Status: my first time on this website. so please help me out

Love Over Hate

The day

The day finely came. I got dressed and did my hair and makeup. I hard a knock on the door and Jake answered it. Of course Jake had to have the big bother talk with him. I came down in time before it got to bad.
"you ready beautiful?"
As we walk out the door i asked where we was going. He wouldn't tell me tho. We pulled up to this big beautiful house.

"Blake is this your house?"
"yeah it is i made dinner for tonight."
" you made dinner?"
"yeah is that a problem?
"no, it just shocked me."
As we walked in you got this nice small of pine. As i looked at the table there was candles and food and flowers.
"Blake this is very good!"
"Thanks. This is my favorite meal."
The time went on and we talked. Got to know each other. It was time to go he took me home. Before i got out the car. he pulled me close and give me a kiss, That turned in us making out. I walk up the walk way. As i was walking up the walk away, i felt like i as going to melt from us making out!

That night i went to bed Feeling loved, happy. I want him in my life. I want to feel his hands on me. Those lips to kiss me one more time. I want him here in bed with me. God tonight was amazing.

The monday came, i saw him in the hall way. We walk up to other staring in each others eyes.
"hey Marley"
"last night was great"
"Yeah, i hope we can do it again."
"yeah about that can we do it again tonight?"
"yes that would be great!!"

Im getting ready and i hear a knock on my window. When i looked out the window.Guess who was it was BLAKE. i started to freak out because i looked awful. My make up wasn't done, or my hair. Ugh.
"what are you doing here?"
"Well i wanted to see you a little sooner"
"im not even ready and i look awful!"
"no you dont you look good like always. let me in."