Status: my first time on this website. so please help me out

Love Over Hate

oh shit!!!!

"oh shit! Jake,Cole get up we're going to miss the bus."
"come on you lazy fuckers!"
"I'm up" says Cole
"Me too"
when we finely got ready and got on the bus. Their sat that little stupid bitch Daisy. I hate her she is
the worst. I've known her ever since 1st grade. She was mean, nasty, selfish, But the sad part is she still is! She will do ever thing she can to ruin your life.

The bus pulled up to the high school. I got off the bus told my brothers bye and went on to get my breakfast " A bagel with cream cheese and OJ." I was walking to class when i felt a tap on my shoulder and it was Blake. The most beautiful cearture in the world!
"Hey Marley"
( I can't belive he is talking to me)
"so i was wondering if you would like to go out to eat or something?"
"um yeah that would be nice."
"ok how does Friday sound good?"
"yes to does."

Well there it is my first date of the year! I cant wait to tell Jake and Cole about it. It felt like school took for ever to end. When 4th block ended i rushed out the door to go find the boys. When I found them they was looking out me and smiling.
"Guys guess what?!?!"
"Blake asked me to go eat with him on Friday!"
"Wow! that's cool"
As the week went by he day got closer. I was finding the right clothes. To look good for Blake. Daisy found out that we was going out to eat. She tried to ruin that,but blake didn't let that happen. He told her to fuck off.