My Life Is a Cliché

First Kiss

Thaddeus drove me home after dinner with his parents. It had been a nice day but I knew I would be sore as hell tomorrow.

“A hot bath will help,” he told me as he pulled up to my curb. He sighed as he shifted his car into park. “Okay, Morana. Before I lose my nerve.”

I looked at him, confused, and he pressed his lips to mine. I was too shocked to respond and he pulled back.

“Good night,” he whispered.

“G-good night,” I whispered back and fumbled with the door handle before I finally got it to open.

I hurried up the stairs into the building, not looking back. I had trouble getting my keys into the lock but, when I did, I practically ran into my room, ignoring Katie. I went into my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I was so confused.

My lips were still tingling from where he had kissed me.


“So, you going to tell me why you look like you’re going to die?” Katie asked when I finally emerged from my room.

“He kissed me,” I whispered and she looked shocked before laughing. “It’s not funny!”

“How was it?” I unconsciously put my fingers to my lips. “Did you kiss him back?”

“I was so surprised and before I could he was saying good night.”

“Aww,” she said and ruffled my hair.

“I’ve never been kissed before,” I groaned.

“Does he know that?”

“No. Should I tell him?”

“Nope. Leave it be unless he asks.”

Suddenly my phone buzzed and I took it out of my pocket with shaking hands.

My mom insists you come over again.

I showed it to Katie, my eyes wide.

“What do I say?” I whispered as if he could hear me.

“Ask him if you’ll have to ride horses again.”

I did.

Nope. I don’t know why she wants you to come over and she won’t say.

“Oh jeez,” I groaned, putting my head in my hands.

Her exact words: Come over Saturday or my son will kidnap you.

Katie was laughing hysterically and I glared at her.

Okay. I’ll be there around noon. – M

-Thaddeus’s POV-

“Happy now?” I mumbled, showing my mother the response.

She beamed. “Yes, yes I am.”

“Why do you want her to come over so badly?”

“You’ll see,” she said with a wink.

I shook my head and went upstairs to take a shower before bed. I was worried that I went too far by kissing her. I couldn’t resist, though. Watching her laugh and share stories with my parents was wonderful. And the look on her face as she listened to David Bowie…. It was as if she had been experiencing peace she never had before.

I contemplated on whether or not I should see her during the week. I didn’t want to make it seem like I was stalking her, though. As I dried off, I thought of a reason to text her at all. Then it came to me.

-Morana’s POV-

“Get out of my office now,” I said through clenched teeth.

“Look, I just want one more chance,” Christy said.

I rubbed my eyes. “Miss Franklin, as much as I appreciate your persistence, the position has already been filled,” I said for the hundredth time.

“By a man,” she said disdainfully.

“I won’t have that here,” I snapped, standing up. “Now leave before I take a more forceful approach.”

Christy pressed her lips together, turned on her heels, and stalked off.

I let out a long sigh.

“Beatrice, can you get me some coffee?” I mumbled.

“Of course,” she said just as my office phone rang.

“Auto Find, this is Morana speaking,” I said.

“Hello, Morana, this is James over at Toyota,” he said and I searched through my notebook frantically for my notes.

“Oh, James at Toyota,” I said, flagging down Gregory who nodded, helping me search. “It’s so good to hear from you. How are you?”

“I’m doing quite well, quite well. I just wanted to let you know we’ve agreed to your terms and we’d love to partner with you.”

“That’s wonderful! I’m so glad to hear that!”

For the next hour I went over the process with him from start to finish. Beatrice brought me my coffee and I mouthed a thank you to her. By the end of the phone call, it was quitting time.

“Oh goodness,” I sighed, putting my head back. “Thank you for your help, Gregory.” He smiled. “Which reminds me.” I got up and went to the board. “James was your client, yes?”

“Yes ma’am,” he nodded and I made a mark.

“That gives you three clients! One of which being a dealership. Well done!”

He grinned in pride. “Thank you, Miss Morana.”

“Well, let’s go ahead and log off the phones. Beatrice, go ahead and clock out.”

It was Wednesday and my phone rang as I locked up. It was Thaddeus and my heart raced.

“Good evening,” I said.

“Do you need a ride home?” he asked. “I’m in the area. Maybe get dinner?”

“I’d love to but I already said I’d go out with Katie tonight. Do you want to come with us?” I added, blushing.

“That would be great.”

“I do need a ride. She took the car today. I’ll call her and let her know.”

“Great. See you in five.”

I hung up and called Katie.

“Oh! Can I invite Ian? It can be a double date!”

I rolled my eyes just as Thaddeus pulled in and waved. “Sure, Katie. Hold up a second.” I got in. “Where do you want to go?” I asked him.

“Let’s just go to that café just down the road,” he suggested and I nodded, passing the information along.

“Awesome! See you in ten minutes!”

“She’s inviting her boyfriend,” I said. “I hope that’s okay.”

“Sure,” he said. “How was work?”

“Stressful,” I sighed. “I had a girl who applied and was rejected come around to ask for a second chance.”

We got a booth for four and he sat beside me while we waited.

“Isn’t that a good thing? Wouldn’t you want a persistent employee?”

I laughed. “It would be if she didn’t keep coming by every day. Besides, she’s not the type who will try and learn.”

At the minute, Katie walked in with Ian.

“Ian,” Thaddeus said in surprise. They shook hands. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Likewise,” Ian returned.

“No burgers,” Katie said sternly and I nodded darkly.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got your back,” Thaddeus whispered in my ear.

I ordered my usual salad as did Katie. The two guys ordered burgers. Thaddeus ordered an unusually big one and we ate. Katie chattered away about her work and we listened. I was done with my salad quickly and drank water to keep myself busy. When Katie wasn’t looking, Thaddeus passed me a fry under the table.

Thaddeus paid for me, despite my protests, and drove me home. But we didn’t go straight to the apartment. He took me to a park and handed me the to-go box that had the rest of his burger.

“You’re amazing,” I said, biting into it eagerly.

He laughed and took a couple fries.

“I think you should tell Katie you don’t want to eat just salads anymore,” he said suddenly.

I sighed, licking the juice from the burger off my thumb. “I dunno. She wouldn’t take it well.”

“But you’re not happy.”

I looked at him. “Okay. I’ll tell her if you’ll tell your friends you’ve changed and you’re not like you were in high school.”

“Deal,” he said, shaking my hand.

I finished my burger and sighed. “Ah, thank you so much,” I said, looking at him.

“You have some ketchup,” he said in a low voice and he wiped the corner of my mouth with his thumb.

Our eyes locked and this time I took the initiative. I kissed him gently and he put his hand on the back of my neck. We broke apart and it felt like time had frozen. Then it sped up again and he was dropping me off at home.

“Thanks for everything,” I whispered and he kissed me lightly again. “I’ll see you on Saturday, Thaddeus.”

He looked surprised but I hurried out before he could mention it and went into the apartment, a silly smile on my face.