crawl underneath her bedsheets and sleep. Sleep was the only place where her thoughts didn't haunt her.
She opened the front door, greeted by her mother.
"You've got a visitor." Her mother smiled.
She turned the corner into the living room and was taken aback. It was him. She uttered his name in shock.
"Can we talk?" He asked. She stared at him. He didn't look well, There were dark circles around his eyes. It looked like he hadn't slept in a while.
"Um...OK,.." She stuttered.
"Not here. In my car. Please?" There was a look of desperation in his eyes, and she gave in.
"Sure." She muttered, and followed him outside.