Chemical Love

Tour rehearsals

Currently listening to: Angel Eyes- New Years Day:
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In the measly 4 months we’d known each other, TJ and I had become so close. We were barley apart and even if we weren’t together we were most likely texting one another. He’d mostly broke down my walls which I had put up to stop myself getting hurt after what happened with Travis and he was one of the only people I could confide in if I had a problem or I just wanted someone to rant to he would be there to listen.

I obviously did the same for him in return, if he was having a down day we’d arrange too meet up and talk everything through, I literally kept barley anything from him and I was one of the first to know everything about what was going on in his life. Everyone around us noticed how quickly and how close we had got with each other. Craig and Layton would tease us on a daily basis and claim that we were secretly together, which of corse wasn’t true.
However there was one thing that had changed which I couldn’t put my finger on. As happy as I portrayed my self to be, about a month before tour started I had began to feel empty and upset a lot of the time. I told no one about it.
Not Lance
Not Layton
Not TJ.

I didn’t want anyone to know. I could handle it myself I kept telling myself. I didn’t need to burden others with something as stupid as that; plus tour was just around the corner and everyone was so buzzed. Why would I want to kill their vibe?
The guys in Glamour of the Kill had flown out here a few days ago and today we were going to meet them at rehearsal and pre production.
“Guys seriously will you hurry up in the bathroom? I really need to piss!” I whined hopping from one foot to the other.
“Should’ve pissed earlier then!” Was the muffled response I received from Layton. I sighed and kept banging on the door till they finally opened it and let me in. “Jesus girl be patient!” I didn’t reply, I just pushed past them and told them both to wait for me in the car.
I quickly checked over my appearance after I went to the toilet before exiting the bathroom quickly rushing out of the front door grabbing my handbag and phone in the process. Layton and Lance were sat in the two front seats meaning I’d have to sit in the back with the guitars, fun.
“Why can’t one of you sit here?” I asked pissed off as Layton pulled away from the sidewalk.
“Because, you were the last one in the car and you're the shortest meaning that you can fit in the back with the guitars.” Lance smirked at me through the rear view mirror. I flipped him off and focused my attention on the passing buildings and cars outside, throughout the car journey we talked about what songs we would be rehearsing and possible set list ideas for the tour, which was kicking off in 4 days.
We arrived at the venue which management had booked for all three bands to rehearse and start pre production for the tour. I grabbed my bass before getting out of the car; I saw other cars dotted around the parking lot, which meant we were late, again. I rushed into the venue the boys following quickly in pursuit and to the main concert hall where 4 heavily tattooed men were on the stage-playing round with their instruments. That must've been Glamour of the Kill. I saw Craig, Robert and some guy I didn’t recognize were stood talking to their tour manager and Kevin and TJ were sat in the corner jamming.
“Finally you’re here!” Our manager, Kit, exclaimed running over to us catching the attention of everyone in the room.
“Blame Lexi not us,” Layton quickly replied smirking at me.
“Whatever.” I grumbled in response, our manager took our guitars off us placing them in some racks in the corner of the room before rushing back over to us.
“We have found you a drummer, his name is Brandon and I’m pretty sure you're going to get along just fine.  He’s been learning you're stuff and I sent him you're rough idea of the set list so he can learn the songs he needs too. He’s catching a flight out here within the next few days because he’s had some family issues he’s had to deal with.” The guys and I nodded, I noticed that the ETF guys had come over; we hugged each other and said hi.
“Where’s Max?” I asked searching around for him to pop out of a corner and try and scare us but he never did. I saw the guys exchange awkward glances before Kevin spoke up.
“He text us all last night saying that he’d be missing the first few dates of the tour so Alex here is going to fill in until he flies out.” That was strange I thought, but non-the less I didn’t question it anymore. TJ dragged me away from everyone else and gave me another tight squeeze.
“Has that Travis dude said anything else to you since I spoke to him?” He asked staring me right in the eye.
“He hasn’t threatened me, but he has tried to make up some bullshit excuse to try and get back with me, I ignored it obviously.” TJ seemed satisfied with my answer and smiled as he pulled me in for another hug.
“Good stuff, but if he gets nasty again promise me you’ll tell me straight away?” He pleads staring me in the eye; I bit my lip and nodded.
“Oi! Lex come over here and meet our British companions for the next month and a half!” Craig yelled over to us, TJ and I quickly re-joined the group where the guys who were on stage when we came in had joined the group.  
“This is Davey and Ben. Chris and Mike are over there talking to Lance and Robert,” I waved at Davey and Ben before hugging them both, I quickly felt pretty intimidated by how tall they were.
“I’m Lexi, and I’m sure you’ve met my two other idiot band mates already?” I asked with a slight giggle.
“Well I wouldn’t say idiots, more hyperactive, but yeah we’ve met them,” Davey replied his strong British accent came through instantly. “I’m so exited for this tour I’ve been waiting for it to come round for months!” He added with an excited smile on his face.
