Bury The Hatchet?

Chapter 14: 3 Years Earlier

Chapter 14: 3 years earlier

3 years earlier

Craig hadn’t been himself at all, whenever me and him were together he’d constantly be on his phone and whenever I’d try to see what was so fascinating about his phone he’d hide the screen away so that I couldn’t see it.

“Craig.” I began. “What’s been up with you recently? You’ve been sneaking around and snappy with me, if I’ve done something I want to know what the hell it is that I’ve done.”

I heard Craig sigh. “It’s just the whole Max situation, it’s stressing me out that’s all.”

“But you’ve got TJ touring with you now haven’t you? And Max is getting the help he needs and the time away from the band which is best for him so I don’t see why that would be stressing you out.” I said, I didn’t believe a word, which was coming out of his mouth, and I was determined to find out the truth. “Look Craig, if whatever is wrong with you will affect out relationship I want to know now what it is so we can sort it out.”

Craig sighed again and sat forward, running his hands through his hair. “I knew this was coming.” He muttered.

“What? You knew what was coming?”

Craig inhaled a shaky breath before speaking. “I’m going to tell you something which I will totally understand if you never want to see me again after I’ve told you but I can’t go on like this anymore so please, don’t interrupt me.” I sat in silence waiting for him to continue; “Look over the past 6 months or so I’ve been seeing Gabby again, and she told me something life changing for me. I have a daughter Amber, Gabby didn’t want her to have anything to do with me until we started seeing each other again which is why I had no idea about it.”

I was shocked; I couldn’t believe what I was hearing he had to be lying. “You’re kidding right?”

He shook his head, his face was emotionless. “I can’t keep this up any longer, I have to be part of my daughters life, I’ve already missed almost 3 years of it I can’t miss anymore.”

“Well we can sort something out, you can have shared custody of her.”

“No Amber, Gabby doesn’t want you anywhere near Leila. She wants me back and to be honest I want to be with her too. Leila can’t grow up thinking that her dad abandoned her.”

I felt tears coming thick and fast, rolling down my cheeks. Craig made no move to console me like he normally would he just sat there with an emotionless expression on his face. I felt my sadness slowly drift away replaced by anger. I quickly stood up looking down on him.

“So what you’re saying is that all this time, you’ve lied and cheated? And all you can do now is sit there with no emotion apologizing? You’re a fucking joke!”

“I’m sorry Amber but do you really think I’m going to pick you over my own fucking child?!” He yelled making me flinch slightly. He stood up so he was directly looking me in the eye. “Do you think that it’s easy for me?”

“Well obviously you’ve made up your mind about what you want to do so you might as well go now, I never want to see you or have any contact with you ever again!” I screamed.

“Look I’m sorry-“

"Get the fuck out." I said with no emotion. "I said GET THE FUCK OUT!"

"You're pathetic." He spat his voice full of hatred before storming of the house and slamming the door behind him making the house rattle, leaving me alone to cry.