Bury The Hatchet?

Chapter 13: Kicked Out

Chapter 13: Kicked Out

My eyes fluttered open the next morning the events from last night came flooding back to me making me smile.

"Morning gorgeous." I heard Craig say from behind me, I turned around and saw he was smiling warmly at me; I leaned up and kissed him lightly before sitting up.

"What time do we leave?" I asked rubbing my eyes searching for a clock. Craig reached over for his phone and checked the time.

"In about 45 minutes and I need my phone screen fixed." After he threw his phone across the room last night I knew he'd smashed the screen.

"Well you organize to get your screen fixed whilst I get a shower." I said kissing his nose before taking Craig's shirt off the floor and walking to the bathroom to shower.

Once I'd showered I went back into the room to find Craig sat on the bed, now changed watching the TV. He wolf whistled at me.

"You look sexy in my shirts babe." He smirked I smiled and shook my head getting my makeup out of my bag and began getting (ready) I was done in 20 minutes I couldn't be bothered to do my hair so I tied it in a ponytail and dumped all my clothes which were strewn over the floor in my suitcase.

"You ready?" He asked picking up his backpack slinging it over his shoulder, I nodded and followed him out of the hotel room down to the lobby, we held hands as we made our way down to the lobby only letting go when we saw TJ and Kevin sat down laughing at something.

When we went over to them they stopped and looked at each other before bursting out in laughter.

"Did you enjoy last night?" TJ asked a small smirk on his face.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Craig said.

"Oh Craig faster!" Kevin mimicked me.

"Oh Amber!" TJ exclaimed the smirk still on his face, Craig was giving him evils. "Hey dude don't go giving me evils you two are the ones who should keep it down when your banging-" I covered his mouth with my hand as I saw Ronnie and Ryan coming round the corner, TJ licked my hand making me let go.

"Ew! TJ!" I exclaimed wiping my hands on my jeans, TJ chuckled and turned his attention back to whatever him and Kevin were talking about earlier.

"Morning guys." Ryan greeted us. "What's the plan for today then?"

"Well we leave in half an hour so we can get food before we leave then it's just a case of travelling back home." Ronnie said, I really didn't want to leave the guys and I knew I'd miss them so much, especially Craig.

We sat and waited for everyone else to come down which didn't take very long and we sat in the dining hall and ate our food. Ronnie and Craig were talking about future tours together and future collaborations as we walked to the buses, I kept quiet not really talking to anyone.

"You're going to have to tell Ronnie that you and Craig are together otherwise he's gonna get suspicious if you go round his all the time." Ron said suddenly from beside me.

"I know but he's gonna flip." I sighed.

"So? If you two truly love each other then you'll last Ronnie's wrath plus well calm him down when you tell him. Which you will." He said smiling at his last comment, he was right I would have to tell Ronnie if I was to continue seeing Craig. We reached the buses so it was time to say goodbye to the guys. I hugged each one of them taking my time, when it got to Craig I almost cried.

"I'll call you when I get back and we can arrange to meet up." He whispered in my ear, I nodded not being able to say anything because I could feel my self-chocking up. He kissed my cheek and pulled away following his band mates to his bus, I watched as he disappeared into his bus before entering my own.

The journey back to Ronnie's was pretty dull, no one really spoke I guess it was because they were tired and wanted sleep. After a couple of hours we finally pulled up outside Ronnie's house. I woke the guys up and we got all of our stuff out of the bus and hauled them inside Ronnie's house, I flopped down on the couch and let out a relieved sigh. The guys joined me and soon took over the living room playing some Xbox game.

I sat and watched them play what turned out to be a pretty violent game until the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" I said jumping of the couch to the door I opened it and saw Craig standing their suitcases at his feet, a depressed look on his face.

"What's happened?!" I exclaimed taking some of his cases and put them by the stairs with the rest of our cases. He followed me into the house and I was pretty sure he was going to collapse, I guided him into the living room where Ryan and Derek were yelling at each other about some unfair win Jacky and Ron were absolutely pissing themselves at them and I had no idea where Ronnie was.

"Guys!" I yelled. "I love you all but I kind of need to talk to Craig and Ronnie so how about you go back to your houses and sleep or something please?"

"Oh kicking us out! I thought we meant something!" Ryan exclaimed in mock hurt.

"I'll help you all take your stuff to your cars?"

"Okay fair enough, tell Ronnie we'll organize a meet up sometime within the next few days." Jacky said standing up, I nodded telling him I would and helped them all take their cases to their cars. Eventually they had left and I went back inside where Craig was sat on the couch waiting for me.

"So," I began. "What happened?"

"Gab kicked me out." He said. "She barley let me in the door before she threw all my stuff at me telling me to 'piss of you cheating asshole'." He said; I could hear the hate in his voice something, which I haven't heard in a long time.