Chemical Love

Lil' firecracker

Currently listening to: Glamour of the Kill- Second Chance:
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I was woken the next morning by the annoying monotone beeping of my alarm clock. I groaned and rolled over and managed to silence the beeping with my eyes still half closed, I lay in bed for a few more moments processing the events from last night in my head; I still couldn’t believe it and I really don’t think I’d believe it until later on when we were due to meet the ETF guys.
I glanced at the time on my phone ’11:02’ it read, I had a good few hours until we had to leave so I decided to head downstairs and get some food before I began getting ready and considering the boys were probably still in bed, I’d take the opportunity to use bathroom first. As I thought, I was the first awake meaning that I would have to coax the guys out of bed so that we’d be on time, otherwise they’d probably stay in bed all day.
I stuck some bacon in a pan and buttered enough bread for all three of us and watched as the bacon sizzled away in the pan. Soon enough I heard footsteps from upstairs meaning that the guys were up, I plated up the sandwiches and handed the guys the plates as they entered the kitchen.
“You guys better not go back to bed after you’ve eaten cause you wont be ready on time and I’ll leave without you.”  I warned eyeing the two of them as they chomped down on their food.
“Can’t promise anything,” Layton muttered through a mouthful of bread and bacon, I grimaced and hit his arm. “Okay, okay we won’t!” I smirked in triumph, stood up and placed my now empty plate in the sink.
“Well I'm going up to get ready so you two can squabble over the bathroom.” The guys just nodded; jeez they must've been half asleep to not want to start an argument over that! I shrugged my shoulders not wanting to question it and headed upstairs to the bathroom and took a shower, by the time I was finished it had just gone 12 and the guys were shoving each other in hopes to get the bathroom first; eventually Leon won their battle and pushed me out of the way as I exited the bathroom.
“You could’ve just asked me to move.” I called, I got some muffled response back but due to the shower running I couldn’t hear what it was, so I simply shook my head and went to my room and made a start on my hair and makeup. I placed my iPhone on my docking station and pressed play, weirdly enough “Until We Die” by Escape the Fate begun to play; it was weird to think that in a few hours we’d be meeting these men, the men that had inspired us to even start to play music.
I heated up my curling iron, in the mean time I began work on my eyeliner; I was always OCD about how my eyeliner looked, it had to be as even as possible so I’d often take forever just doing my eye makeup but to speed up the process, I grabbed my credit card from my purse and used it as a guide for the wings on my eyeliner so I didn’t take forever and risked us all being late. Once I was happy with how it looked, I applied my foundation and filled in my eyebrows before I began to loosely curl my hair. It took me a good half hour for me to finish curling my hair; I fluffed it around a bit so that it sat right before I was happy.
I quickly changed into the clothes I picked out ( I then sprayed myself with my favorite perfume all in time before heading downstairs to wait for the guys to finish getting ready. I flicked through the TV channels looking for something worth watching before settling on that Extreme Makeover program, you know the one where they go into somebody’s home and completely rebuild the house?
I watched a good 20 or so minutes before I heard the rushed footsteps of the guys clambering down the stairs at around twenty past one meaning we had ten minutes before we were due to meet ETF.
“Well you took your time.” I said eyeing the guys in slight annoyance as I grabbed my phone, bag and keys. They said nothing and followed me out of the house and to the car; I took drivers whilst Layton took shotgun and much to Leon’s disappointment he was forced in the back.
“Can one of you give me the address to wherever it is we’re going?” I asked no one in particular, Layton brought up the GPS on his cell and typed in the postal code to the place we were meeting the band.
“Should take around 12 minutes with no delays.” Layton informed us as he placed his cell on the dashboard so I could see the directions to where I was driving too.
“We live in LA Layton, delays are inevitable.” I muttered pulling out of our driveway and took a right out of our street carefully following the GPS’s instructions. Soon enough we were stuck in traffic but luckily for us, the hold ups weren’t very long and once we arrived at the coffee shop that we were meeting the ETF guys at we were only ten minutes late. I shut the car engine off and took a deep breath beginning to feel nervous.
