Bring (Baby) Me Back

Chapter 2

“What in the world…” Rian trailed off, still too shocked to talk.

“How did this happen?” Zack asked, looking at the baby pressed against Alex’s chest. “Jack can’t spontaneously turn into a baby.”

“It’s a prank. It’s the only reasonable option, Jack is pranking us.” Rian mumbled, and Alex shook his head.

“It’s not a prank.” He said, getting out of the bathroom. “We’ve all seen photos of Jack when he was a baby, this is him. Somehow he was turned into a baby and I’m gonna find out who did it.”

Alex put baby Jack on the couch, telling the guys to look after him while he was going to find a blanket, and disappeared to his room.

Losing sight of Alex, Jack started whimpering and then crying, and neither Zack nor Rian could calm him down, no matter what they did.

“Holy shit, little Jack sure has a pair of powerful lungs!” Rian exclaimed, covering his ears.

Zack slapped his arm. “Dude, language! You can’t swear in front of a baby!”

Rian gave Zack a weird look. “Zack, it’s Jack who we’re talking about. The guy swears more than both of us combined!”

“I don’t care; he’s a baby now, so no swearing!”

“Whatever, how do we shut him up?”

They looked at Jack, who was crying even louder now, slightly panicked.
How were they supposed to take care of him, they had never had a baby before!

Alex appeared in that moment, wincing at the loud noise.

“Jesus Christ, why is he crying?”

“We don’t know! He started crying when you went to your room!”

Alex walked to the couch, blanket in hand.

As soon as he got on Jack’s eyesight, his crying stopped instantly, and he started giggling, reaching his little hands to Alex.
Rian and Zack looked at the scene completely dumbfounded. 'What the hell just happened?'

Alex wrapped Jack in the blanket in a way that only his head was showing, ‘causing Rian to jokingly call him a “wrapped burrito.”

“What did you just say?” Alex exclaimed, eyes wide. Before anyone could reply, he continued: “That’s it! That’s what turned Jack into a baby, that burrito the strange man gave him!”

“Alex, how the f- how the hell can a burrito do that?” Rian asked, skeptical.

“Well, it’s an option. We don’t know what that man did to the burrito before he gave it to Jack.” Zack replied.

“I don’t know, it sounds way too weird…”

“Ri, everything in this is weird!” Alex exclaimed. “We have to find that man. But how will we do that?”

“We’ll think about that later. Right now we have to take care of Jack.” Zack said, looking at the baby. “We need clothes, diapers, all that stuff.”

“I’ll go buy them. The store is not too far away from here.” Alex replied, taking his keys.

“Oh no you aren’t.” Rian exclaimed, grabbing Alex’s arm. “You’ll stay right here with Jack.”

“Yeah, baby Jack is just as clingy to you as his grown up version.”

Alex blushed, tossing the keys to Rian before sitting on the couch.

Rian smiled, picking his wallet before walking out the door. Alex sighed, watching Zack play with Jack.

“Do you think we’ll be able to bring him back to normal?”

“We have to.”


Rian came back half an hour later, carrying a handful of bags. Alex and Zack helped him take everything inside, dumbfounded.

“Dude, this is way too much!” Alex exclaimed, looking at the bags.

“How did you pay for all of this anyway?”

Rian smirked, taking a card from his pocket.

“I used Jack’s credit card.” His friends gave him a weird look. “What? It’s for him, he pays for it!”

“Rian, remember me to never let you babysit my child if I ever have one.” Alex chuckled, taking things off the bags.

“Ditto.” Zack replied, laughing at Rian’s confused expression.

Alex took a diaper from the bag and some clothes, and gently picked Jack up and put him on the table.
Rian and Zack walked to the other side of the table, watching the scene while muttering to each other.

He was about to put the diaper on Jack when he suddenly whimpered and started peeing, right into Alex’s shirt.
Alex staggered back instantly, looking at his shirt mildly disgusted.

“Oh, come on!”

The baby started giggling, clapping his hands. Zack and Rian were laughing uncontrollably, hands on the table to steady themselves.

“You think this is funny?” Alex asked, irritated.

“Yeah, it- it’s really funny!” Rian cracked, trying to calm down.

“Then you can do it yourselves, I’m done!” He exclaimed, and then turned to Jack. “And you, you little bastard, you’re gonna pay for this when you come back to normal!”

Alex tried to sound angry, he really did, but how can you do it when you have the cutest baby giggling at you?
So he walked to his bedroom to change his shirt before anyone could see his growing smile.
Rian and Zack rounded the table, and Rian put the diaper on Jack, smiling.

“Now you really messed things up, uh buddy?”

“Pray that Alex won’t kill you when you get back to your normal self.” Zack replied.


The afternoon passed quite fast as the guys took care of the little troublemaker that was his friend now.

Alex tried to stay away from him, since he was still annoyed with the peeing thing, but he soon found out he couldn’t as Jack insisted on crawling to him, giggling and wanting to play with him.

Rian and Zack watched them with a smile. It was an adorable scene, they had to admit.

When night fell, they said goodbye to Alex and went to their respective houses, leaving Alex alone with his infant friend.

“It’s getting late now, isn’t it buddy?” he said to Jack, who was half asleep on his arms. “Where are you going to sleep?”

Jack made a noise and grabbed Alex’s shirt, making him smile.

“You wanna sleep with me? Well, we don’t really have an option, do we?”

He walked to his bedroom and carefully laid the baby on the bed, laying down next to him, pulling the covers.
He watched him fast asleep, smiling sweetly. Maybe his friend getting turned into a baby wasn’t such a bad thing.

“Good night, little guy.”