Cali Love


*Katy's pov*
(3 months later August)
I was busy packing to head to Baltimore with the guess for the Virgin Moble Show while Johnny was gone for the past couple days visiting some I finished packing I got a phone call...I raised an eyebrow when it just showed a number..I answered "Hello?"
I raised an eyebrow "Johnny where are you calling from.."
I shook my head "How?"
"Remember that guy from the club?"
I nodded "Yeah what did you do Johnny?"
"I beat the hell out of him the night before first call was too a lawyer...they just now let me call someone to let them know where I'm at.."
I sighed "Babythat was over with why the hell did you do that?"
"I had a few drinks in me and it pissed me off to think about what he tried so I beat the shit out of him."
I nodded "Okay where are you anyways."
"Orange County."
I sighed "I'll be there when I can..."
"Okay babe Love you."
I smiled softly "Love you too.." I sighed and hung up the phone...I grabbed my stuff and walked downstairs..
Aron looked at me "Where are you going?"
I sighed "Johnny is in jail has been for two days.."
His eyes widened "We leave in tomorrow...Jordan and Matt just went to pick up Jorel."
I nodded "I'm off to the OC..."
Aron nodded "Be careful."
I nodded and left...when I finally got to Orange Couty I sat in the police station waiting for Johnny to be release...I sighed softly as I spoke softly to myself "Maybe it wasn't such a wise idea to wear a skirt today.."
A voice spoke "I beg to differ.."
I looked up to see Johnny I jumped up and hugged him "Baby."
Johnny smiled and locked his arm around my waist "And I thought you'd be mad at me."
I looked at him "Oh I am.."
He let his forehead rest against mine "I'm so glad to see you."
I smiled and kissed him "You are so lucky that I love you so much."
Johnny smiled "I know I'm lucky....come one I want to go home and get out of this hell hole."
I nodded "Alright.."
He gripped my hand as we walked out "I wanna drive."
I shrugged and handed him my keys."Here."
Johnny kissed my cheek "Thanks.." after we got into the car he drove off...he looked at me "Kat..I need to know something."
I looked over at him "Okay."
He sighed "If we ended up in the same situation at Dillon and Taylor you would tell me right away right?"
I raised an eyebrow "Where is this coming from?"
"3 days in jail I had time to think..." he sighed "Will you?"
I nodded "Yeah I would."
Johnny nodded "Good it know.."
I looked at him "Why are you asking me this?"
He sighed "Remember I told you that the family life I wanted was with you?"
I nodded "Yeah."
Johnny sighed "I want to make sure if or when it happens we're both ready for it.."
I nodded slightly "Okay."
He kissed the back of my hand "I love you."
I smiled "I love you too.." before I knew it we were back home...I sighed to myself as I walked upstairs and finished packing..I looked up at Johnny who walked in after taking a shower..."Feel better?"
Johnny nodded "Yeah..still mad at me?"
I shook my head "No."
He layed back across the bed "Good think I already packed."
I looked at him as I zipped up my bag and sat it on the floor "Johnny promise me something."
Johnny nodded "Okay what?"
I sighed "Never do this again..."
He sat up grabbing my waist and pulled me closer..he looked up at me "I promise."
I smiled down at him "See I can't stay made at you."
Johnny smiled and buried his face into my stomach..he mumbled "I missed you."
I laughed softly "It was 3 days."
He groaned "3 days too long...and whats sad is I don't want sex I just want to hold you."
I smiled softly "That can be arranged.."
Johnny grinned and layed back down pulling me down with him...
I sighed softlyand layed my head on his chest..after a few minutesI looked up to see Johnny sound asleep..I smiled to myself and decided to do the same.
*Mallory's pov*
I walked upstairs to ask Katy and Johnny what the wanted to eat..I slowly opened the door and smiled to see them both asleep and Johnny's arms around Katy..I slowly closed the door and walked back downstairs..
Hannah looked at me "Well?"
I smiled "They are asleep and it's cute I must say...Katy has her head on Johnny's chest and he has his arms around's cute."
She smiled "Aww...we should wake them up though."
I shook my head "Eh let them be..I'm sure between us all we know what they'll eat."
Hannah nodded "True..."
Aron walked up "Are they coming?"
I shook my head "They're asleep.."
He nodded "I figured they would I know what Katy would order and I know what Johnny will eat."
I nodded and we all left...we came back about 2 hours later..we walked in to find Johnny and Katy on the couch watching tv..I smiled and handed them their food "Here lovebirds."
Katy smiled "Thanks Mallory."
Aron sat down "What have you been doing all this time?'
She shrugged "Actually we woke up like 10 minutes ago."
Johnny nodded as he began to eat "Uhhuh."
I laughed "Hungry?"
He nodded "Jail food sucks."
Jessica laughed "Stay out of jail."
Jorel pouted "Hey it's hard."
Hannah shook her head "Don't do stupid shit and you won't end up in jail."
Sarah laughed "Right."
It wasn't that late when we all went to bed that night it was an early night for us since we had to get up bright and early in the morning.
*Aron's pov*
I yawned as we all stood outside by the van waiting..I looked into the van to see Katy,Jordanand Hannah curled up and back to sleep..I laughed slightly "Yo Jorel hurry your fat ass up motherfucker."
Jorel walked out "Alright motherfucker I'm coming.."
Once he put his stuff in the van we all got in and headed off..I laughed to see that no one who had fallen asleep woke up...I reached up and poked Katy.."Hey Kitty Kat wake up.."
Katy turned around and smacked me "I was fuck off."
Everyone laughed..I pouted "That hurt.."
She gave me a look "You poked me.."
I made a face "Bitch.."
"Slut.." she stuck her tongue out "I hope when you get peanuts on the plane you can't open them."
I laughed "What?"
Katy shrugged "It's early and I feel stoned."
I shook my head "You and me both.."
Once we got the airportand on the plane we all got situated and fell back to sleep