Cali Love


*Aron's pov*
(2 1/2 months later August 10)
We had just got off the plane back from Japan and we were waiting on our luggage...I pulled my phone out and turned it on..I noticed I had a 6 missed calls from Mallory..I shrugged and called back "Mal?"
"Bout damn called me back...we've been trying to get ahold of you all morning."
I shook my head "We just got off the plane like 5 minutes ago...what's going on."
"Kit Kat went into labor this morning.."
My eyes widened "Holy shit..let me find Johnny and we'll be there soon okay."
"Hurry up..she's not making progress yet but Johnny needs to be here."
I nodded "Bye."
I hung up and looked at Jorel, Matt and Dillon.."I'm gonna run Johnny and Jordan to the hospital can you three get the bags back to the house then meet us there?"
Jorel nodded "Yeah but why?"
I sighed "Katy went into labor this morning Mallory and Hannah have been trying all morning to get ahold of us."
Dillon nodded "We got this shit...get those two to that hospital.."
I nodded and found Johnny and Jordan signing some autographs..."Johnny we gotta go man.."
He held up a finger "Hold on.."
I grabbed his arm "No dude...your girlfriend is in the hospital...we have to go now."
Johnny finished the autograph quickly "My bags."
I nodded "The guys are gonna get them..I told Mallory I would get you and Jordan to the hospital as soon as I can."
Jordan waved his arms from the side of a cab "Come on damn it..."
We rushed to the cab and left...within minutes we were at the hospital...I saw Mallory pacing by the desk..."Mal..."
She sighed "Thank god..they won't let either one of us in there with her..they said only the father and or a family member could be in there and if the two of them agreed then we could...and they can't get ahold of Dr. get confirmation about letting any of us in."
Johnny looked at Jordan "You ahead and go see her I'm gonna call my mom and let her know."
Jordan nodded " three come with will see Katy even if I have to throw a fit."
We nodded and followed Hannah to the room..we walked in to see Katy sitting up in bed with her hands on her stomach..I laughed "You look thrilled Kit Kat."
Katy smiled softly "They let you in thank god..where's Johnny?"
Jordan walked over to her side "He's calling his mom..."
She nodded slightly "We've been here 5 hours already and no change at all I'm only to 4...and they wouldn't let Mallory or Hannah in so I've been watching people coming in and out."
I laughed "Sounds fun."
Katy rolled her eyes "Yeah oh so much fun."
Mallory laughed "She's still a smart ass."
Johnny walked in "Hey.."
Katy smiled softly "Hey you haven't missed anything but my boredom.."
He laughed and walked over the side of the bed.."Good."
Hannah cleared her throat "We should go outside and wait for everyone..."
We went to leave as everyone else rushed in Sarah looked around "All that rushing and he's not even here yet."
Katy laughed "Sorry.."
I laughed "Well we're going to go wait out in the waiting room...let us know when things change."
Johnny nodded "I will.."
We nodded and all of us walked out....
*Johnny's pov*
(later that night)
I had fallen asleep in one of the chairs with my feet half way propped up on the bed..I closed my eyes tighter as I heard my name called...I jumped when something hit me..I opened my eyes "What?"
Katy looked at me as she held onto the side of the bed "Get the water broke."
I raised an eyebrow "Are you serious?"
She nodded "Now Johnny go!"
I stood up and ran out of the room and down the hall past where everyone was waiting..I backtracked when I saw a nurse.."My girlfriend's water just broke..we need someone in there now.."
The nurse nodded "Okay."
I nodded and ran back to the waiting room.."Get your asses awake he's coming.." I got looks from all of them and ran back to the room...I leaned against the wall slightly "Okay nurses are coming and their calling Noel.."
Katy nodded slightly "Okay.."
The nurses came in and rushed Katy to a delivery room..
*1 hour later*
I smiled down at my son as I walked around the room holding him..I laughed slightly "Well happy birthday Tristian James Ragan.." I looked over at Katy who was getting helped into bed after being allowed to change into actually pajamas.."I'm going to go take him to meet everyone is that okay."
The nurse looked at me and nodded "Go right ahead."
I smiled and walked out of the room and down to the waiting room..I smiled widely "Meet Tristian James Ragan...6 pounds 19 inches long..and green eyes."
Jordan laughed "To this he's the one who has caused all this craziness."
Sarah smiled "Yes but what a life he is coming into..he's got one hell of a family by his side."
Dillon laughed slightly "He looks like a monkey.."
I laughed "Don't let Katy here you say that."
Hannah looked at me "How is she?"
I smiled "She was a trooper...I tell you this I have I whole new level of appreciation for women especially moms..that was some painful shit to watch."
Jess laughed "Makes you rethink a lot of those songs don't it."
I nodded.."Yeah it does....I better get him back to the guys gonna come and see Katy?"
Hannah shook her head "No we'll let you two have this time to bond with your son..we'll come back tomorrow."
I nodded "Okay.." as everyone left I walked back to the room..I walked in and smiled "They're coming back tomorrow.."
Katy nodded "Okay....can I hold our son now?"
I laughed and gently put him in her arms.."Here you go." I sat back in the chair "How does it feel to finally have him here."
She laughed softly "I'm kinda missing the stomach it was rather comforting falling asleep and him moving around...but I'm so glad he's finally here."
I nodded "I agree.."
Katy smiled down at Tristian "All that misery and pain and you are here."
I smiled softly "Katy I have something to ask you.."
She looked at me "What.."
I looked at her.."I need to know if you'll marry me."
Katy looked at me "Are you serious?"
I nodded and laughed "Yeah I'm serious...will you?"
She smiled and nodded "Yes."
I leaned forward and kissed her quickly "I love you.."
Katy smiled "I love you too.."
I kissed the top of Tristian's head "Want me to take him back to the nursery so you can rest?"
She shook her head "No.."
I nodded and got on the bed beside her..."Then I'll lay here with you." I took Tristian so he was laying on my chest..I wrapped my other arm around Katy...a few minutes later I noticed Katy was sound asleep I kissed the top of her head and fell asleep myself..