‹ Prequel: Borrow My Heart

Make You Feel My Love


Tessa was humming as she let herself in the house an hour later. Paul appeared in the hall and leaned down to kiss her before taking Ava's car seat.

"How was lunch?"

"Good. Can you change Ava? I need to get the flowers from the car."

Paul nodded and headed upstairs with her as Tessa ventured back outside. She was arranging the vase on the table in the hall when Paul descended the stairs.

"Where's Ava?"


"She's been very sleepy today."

"That's good," he smiled as he hugged Tessa to him. "Means I get some alone time with my beautiful wife."

"I don't feel very beautiful," she said quietly.

"Tessie, you're perfect. And if you don't believe me, I'll get James to tell you."

"James doesn't count."

"James does so count. Tessa, we haven't had sex since we moved here. I know you think you aren't but you are beautiful. So what you're not exactly the same as before you had a baby. You had a baby. We don't stay twenty two forever."

"Says the man who works out with the incredible body."

"You think my body is incredible, huh?" He teased, one cocked eyebrow.

Tessa laughed as she shoved at him. "You're a jerk."

"I know. But I'm your jerk."

"That you are," she replied as she headed into the living room, ignoring his other comment. She felt guilty that they hadn't been intimate since the day they moved into the house but she just couldn't get past the hang ups in her head.

Paul sighed as she left the room but followed and sat beside Tessa on the couch. He loved her no matter what and he'd wait for Tessa to feel great about herself if that's what he had to do. "Those are pretty flowers."

"I found a really great flower shop after lunch called Beauty. The girl who owns it was very sweet. I arranged that while Ava and I were in the store; she asked me to come work part time."

"Do you want to?"

"Work?" Paul nodded. "I do miss it a little. I love being able to spend my time with Ava, and being able to do things with the other wives, but sometimes I feel like I don't have anything that's just mine."

"I understand. If you want to work, we can find a nanny, Tessie. It's not a big deal."

"I don't want a nanny."

"You will never get anything done if you want to do charity work with the WAGS if you don't find someone to help you, even if it's just a few hours a week."

"She's only seven months old though."

"It's your decision, Tessa. I'm okay with it if you want to find someone to help out with Ava so you can have some time for yourself."

She sighed. "I don't know."

Paul kissed her forehead as he pulled her tighter. "Just think about it."


Tessa was waiting at the airport the following afternoon for Delilah. She had gotten a text that she had landed and was now waiting for a message that she had her bags. When her phone dinged several moments later, she started the car and headed towards the front of the airport.

She spotted Delilah out front and lucked out with nobody parked in front of her at the curb as she pulled up. She popped open the trunk before stepping out of the car.

They greeted each other with hugs before getting in the car and pulling away. Tessa had already picked a restaurant to go to for lunch and she started in its direction.

"How's Nashville?" She asked.

"Good. I moved in with James.

"He told me he was going to ask you to. I'm so glad you did."

"It's nice, and at least now I know there's less chance he burns down the kitchen since I'm cooking."

Tessa laughed. "How are things at your studio?"

"Fantastic. I hired some more teachers so I could free myself up some. The burlesque classes have been a huge hit. It helped though when word got out that Carrie Underwood had a private lesson for her and some girlfriends. Everyone wants to book private parties now."

"That's so amazing, Delilah. I'm glad things are going so well."

"What about you? Are you going to stay home with Ava or are you ready to get back out there?"

She sighed. "I'm so torn," she admitted. "I love being with Ava, and not having to worry about making sure my schedule syncs up with Paul's, but I feel like I'm missing a part of me too."

"Does Paul not want you to work?"

"No, he's completely comfortable with getting a nanny if I want to work. I just don't want to miss out on anything."

"You have to do what feels right for you. Follow your heart," Delilah smiled, squeezing her hand. "If you don't want to miss anything, then you stay at home, you volunteer, and you be the best damn cheerleader Paul Martin has ever known."

"I am so glad James met you, and that we could be friends."

"Me too."