Chemical Love

Everything's not as it seems...

Currently listening to: Sleeping With Sirens- If You Can't Hang:
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Hey my name is  .Lexi Yates jpg I’m the clean vocalist and bassist in the moderately successful band Road to Reality with the two of my closest friends Layton Watts .jpgwho is the unclean vocalist and Lance Grey.jpg who plays lead guitar. We did have a drummer who we’d hired when we moved out to LA but he turned out to be an arse and only wanted the money so, for the minute we were drummer-less, fun.
Anyway I’m 22 years old and I’m pretty sure I have an addiction to clothes shopping, beats unhealthy addictions I guess. I’ve never really known how to do anything else except for sing, play bass, draw and style hair but I wouldn’t change anything about it for the world. My hair is a lilac color at the minute and I love it, I have a few tattoos a nose ring, spider bites, hip dermals and my belly pierced.
I was pretty happy with how my life was, I had a loving boyfriend, Travis who I’d met on tour 2 years ago, and some of the best friends and the best job anyone could ever ask for.  
Well I thought I was happy with how everything was going anyway…
I angrily strode down the sidewalk hugging my arms around myself in an attempt to keep myself the slightest bit warm; considering it was the middle of January and I was out with no coat on, I wanted to get back to my apartment as soon as I could. Thoughts of anger and sadness flashed through my mind as I glared at the pavement, I wanted to scream out loud and tell the world how I felt but I knew no one would listen, let alone care, why should they? How could he do this to me? How could someone just throw away 2 years of a relationship away as if it were nothing? Most of all, how could one man lie so much to a person?
I felt the patter of rain on top of my head tarring my mind away from my angry thoughts, I glanced up and saw that the sky which had once been blue and sunny was now overcast and grey, big fat raindrops falling to earth or more precisely onto my fucking hair. I opened up my handbag and frantically searched for an umbrella but of course me being stupid, I never packed one before I left my apartment this morning, fab.
I ran the best I could in the shoes I was in down the street where my apartment was. I rummaged through my handbag once more and found my keys, which were buried right at the bottom of it; I made a mental note to clear it out later on. I unlocked the door and dumped my bag and shoes on the floor by the door and made my way into the living room where I found my two band mates; Lance and Layton doing what they did best, sitting on their arses playing X-Box games.
“Hey Le- whoa you look like a drowned rat!” Layton exclaimed pausing the video game as he sniggered at me.
“Oh you always know how to brighten my mood Lay.” I muttered flopping on the couch next to Lance who looked a little more concerned about my obvious bad mood.
“What happened Lex?” He asked placing his controller down and putting an arm on my shoulder.
I sighed, and ran a shaky hand through my lilac hair, “Travis and I, we aren’t together anymore.” I didn’t need to look up to know that both of the guys were shocked, I felt Layton sit on the arm of the couch and wrapped an arm around me.
“What happened?” He asked, the teasing tone from a few seconds ago had been replaced with worry and concern.
“Let’s just say he obviously didn’t love me as much as I thought he did.” I knew I couldn’t say anymore without breaking down, something I didn’t want my two best friends seeing as I’d already put them through enough of my depressing state in the past 6 months.
“I’m not saying that we’re ecstatic that you're upset but to be honest I'm glad that you two are over he was an arsehole to you and you deserve so much better than some pot smoking scum bag like him.” I knew Layton was trying to brighten my mood but at that moment, I wasn’t in the mood for his way of consoling me
“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell us everything right now, but do you want us two to head round to his place and kick the shit out of him for you?” Leon asked gently, I’m pretty sure that if he’d of asked me that question 5 minutes or so ago I would’ve said yes without a second thought but my anger had been quickly replaced with sadness, I shook my head and wiped away the falling tears.
“Well when I next see him, I will break his legs.” Layton muttered, hatred filled his tone; it scared me when Leon and Layton got mad and I prayed for Travis’ sake that he wouldn’t run into either of them for at least a couple weeks.
“Hey!” Leon exclaimed suddenly making me jump. “If what were about to tell you now wont cheer you up then I seriously don’t know what will.” I looked between the two guys confused, they glanced at each other then at me both had creepy as fuck grins on their faces.
“Okay you look like you're about to murder me.” I said uneasily sitting up from my hunched position.
“Well.” Layton begun. “You know the other week when management were talking to us about heading out on the road this year?”
I nodded.
“Well our glorious manger has got us a tour!” Lance exclaimed, I squealed placing my hand over my mouth in shock a beaming smile on my face.
“Ohmygod!” I screeched quickly, the two boys chuckled at my reaction.
“Dude I think we should stand up for this next part so we have time to run before she tackles us.” Lance chuckled, Layton nodded and they stood in front of me.
“Its not a headliner that were going on but the band that management has got us a tour with the one, the only… Escape the Fate!” Layton said excitedly, it took a few seconds for his words to fully sink in but once they did, I jumped up and embraced both of them in a massive bear hug, crushing the both of them.
“Oh my god! Oh my god!” I squealed barley containing my excitement. I let go of the guys and jumped up and down clapping my hands like an exited 5 year old on Christmas.
“The tour commences on April 3rd and runs right through too May 16th so it’s the longest tour we’ve been on to date.” Lance began.
“We were gonna tell you earlier in the week but you were with Travis so we didn’t have the chance, but we will be meeting up with the guys in ETF tomorrow at 1:30 so that we know each other and so it wont be awkward on tour, apparently Craig’s heard some of our music and he’s stoked to be touring with us!” Layton added. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, my all time favorite band were touring with us, Road to Reality!
“This is gonna be so awesome. I’m so excited!” I exclaimed making both of the guys chuckle.
“Lets go out for something to eat to celebrate.” Layton suggested, Leon and I nodded in agreement before freshening up and heading downtown to find a restaurant, which wasn’t fully booked.