Bury The Hatchet?

Chapter 3: Memories 

Currently listening to: Panic! At The Disco- Memories: www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBpuhrGo...
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Chapter 3: Memories 
4 years earlier
Today was the day that Ronnie was coming out of prison after a long wait he was finally getting out. I knew he wasn't going to take the whole me and Craig thing well at all, he's told me loads of times to break up with him but I'd refused, it was my life I could date who I wanted right?
My dad, brother and I were sat outside the prison gates waiting for him to come out, I was texting Craig who was in the studio recording with ETF so recently I hadn't seen him a lot but at every opportunity he had he'd come visit me and take me out places.
"Amber here he comes." Dad said suddenly, I looked up from my phone and saw my brother who I hadn't seen for just over 2 years was walking toward the car. I jumped out and ran over to him embracing him in the tightest big ever.
"I missed you so much Ronnie please don’t ever go away for that long again." I heard him chuckle as he kissed the top of my head.
"I'll try not to get locked up again." I let go of him so he could hug dad and Anthony. We carried his stuff to the car and placed it in the back.
"Oh dad can you drop me off at Craig's house please?" I asked as we pulled away from the prison, I heard Ronnie sigh.
"I thought I told you to leave him." He said.
Before I could retaliate Anthony stepped in "Not now Ron, they're fine, your personal problems with Craig shouldn't affect their relationship okay?" Ronnie grumbled something in response but let the subject drop.
"So Ronnie," Dad said suddenly breaking the silence, which had enveloped the 4 of us. "You told me you already had some songs and a band formed a few weeks back, how's that going for you?"
"Oh well my guitarist is flying out next week so I can really see what he's made of, I will also be meeting my other band members during the week and hopefully within the next 3 months well have tweeted the songs I wrote in prison and we'll be in the studio recording."
"Well done son good to see that you’re back on your feet and not dependent on drugs." My dad beamed turning onto the street where Craig lived. Dad quickly pulled up outside his house I thanked him and said goodbye to him Ronnie and Anthony before jumping out the car and walked to the front door, I turned before heading inside and waved off the car before letting myself in, Craig greeted me with a beaming smile a tight hug and a passionate kiss