Cali Love


*Katy's pov*
(2 1/2 weeks later)
I sat outside the back of the arena on some steps somewhere in Europe..the guys were about to go on in about 30 minutes for their last show in Europe so I was sitting outside trying to gather my head before listening to a bunch of European kids scream once again..I looked up as the door opened..I smiled at Dillon "Hey."
He stood off from me as he took a cigarette out..he looked at me and put it away"Aye you feeling?"
I laughed slightly "I'm know thats annoying?"
Dillon laughed as he sat beside me"Yeah..he told us all to stay away from you if we smoked...but I like sitting by you and talking so I'm not smoking right now."
I shook my head slightly "Yeah."
He smiled at me "Hey he's concerned about making sure nothing happens to the two of you."
I sighed "I'm still trying to get used to that..'the two of us' it's weird."
Dillon smiled "Well get used to it Kit Kat...because from now on it will be the two of you...Kit Kat plus 1."
I laughed "Don't let Hannah hear that she'll start calling me's bad enough she started the whole Kitty Kat thing."
He grinned "I started calling you Kit Kat."
I nodded "Only becuase you couldn't get the Kit Kat song out of your head."
Dillon shrugged "Hey it's a catchy song."
I stood up "Yeah it is.."
He laughed as we walked back in.."You will always be Kit Kat so get used to it Momma."
I smacked his arm "Oh shut up."
Johnny walked up "You alright?"
I nodded "Yeah I just needed some fresh air."
He smiled down at me "You think I'm over doing it don't you?"
I held up my index finger and my thumb barely touching "Just a little bit." I smiled at him "But I know you mean well so I'm okay with it..just relax though you freak out that'll make me freak out."
Johnny kissed my forehead "I'll keep that in mind."
Dillon laughed "Katy's got a new nickname...Kit Kat plus 1."
He laughed "What if it's plus 2."
I smacked his stomach "Shut up...don't you dare say that."
Jordan laughed "Why the hell did you just hit Johnny."
"Dillon told him his new nickname for me which is now Kit Kat plus 1...Johnny says what if it's plus I smacked him."
Aron laughed "Johnny you really want 2?"
He shook his head "No I was just kidding."
I laughed "How long till you go on."
Jordan spoke up "5 minutes."
I watched them as they walked off..I looked up at Johnny "Have a good one."
He leaned down and kissed me "Don't we always."
I laughed as he put his mask on "Oh hush..."
Johnny gave me another quick kiss "Love you."
I smiled "Love you too."
He smiled and walked off..
Jess walked up and stood beside me "He's on cloud nine you know that."
I nodded "Oh I know.."
She smiled "Well let's go watch the boys last night in Europe.."
I laughed slightly as we walked to the side of the stage...
*Matt's pov*
After the show were were all sitting outside at the pool of the hotel..I pouted "Why did Hannah have to stay in LA?"
Jess shrugged "I don't know maybe she needed to work."
I laughed "I know that."
She smiled "Then quit whining."
I shook my head "You adapted well to us."
Jess laughed "Naturally.."
We all looked over at Katy who let out a huge hiccup...Jorel laughed "What the hell was that?"
Katy laughed "I have no idea but it was funny."
I laughed "Right.."
Just as Katy stood up a bunch of drunk guys came running out to the pool and straight past Katy..we all reacted quickly as she stumbled back...Aron grabbed her first "Whoa.."
She sighed "Thanks.."
Jordan glared at the guys "What's where the fuck you're going you idiots she's fucking pregnant."
One of the guys shrugged "Not my problem."
Mallory pushed Johnny back " just got out of jail.."
Johnny nodded and calmed down quickly..
I gave the 3 guys a look "Asses.."
When we all walked in and to the elevators everyone was quiet..Katy spoke up "Will someone fucking talk?"
Jorel looked at Katy "You.."
She put her hand up "Yes I'm okay.."
He shrugged "Doesn't seem like it."
Katy groaned and turned facing everyone as we walked off "Look I'm pregnant yes..but that's it I'm pregnant I'm not going to guys treating me like I'm some kinda of doll is driving me crazy..all of you are putting more stress on me acting like this than it would if you just acted normally...I can handle Johnny and Jordan doing this but I can't handle all of you at once."
We all just stood there and Aron sighed "We're just trying to keep you safe.."
She shook her head "I know you guys are but back up a little I feel like every step I take you guys are 2 steps behind me it's annoying as hell." she looked atus "I know you guys mean well and I love you all for it but I'm just asking to back off just a little bit give me a little room to just adapt to all of this."
We all nodded..Johnny sighed "If that's what you want."
Katy sighed as he walked off "Wonderful.."
I put my hand on her shoulder "I'll talk to him.."
She nodded "Thanks."
As everyone went to their rooms I walked to the end of the hall to this little sitting area..."Hey man."
Johnny looked at me "She's pissed."
I shook my head and sat down "Neh just irritated..I can see why now all of us have kinda been right on her about everything she does."
He nodded "I know it's just this kid is part of both of us and honestly I have no idea what I'd do if anything happened to either of them."
I shrugged "But Katy has a point we're stressing her out more jumping at every little thing...I didn't realize how much until she expressed how annoyed she was with it."
Johnny groaned "Yeah I know..I'm not trying to be like this but I'm trying to be better at this than my no good father."
I nodded "Hey you have nothing to explain tome.."We all know how much it killed you to have Katy tell you the way she did."
He nodded "This is something I always thought I'd be there for..hell because of one stupid choice I missed that first ultra sound."
I nodded slighlty "It wasn't that exciting..she made me and Aron go with her.."
Johnny laughed "You and Aron were in the room with her"
I shook my head "Neh we waited in the waiting was some kind of thing they do after a chick finds out she's knocked up."
He nodded "Well I'm glad she had someone with her."
I nodded slightly "It was weird though...knowing Kit Kat as long as we's weird to know that there is this kid coming at the end of the summer.."
Johnny sighed "Yeah towards the end of the tour we're doing with Tony and the guys...dude I could possibly miss my own kid's birth."
I shook my head "I'm pretty sure the label will get you home if something happens before August."
He stood up "Well I'm gonna go get some sleep..thanks for the talk Matt.."
I nodded "No problem."
Johnny nodded and walked off..
I sat there a few minutes then went back to my own room to get some sleep