Bury The Hatchet?

Chapter 6: Ancient History? 

Currently listening to: Set It Off- Ancient History: www.youtube.com/watch?v=_afzjFQX...
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Chapter 6: Ancient History? 
I got out of my bunk and went to the lounge area where the guys were sitting watching TV but of course Ryan was eating.
"Hey guys." I said waving the guys replied with "Good mornings" and "Hey’s." I went to the fridge and pulled out some orange juice. I knew the questions about what happened last night with Craig were coming and I really wasn't ready to talk about it but I was on a bus, so there wasn't anywhere to run.
"So last night, what happened?" Ronnie asked.
Nosy twat.
If I wanted them to know I would've told them right?
"Nothing really." I lied, "He just told me how he felt about me and that was really about it." The guys didn't look convinced, I smiled at them, and I mean it wasn't a full lie I just left the kissing part out because I know what Ronnie would do to Craig if he found out.
"Yeah okay." Ron said eyeing me, after that the subject was dropped and conversation moved toward the guys set list that night. I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket I unlocked it and saw a text from Craig asking me to meet up with him when the buses stopped. I sighed internally, agreeing to meet him around the venue when we got there.

The buses pulled into the next venue in San Antonio. There were a few fans who were already lined up outside the venue but not too many, so the guys left the bus and signed autographs and took pictures. I looked over to the ETF bus and saw TJ, Robert and Kevin leaving the bus; fans noticed them immediately and rushed over to get a picture and their autographs.

I snuck to the door of the bus and went to open it but it opened before I got the chance, Max smiled at me and hugged me telling me that Craig was in the back lounge I thanked him and made my way through the bus to the back lounge where Craig was sat playing a game which looked like Assassins Creed but I wasn't too sure. I coughed awkwardly to get his attention as he hadn't noticed that I was in the room, he paused the game and turned to me with a weak smile on his face.
"So what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked taking a seat next to him; he turned fully looking me in the eye.
"About yesterday..."
"Craig seriously its fine-"
"No Amber it's not. I was a complete dick, I didn't mean for it to come across that way I just got nervous and I didn't know what to do. But you know I did mean every single word I said last night, I miss you so much Amber I was a fucking idiot to let someone as perfect as you walk out of my life."
"Craig please I'm not perfect." I blushed looking down; he grabbed my hands in his and forced me to look up.
"You are Amber, to me you’re beautiful and perfect in every way and I love everything about you." I blushed even harder a small smile forming. "I guess what I'm trying to say is will you be prepared to give me another chance?" I looked up at him, his eyes were pleading, if I was completely honest I missed him like hell, and all my old feelings, which I had pushed away, were strongly coming back. I placed my arms around his neck and pulled him in closer until the gap between us both closed and our lips came together. He pulled me onto his lap as the kiss deepened, his hands wandered up my sides before getting tangled in my hair. I moaned as he tugged on it I felt him smile against my lips as he slid his tongue into my mouth. My hands moved from around his neck down to his thighs where I etched my fingers up and down them making him moan like crazy.
"Craig we go on in- oh shit, sorry dude." We broke apart and saw a very shocked TJ standing in the doorway. "Be out by the stage in 5." He quickly disappeared back off the bus, I looked back toward Craig, we were silent for a few seconds before bursting out in laughter, and he leaned in again and kissed me again, this time more slow and passionate. My hands went from his thighs back up to his hair; I ran my fingers through it feeling him smile once again. Reluctantly though we pulled away as Craig had to go perform and I had merch to sort out.

"C'mon then Craigifer." He smiled at my old nickname for him. I got off his lap and led the way off the bus to the venue. We kissed again briefly before parting ways, I ran to the merch table where one of the stage crew had set everything up for me. I apologized for my absence and took my place behind the table feeling happier than I had felt in a long time.