“It’ll be fine, c’mon.” Leon said encouragingly placing a comforting hand on my leg, I smiled and nodded before following the guys out of the car and round the corner to the front of the shop where a bunch of tables were set up, on one of them sat the 4 men who had saved my life throughout my teenage years.  I pushed Leon to go first as he was the least awkward out of the three of us, he led us over to the table where the ETF guys were sat they noticed us before we had reached the table and stood up.
“You guys must be Road to Reality right?” Craig asked taking off his sunglasses and hanging them off the front of his shirt.
“The one and only,” Leon chuckled. “I’m Leon I play guitar, that one there is our annoying as fuck singer Layton and that pastel headed child is our bassist and clean vocalist Lexi.” He smirked earing harsh stars off Layton and I, the ETF guys chuckled and each one of them hugged us saying ‘hey’.
“I am not a child, I'm 22.” I protested, folding my arms.
“Still the youngest, makes you the child.” Layton smirked poking my upper arm; I simply stuck my middle finger up at him making him gasp. “What have I told you about that-“
“Give it a rest,” I sighed. “Sorry about him, you get used to it.” The ETF guys laughed and brushed it off.
“Well I’m Craig, this is Max our bassist, Kevin our guitarist, Robert our drummer and finally TJ our rhythm guitarist.” Craig introduced each of the guys pointing at each of them as he said their names. “We’re stoked to be going out on tour with you guys, you're music is fucking amazing and you defiantly seem like people we can all get along with.” Craig told us gesturing for us to sit down with them; I took a seat next to TJ and Leon. I noticed TJ looking me up and down even though he had sunglasses on, he wasn’t the most suttle person around, I blushed and looked away.
“So glad you guys like us man, were super happy to have this opportunity too I’ve got a good feeling that this is gonna be one hell of an awesome tour.” Layton enthused a beaming smile plastered on his face making everyone chuckle.
We began talking with each other about everything and anything from music influences to crazy stories.
“So we were on tour with Crown The Empire, it was after our set and we were hanging by the merch table and suddenly this douche bag guy comes over and starts hitting on ol’ Lexi over here.” Layton began smirking at me.
“Oh god,” I mutter knowing exactly where this story was heading.
“Anyway, this guy was full on flirting with her y’know, winking, complimenting, telling her stories to try and impress her, the works, and Lexi decides she’s had enough so she attempts to walk away but this guy grabs onto her arm and says something like ‘don’t walk away I wasn’t finished,’ Lexi makes another move to walk away and tells the guy that she’s really not interested which makes this guy go crazy and I mean crazy he literally starts freaking out, jumps over the table and runs after Lexi shouting crazy shit like ‘I WANT YOU TO HAVE MY BABIES!’ Eventually this guy ends up with a broken nose and several broken ribs because Lexi decides to fly kick and punch the guy. Since then we’ve called Lexi lil’ firecracker cause once you ignite her she’ll explode.” The guys burst out in laughter whilst I sat there and blushed in embarrassment.
“Sup firecracker.” TJ smirked nudging my shoulder; I scowled at him lightly hitting his arm.
“That should be a warning to y’all, don’t fuck with me cause I’ll always win.” I smirked.
“You're single then?” TJ asked sitting up and looking me in the eye.
“Touchy subject.” Layton injected before I could respond, I threw him a thankful glance.
TJ gave me a confused look, “Why what’s gone on?”
“I don’t want to bore you guys with the details of my car crash of a love life, that’s a different story for a different day. Right now were here to talk about tour.” I said quickly changing the subject.
“So do you guys have a drummer?” Robert asked.
Lance shook his head, “We did about 2 months ago, he turned out to be someone we thought he wasn’t so we sent him packing. Management have assured us that they’ll find us a touring drummer in time for the tour.”
Robert and the guys nodded.
“Just to let you guys know, we do have another support band who’ll go on before you guys, they’re a British band called Glamour of the Kill. I don’t know if you guys have heard of them?” Kevin told us.
“Yeah, we know who they are they’re a pretty good band.” Lance replied. We carried on talking for a good few hours exchanging funny stories and genially getting to know one another better, it upset me when we eventually had to leave though, they guys had a photo shoot so they had to go, but before they left we all exchanged numbers and promised that we’d meet up and hang out again before tour started.