Bury The Hatchet?

Chapter 10: Sick Little Games?

Currently listening to: All Time Low- Sick Little Games: www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwEixM4D...
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Chapter 10: Sick Little Games?
-Time skip 2 weeks later-
 The tour was coming to an end and Craig still hadn't told Gabby that they were over and to be honest I was pissed. I had stayed on the FIR bus for the past 2 days only coming out to sell merch. Ronnie still didn't know about the whole Craig and me situation however the guys kept threatening me to tell. We were parked outside the venue in Seattle, as we didn't have to do anything for a few hours, the guys except for Ronnie, were sleeping in their bunks so Ronnie and I were the only people up and active. You can only spend so long on a tour bus before you slowly loose the will to live, and with my ADD it didn't help my boredom either.
"I'm going for a walk I'll be back in a bit." I told Ronnie who just nodded. I walked around the area by the venue. I walked past the ETF bus and heard loud laughter coming from the other side, walking round I saw the band and some woman who had her arm round Craig, I froze.

"Amber!" Max yelled happily, I smiled quickly. Everyone turned to look at me I waved at them. "Oh Amber this is Gabby, Craig's girlyfriend." Max wiggled his eyebrows at Craig who hit Max's arm. I gave a small smile to Gabby who waved in response.
"Join us m'lady in a grand game of tossth thy bean bag." TJ said failing an old English accent, I giggled and linked my arm through his joining the group.
"C'mon Thrasher don't fuck this up for our team get it in." Robert said by the side of Kevin who was about to throw the beanbag in the ring thing that the guys had drew on the ground. He threw it and missed. "HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU MISS THAT YOU DUMB ASS?!?" Robert yelled chasing Kevin around the bus making everyone laugh.
"Don't just stand there, help my poor soul!" Kevin pleaded.
"This is funnier, I think I'll watch." I said in-between laughs. Eventually the guys were called to do sound check so the games would have to wait for another time. Craig jogged up to me hugging me tightly.
"Where have you been?" He asked looking right in my eyes.
"What is it to you?" I asked sharply, Craig looked taken aback by my tone.
"What's up with you?" He asked; that's when I flipped it.
"Really, you're really asking me what's up with me? Well I'll tell you what's up with me, you've said for weeks that you'd end it with Gabby so we could be together, if you would've wanted us to be together then you would've ended it long ago but you still haven't. I come out here today to see you and her acting all cute and lovey with each other. Do you really expect me to be happy?" He looked down at the ground. "It's made me question whether you even wanted to be with me at all."
Craig sighed, "I do want to be with you, it's just complicated that's all."
"Complicated? All you have to do is end it with her! How do you think you're making me feel? One minute you’re kissing and cuddling me the next you’re doing the same with her! Don't you think it hurts me? Haven't you learned from the first time?"
"It's nothing like the first time!"
"The situation may be different but how I feel is the same! You've got to stop toying with my emotions Craig!" I yelled, he was about to reply when Robert poked his head around the door.

"You coming Craig?"
"Give us a minute."  Craig said, Robert nodded and retreated back into the venue. "It's difficult because she's my child's mother!" He said I could hear the aggravation in his voice the more he spoke.
"I know; which is why I can't do this unless you end it!"
"Daddy?" We both turned to the bus where a little blonde girl stood rubbing her eyes.
"Hey honey, enjoy your sleep?" He asked the little blonde girl. He knelt to her level and hugged her tightly, she nodded.
"Who's that?" She asked pointing toward me. Craig looked at me then back at the little girl.
"This is Amber, Leila." Leila broke away from Craig and walked over to me.
"Hey honey." I smiled; she retuned my smile and held her arms out for a hug I accepted.
"You’re pretty." She said.
"Why thank you sweetie." I said smiling.
Leila giggled, "Daddy thinks so to, mommy shouts at him sometimes for talking about you."
I heard Craig chuckle nervously. "Alright honey, amber and I have got to go inside now so I'll take you to mommy, and you two can go back to the bus okay?" Craig said prying Leila away from me.
"I want to stay with Amber!" She protested stomping her little foot on the ground, Craig looked over to me.
"Its fine, she can stay with me for a while." Leila cheered clapping her hands running back to me.
"Be good for me okay?" Craig told Leila, she nodded her head and grabbed onto my hand.
"I'm sure she'll be fine Craig," I said, he nodded his head before kissing Leila and leaving for the direction of the stage. "Right you lets go sort out some merch." Leila giggled and grabbed my hand as we walked to the merch table.
"Daddy likes you a lot." Leila said out of the blue as I was putting shirts out. "Mommy and daddy shout about it; I don't like it when they shout." My heart broke, I placed the shirt I was folding down on the tabletop and turned to look at her kneeling in front of her so I was eye level with her.
"Listen honey, your daddy and mommy love you very much, they don't like shouting but right now your daddy is confused. It'll all be sorted very soon don't you worry." I said to her, she nodded her head. "You play on this while I finish off sorting this merch then I'll get you something to eat." I handed her my phone, she took it from me thanking me and began playing one of the games I had on my phone.
"There you are!" I heard Ronnie exclaim about five minutes later. "I thought you found Narnia or something!"
"Uncle Ronnie!" Leila shouted excitedly.
"Hey princess." He greeted ruffling her hair, she had a huge smile plastered on her face it was adorable. "You're looking after her?" Ronnie asked turning to me.
I nodded. "She was gonna go with Gabby but she wanted to go with me."
"Looks like you've made a new friend then." Ronnie said happily looking between Leila and myself, Ronnie helped me with sorting out the rest of the merch, which I was thankful for. After the merch was sorted Leila and me went to get food as Ronnie had to do sound check. Leila and I walked the street to find a coffee shop once we found one I sat her at a table and ordered a couple sandwiches and a coffee for me. I sat at the table with Leila and handed her the sandwich. Whilst we were eating, Leila sat and told me all about school and how everyone was jealous that she gets to stay in a tour bus and how they all think that her dad is really cool because he's in a band. I couldn't help but smile the whole time she was speaking. I can see why Craig had left me to be with Leila.
"Do you love my daddy?" She asked out of the blue as we walked back to the venue.
"Of course I do." I replied confused about her question.
"I mean like love loveeee each other?" I looked at Leila who was looking up at me innocently; I didn't know what to say.
"Well-" I began.
"There you are!" I heard Craig shout over to us. "She hasn't caused you any trouble has she?"
"Nope good as gold." I said smiling down at a beaming Leila.
"Good, c'mon you lets go find mommy." Craig said taking Leila's hand.
"Bye Amber!" She said waving at me, I smiled and waved back.
"Bye Leila, be good." She nodded before walking ahead. "I need to talk to you after the show." I told Craig who nodded.
"Thanks for looking after her."
"It's fine." I said before walking off in the opposite direction of the buses.