“I think everyone has to be honest I’ve got a feeling that this is gonna be the best tour I’ve ever been on.” I admitted matching Davey’s excitement.
I chatted with Davey and Ben until Kit pushed us (quite literally) onto the stage.
“Just run through a couple songs for now I can fill in drums for you till Brandon gets here, the day before we leave we can go through the whole set list and you guys cam make any final changes you feel necessary.” He told us as he handed us our guitars before sitting back at the drum kit.
“Shall we go with Angel Eyes?” Layton asked us; Lance and myself nodded before our manager counted us in before we played the beginning chords to the song.
(A/N: Bold is Lexi and italics is Layton :3)
Lexi: There's something about you,
I can not explain
I just want to know you,
I just want to know your name
It's not what you said,
Not the way you said it
I'm under your spell and I don't regret it
Take my breath,
Baby reach inside my chest,
You can have whatever's left,
Cause baby I'm possessed
Don't you try to hide with those angel eyes
Layton: If you let me inside, I wont hold back this time
Such a deep disguise, the devil's right inside
Layton: More than paralyzed, Oh its the chase you like
Layton: There's a darkness,
I can feel it in your touch
I should get away,
I want you way too much
Lexi: Take my breath,
Baby reach inside my chest,
You can have whatever's left,
Cause baby I'm possessed
Don't you try to hide with those angel eyes
Layton: If you let me inside, I wont hold back this time
Such a deep disguise, the devil's right inside
Layton: More than paralyzed, Oh its the chase you like
Layton: I don't care how many times it takes to get through to you,
This is a force that not even God can stop,
You're fucking mine
Lexi: You have this power over me
And there's no way to fight it
I cant help but gravitate towards you,
This is a force I can't defeat
Take my breath,
Baby reach inside my chest,
Don't you try to hide with those angel eyes
Layton: If you let me inside, I wont hold back this time
Such a deep disguise, the devil's right inside
Layton: More than paralyzed, Watch out the devil's inside 
The guys who were talking between each other and to members of the crew were now cheering us, I couldn’t help but smile.
“Now I know this tour is gonna be the best tour ever!” Davey smirked at us earning nods of agreement from everyone else.
Kit chuckled and clapped his hands after the song finished; “I personally have no problem with that unless you guys have anything you want to tweak?” We shook our heads, I thought we were pretty damn good even if I did say so myself.
“Well you lot can go out and get some air whilst we set up lighting.” Kit ran over and took my bass and Lance’s guitar off us re-placing it back on the guitar rack, I jumped off the stage and walked over to the group who were discussing where they wanted to go to get food.
“I’m not hungry, I wanna just go shopping.” I heard TJ inject.
“I’ll come with, I ate before we left the house so I'm not overly hungry.” TJ grinned and looped his arm through mine.
“Shall we meet back here at about 3?” Craig says glancing at his phone looking at the current time, everyone agreed and we went our different ways. TJ literally dragged me down the street and into the nearest pharmacy store.
“Err TJ what we doing in here?” I asked confused as he wandered through the store until he stopped in front of the hair dye section.
“I’m bored of my hair, dye it for me?” He pled giving me a puppy dog look, which I couldn’t refuse.
“Fine I guess I’ll dye your stupid hair for you.” He clapped his hands in excitement, which made me give him a questioning look. He shrugged it off and went off to scan the shelves for the things he needed whilst I waited for him outside the store.
He came out a few minutes later bag in hang and a mischievous smile on his face.
“What have you done now?” I questioned suspiciously.
“Nothingggggg. Do you want me to come back to your apartment after we’ve finished so you can stick chemicals on my hair?” He asked as we began walking down the street.
“Sure, but before we go back can I get some coffee or something? We’ll probably be getting home late and I know I’m probably gonna want food or something in like an hour.”
“Sure thing m’lady,” TJ said whilst smirking, again he linked his arm through mine and we wandered down the street in search of a Starbucks or any coffee shop we could find first.
 “TJ will you hold still! Otherwise you’ll end up with a red dye stained face and it’ll look like you’ve killed someone!” I exclaimed ad I smoothed some of the vibrant red dye onto TJ’s bleached hair.
“Well I’m sorry! That bleach made my head burn and I’ve been sat here for like 3 hours! My ass is numb!” He replied matching my tone, I raised me eyebrows at him. “Sorry, I’ll try to keep still.” He quickly added after he noticed the stern look I was giving him. I smirked and continued to apply the dye to his hair.
“It’ll be weird seeing you without black hair.”
“I know, I just want a change, Georgette was suppose to do this for me months ago but obviously that never happened.”
I stopped and placed the applicator bottle down on the counter and crouched to his level. “Hey.” I said quietly getting him to look me in the eye. “Forget about her, I hate seeing my best friend upset.” He looked at me in disbelief.
“Best friend? Really?”
“Shush you, anyway after I’ve done this you can join Lance, Layton and I for a couple of movies and pizza. No arguing about it.” I smirked at him poking his nose.
“Fine I guess I’ll have too.” I nudged his shoulder at his sarcastic tone as I resumed in smoothing the dye onto his hair.