Chemical Love

The Road

Currently listening to: The Road- Asking Alexandria
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My alarm sprung to life at 7 am on the morning that we were leaving for tour. I groaned and stumbled out of bed; I regretted stopping up until half 2 the previous night to finish watching The Walking Dead. I rubbed my eyes and tip toed to the bathroom so I could be ready before the guys; I wasn’t feeling overly great both physically and emotionally that morning so I wasn’t in the mood for battles for the bathroom.
I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I really couldn’t be bothered with makeup or styling my hair so I decided to stick it up in a messy bun and wear some concealer to hide the bags under my eyes. It was the quickest I’d gotten ready .

From the other rooms I heard the boys alarms burst to life, good I didn’t have to coax them out of their pits for once, maybe it was the threat of being left in LA if they weren’t ready on time whilst the rest of us flew out to Florida for the first stop on the tour.

Our flight was in two hours and Kit wanted us at the airport by 8, so it was up and out that morning. I toasted a few slices of bread whilst I waited for the guys to get dressed and ready, I’d already got out everything I was planning to wear that morning the previous night and I’d personally brought all of our suitcases out into the hallway so we weren’t rushing around trying to lug cases out to the car.
Layton and Lance rushed into the kitchen and quickly grabbed together different food to eat in place of breakfast.
“You two are on time for once, it’s a miracle!” I exclaimed, quickly swilling my plate off.
“Could say the same for you.” Layton grumbled in response.
I narrowed my eyes at him, “Touché.” I responded. “C’mon then you two, get your shit into the car.”
“But we have like half an hour before we have to be there, why are we going now?!” Lance whined.
“It takes like twenty minutes to get to the airport Lance. That’s why.” I could see him try to think of a comeback but one never came, I smiled satisfied and grabbed my case dragging it out to the car.
After battling to get the cases into the boot of the car for a good 5 minutes, we were finally on the road, the excitement was building as we all fully woke up; I couldn’t wait to meet the fans, it was something that always excited me I loved to hear their stories and it just felt so humbling knowing that the music that I had helped make had saved someone or made someone smile.
We arrived at the airport precisely two minutes before we were due to be there which was a record for us. Layton text Kit and told him that we had arrived, whilst I found a parking space in the parking lot. Once we were parked up, we grabbed our luggage and quickly headed into the airport and scanned around in search of anyone who we knew, I saw Kit almost straight away and guided Layton and Lance over to where he was stood.
“Oh thank god!” He panted. “I had visions of you guys getting lost and us having to go out and find you making us miss the flight. But you’re here now so that’s the main thing, gimme your bags and I’ll check you guys in. Everyone else is sat over there.” He pointed over by where we had come in where a bunch chairs were lined up along the wall, we walked over to the guys who were stood/sat in various places.
“Are you guys ready?!” Craig cheered excitedly jumping up when he saw us and engulfing each one of us into a bone-crushing squeeze.
“Ask me in a few hours and I’ll give you a more hyped answer.” I replied making the guys chuckle. “How long till takeoff?” I asked.
“Err about an hour and forty five minutes, if there’s no delays” Robert said after glancing at his watch to check the time. “Which lets face it, there probably will be.” He added making me giggle although I was nervous; I hated flying I had done since I was about 13 years old and since then I’ve did everything I could to avoid flying and up to this tour, I was successful in doing so.
“Why do we have to fly to Florida?” I groaned feeling more and more nervous as time went on, we were now just under an hour until boarding time and I had started to pace whilst everyone around me lay on the floor or sat on the very uncomfortable chairs or in Kevin and Chris’ case, gone to find food.
“Because the first show is in Florida love.” TJ replied with a sarcastic smirk, I flipped him off.
“Shut up dumbass you know what I meant!” TJ held his arms up in defense.
“She’s a little cranky, barley had any sleepy-pies and she’s a lickle scared of being in the airplane.” Layton said in a patronizing baby voice, which I returned with evil glares.
Craig put his arm around me and smiled; “It’s cool if you're nervous, I hate flying too so we can sit together on the plane and be scared together.”
“You hate flying too?” I asked surprised.
“Oh god don’t even get him started, I’m surprised he hasn’t drank any alcoholic beverages yet normally by now he’s pissed out of his face!” TJ exclaimed; Craig hit him upside round the head.
“Shut it. But yeah I hate it makes me feel trapped so I normally take sleeping tablets or as delightful TJ over there so politely put, it I drink but you're not going to do that, if you really start to feel nervous I’ll give you some sleeping pills so you’ll be knocked out by the time we take off.” Craig offered, I thanked him and said that I’d probably take him up on his offer before taking the free seat by TJ.
“Sup hoe.” He greeted not looking up from his phone as I sat down.
“And hello to you too Thomas.” He glared at me for using his full name I could see he was going to say something back to insult me but I rested my head on his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. “Can’t be mean to me, imma scared.”
“Whatever,” He grumbled a small smirk playing on his lips, I could see that behind the smirk there was something not right with him but I didn’t want to pressure him about it at that moment so I decided to let it go and ask him about it later on.
Eventually the time came and our flight was being called for boarding after a fifteen-minute delay, we weren’t even on the fucking plane and already they were late! We shuffled through the gate and finally boarded the plane, I took the window seat and Craig sat next to me, I tapped my fingers on my thighs as we waited for everyone to board the plane I really was nervous now.
“It’ll be fine don’t worry its only a short flight but you can have one of these if you want?” Craig held a box of pills in his hand, I nodded and he popped one out for me I quickly took it from him and swallowed it dry.
As the plane began to get more and more full I began to feel more and more sleepy I eventually slipped into a relaxing sleeping state just as the announcements for takeoff came through the speakers.