My Life Is a Cliché

Learning Responsibility

Thaddeus was at the apartment for a while. We were doing a lot of brainstorming on different events to host and the type of donations they would want for the ranch.

“Thanks for helping me with this,” he said when we were finally done. “I appreciate it a lot.”

“Of course,” Katie said. “It’s what I do.” She yawned. “Well, I’m off to bed. Good night, Thaddeus.”

“Night,” he said and pulled me into a hug. “I really hope these ideas work.”

“They will,” I assured him, resting my head on his chest. He smelled of the deodorant that I loved. “Just got to have a little faith and Katie and I are more than willing to help whenever you need us.”

“I guess it’s a good thing I decided to slip my wallet into your purse,” he joked and I laughed.

“What’s it like having your friends work for you?” I asked.

We started to sway to a music neither of us could hear.

“A little stressful, to be honest,” he answered with a sigh, linking his hands behind me. “I want them to do a good job but I also want them to learn, you know?”

I nodded, closing my eyes. “I’m glad you’re doing this, though. It’s good for them and for you, too.”

“What do you mean?”

“If you think about it, they’re your first employees.”

“You know, I really hadn’t thought about it like that. For me it was just two guys who really pissed me off and got themselves into serious trouble.”

“Well, whatever the situation, it’s good.”

He tightened his hold on me. “Yes, yes it is.”

We stopped talking and just rotated on the spot. He started to hum ‘Ashes to Ashes’ by David Bowie. It wasn’t exactly the most romantic song, but it was nice feeling the vibrations through his chest. My arms got tired so I slid my hands down onto his biceps. I remembered the day in the barn and my face turned a little red and was glad he couldn’t see me. He rested his head on mine and I sighed in contentment.

“I should probably head home,” he mumbled and I nodded.

“Okay. I need to go to bed anyway.”

He nodded, too. “Okay.”

Neither of us made a move to leave and I grinned. He let out a disappointed groan and leaned back, lifting my chin.

“Good night,” he whispered and brushed our lips together.

When he started to back off, I put my hand on the back of his neck and stopped him. He hesitated a little but then pushed back on my lips, our kiss becoming more feverish. His hands traveled to my hips and pulled my lower half to his. I gasped as one hand slipped under my shirt and up my stomach.

“Get a room!” Katie yelled on her way to the bathroom and I groaned.

“We had one until you came bursting in,” I snapped and she snorted, closing the bathroom door.

I shook my head but he kissed my hand. “I really should go anyway.”

“Good night,” I said, walking him to the door.

He kissed me quickly. “Good night.”

-Thaddeus’s POV-

As I drove home, papers with the plans on them in hand, I felt a little frustrated with Katie. At the same time, it was a good thing she stepped in. If she hadn’t….

The next morning, Hector and Frank showed up in more work appropriate attire. At least they weren’t wearing their designer clothes, at least.

“More shoveling?” Frank asked, looking nervous and I chuckled.

“No. Today I’m going to show you how to feed the horses,” I said and beckoned for them to follow me. “We have 30 horses right now, five of which are pregnant. They eat in the morning and at night. During the day, they graze or eat hay.”

“What kind of food do they eat?”

“It depends,” I answered, glad that they were asking questions. “Some eat sweet feed, some eat oats, and some even eat both. We have a couple that have special diets because they’re old.”

“Are all of them able to ride?”

“No. The ones over 15 are too old so we use them for classes.”

“I didn’t know you did so much,” Hector said. “I thought it was just riding lessons.”

“Nope,” I said simply and gathered up all the buckets.

I showed them where the feed bins were and how to measure it. Each bucket has a name and what they eat.

“Sometimes we get confused,” I said, “and we don’t want to give them the wrong food.”

When we had all the food in the buckets, it was about 3 hours until the horses had to eat. I decided to show them the pastures where they wandered.

“We hold classes between 8 in the morning and 6 in the evening.”

“Every day?”

“Monday through Saturday.”

We spent the rest of the time walking the perimeter of the pasture and I felt a twinge of annoyance. While Hector was genuinely interested, Frank was hanging back with his phone out. Finally, I took it from him. He glared.

“No phones while we’re working,” I said. “You can frighten the horses.”

“It’s on vibrate,” he snapped.

“It doesn’t matter,” I told him and pocketed it. I narrowed my eyes at the pair. “Have you been to the hospital yet?”

“We were going to go yesterday,” Frank said evasively.

I shook my head and had them follow me back to the barn. “We’re feeding the horses early and then going to the hospital.”

“But we’re all sweaty!” Frank protested.

“I don’t care. That’s part of work. Come on.”


Frank was sulking in the back seat.

“I’m not even the one who pushed him,” he complained. “Yeah, I started it, I just took the blame since Hector was plastered.”

“It doesn’t matter,” I said firmly. “Both of you need to learn what it’s like to take responsibility.”

“Who are you to talk?” he snapped.

I pressed my lips tightly, pulling into the parking garage of the hospital and parked. Before they could get out, I turned into my seat and pointed my finger at him.

“I’ve learned a lot within the last month,” I began. “I know now what it means to have your shit together and how people rely on you. One of these days, Frank, you’re going to have a family whether you believe it or not.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t have started dating that Morana chick,” Frank said, opening the door. “She’s changed you.”

He stalked off to the hospital doors.

“For what it’s worth,” Hector mumbled, “I think she changed you in a good way.”

“Thanks for being such a good sport about this,” I said as we walked in.

He shrugged. “You’re right. I need to grow up and learn responsibility.”

I clapped him on the back as we got into the elevator.