Bury The Hatchet?

Chapter 9: Yes Mother   

Currently listening to: We Are Harlot - The One: www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LRjZUkm...
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Chapter 9: Yes Mother 
I woke the next morning happier than I had felt in a long while, I was awake before anyone else so I quietly crept into the bathroom and took a shower and changed all in time before the guys woke up.
"Morning Amber." Ronnie greeted through a mouthful of toast.
I sighed "Don't talk with food in your mouth."
"Again with the whole you sounding like my mother thing." I shook my head smiling. The guys finished eating and they were talking about changing the set list slightly, by the time they'd finished we were at the next venue.
"I'm going to the ETF bus I'll be back in a bit." The guys nodded I quickly walked over to the bus knocking the door, a few seconds later their bus driver opened the door and let me in.
"Amber!" The guys greeted, I smiled and sat on one of the couches. I watched the TV whilst the guys ate, I noticed Craig wasn't sat with the guys so I went to the bunk area and looked in his bunk. He wasn't there so I headed to the back lounge and found him talking quietly on the phone.
"I've got to go I'll tell you what I wanted to tell you later... Yeah whatever," He hung up and smiled at me embracing me in a tight hug.
"Thank god you're here." He groaned.
"What's happened?" I asked.
"Gabby." He started. "I went to tell her but she broke down when I told her I wanted to talk to her about how I feel, she'll now probably text me constantly because I didn't say I loved her just then." Just as the words left his mouth his phone buzzed. He sighed and reached in his back pocket, he sighed as he read the message. "Lord help me." He rested his head on my shoulder.
"Aww poor Craig." I petted his head
"Yes poor me." Without texting back he switched it off and put it back in his pocket. "But right now you're here so that's all I care about." He smiled and kissed me wrapping his arms around my neck.
"Craig remember what I said." He sighed. "Break up with Gabby if you want to be with me."
"I know, I know." I felt bad for him having to break up with someone who he'd been with for the past god knows how many years but I couldn't let him cheat on her with me. We watched a movie before the guys had to do sound check. Their were fans outside the bus but because they were running late with sound check they couldn't say hi and sign stuff for them, we were quickly led into the back of the venue and through a couple of corridors toward the stage.
I was led to the front of the venue where the merch table was pitched. I pinned up t-shirts and set up wristbands and posters on the counter top. Once this was done the guys had finished sound check and had gone back to their dressing rooms. I stood by the merch table as fans soon started filing in. I sold about $500 of merch before the show started, from where I was though I couldn't see the bands perform which I was bummed about. After the show had finished the mad rush began, as quickly as I could I met the fans demands, and by the end of it I was shattered.
"Go back to the buses, we'll pack the merch." One of the tour crew told me, I thanked him before I left for the buses, I saw fans swarming the guys for autographs but they were quickly sent away due to the show running over therefore us being late. I ran to the FIR bus before the door was shut. The guys were talking about the show as they always every night.
"I'm heading off to bed, see you tomorrow." I said, the guys nodded and said goodnight. I slipped into my pajamas before crawling into my bed.