

*Gabbi's pov*
(2 months later April)
I was walking down the street with Emily when I bumped into someone "Oh my god I'm so sorry.." I looked up to see Garrett "On second thought no I'm not.."
Garrett smirked " how is Riley doing?"
Emily glared at him "None of you business jerkoff..."
He laughed "You both know I'll find out sooner or later so you might as well tell me."
I spoke kinda stretching the truth..."She's married."
Garrett's face hardened "Married?"
Emily nodded going along "Yeah she and Jordan got married this past Valentine's Day..."
His eyes narrowed "You're lying."
I raised an eyebrow "Why would I lie about saw how they were together so you can't be too surprised they got hitched.."
Garrett's jaw clenched "Whatever..." he stormed off..
Emily looked at me and spoke softly "Married?"
I shrugged "It was all I could think of...and it's not far from the truth...they are engaged."
She shrugged as we walked to my car "Good point.."
We got into the car and drove home...I walked into Jorel and George's and smiled "Is Riley around?"
George nodded as Emily took a seat on his lap "In Jorel's room with April."
I smiled "Thanks G..." I walked to the room.."Hey..what are you two doing in here?"
Riley laughed "Jay's birthday is coming up and April has no idea what to get him so we're researching what he has."
I shrugged "I guess that works."
April nodded "So far he doesn't need clothes..I swear the Deckers have enough clothes to open their own store."
She laughed "Hey...we like to look good not our fault."
I shook my head and took a seat on the bed..."Hey this is a comfy bed."
She grinned "Yeah it is.."
Riley jumped off the bed "Ewww..."
I laughed as Riley took a seat on the floor by the door..."That's the fastest I've seen you move since I met you."
She stuck her tongue out at me.."Bite me."
April laughed "I got it.."
Riley raised an eyebrow "Do share."
She smiled "You don't want to know."
She got up quickly and walked out her hands covering her ears.."SO NOT LISTENING TO YOU!"
I laughed as we walked out behind her...I looked at Aron who had a confused look on his face. "April is torturing Riles about Jorel."
Aron laughed "That's wrong...hilarious but wrong."
Riley just shook her head "I don't care hearing about other people having sex but I so don't want to know about my brother...just no."
Jorel walked in "Who's having sex?"
We all busted outlaughing...Dillon shook his head "Your girlfriend is torturing your sister about your sex life."
Riley grabbed a pillow and threw it at Dillon's head "You guys suck..."
I took a seat on Aron's lap "So your brother is a whore...I'm pretty sure he doesn't like hearing Jordan talk about you two having sex.."
Jorel groaned "Shut up Gabbi!"
I laughed "What I'm just being honest..."
Riley shook her head then looked around "Hey Danny and Matt left...." she busted out laughing "Well unfortunately I know where they went."
Amy shook her head laughing "Go Danny girl.."
We all hung out for a while until everyone went to their respective homes....I looked at Aron as we layed in bed "Em and I ran into Garrett today."
He looked down at me "What?"
I sighed "He asked about Riley...I came up with a half ass story and told him Riles and Jordan got married...he seemed pissed then left...I don't know if I made things worse or not but hopefully he gets the point."
Aron kissed the top of my head "I hope so too..."
I yawned slightly "They seem really happy and from what I've heard it's been a long time coming."
He nodded "They were a sort of an item during high school...the never dated but we had a party Jordan was with Riley and they left guy outside our group ever attempted to come on to her which Jorel was very happy about he didn't want Riles to you can imagine how pissed he got when he found out Riley and Jordan were sleeping together."
I nodded "He seems very protective over her."
Aron sighed "He was and still is..when their dad split he kinda took over the dad role for her even though he's only a year older than her...she needs him hes right there no matter the time or place."
I smiled softly "That's good they are so close."
He yawned "We are all really close with Riley...she's basicly little sister to all of us with the exception of Jordan."
I nodded slighty "Yeah..."
Aron kissed my forehead "Night baby."
I smiled softly "Night.."
He reached over and turned off the light and we went to sleep...
*Danny's pov*
(late late that night)
I jumped when I heard the phone ring..I picked it up "Hello?"
"Danny it's Riles...we have a problem...George, Jorel, Dillon, Jordan, Emily and Amy are in jail and they won't let me or April post bail.."
I shook my head "How the hell did all of them get arrested?"
"We went out on the town and we ran into Garrett and a few of his friends and needless to say a bar fight broke out."
I laughed "Emily and Amy too?"
"He had 2 girls with him."
I shook my head "And you managed not to get involved."
"I was at the DJ booth with April when it broke out so I couldn't get to them until they made their way outside."
I laughed softly "How much is bail?"
"200 bucks each."
I gasped "Damn that much for fighting back?"
"Yeah it's fucked up I know."
I nodded "Let me get Matt awake and I'll be there as soon as I can.."
"Alright thanks babes."
"You're welcome.." I shook Matt awake "Bye Riles."
I hung up the phone "Matt wake up we gotta get to county the guys and Em and Amy got arrested and they won't let Riley or April bail them out..."
Matt sat up stretching "All 5 of them?"
I shook my head "Aron went home with Gabbi.." I got up and threw on some clothes "It's George, Emily, Dillon, Amy, Jorel, and Jordan..the beat the hell out of Garrett and his friends."
He got up and got dressed "Even Amy and Emily?"
I nodded as I pulled my hair back "As Riley said he had 2 girls with him."
Matt grabbed his wallet, phone and keys "Better stop by and atm."
I shook my head and pulled some money out of the drawer and counted out 1200 bucks and put it in my bag."I got it...they can pay me back later."
He nodded as we left...not too long later we arrived at county...he laughed as we spotted April and Riley "We're here."
April laughed "Thank god.."
I walked up to the front...I'm here to bail out Amy Catina, Emily Lancaster, Dillon Alvarez, George Ragan, Jorel Decker and Jordan Terrell..."
The officer put out some paperwork "6 people 200 a peice...that will be 1200..."
I took the money out and handed it to him then signed the paper "Can I have my friends back please..."
He nodded "Just a moment.."
Riley walked up and handed me 400 bucks..."Here this is Jordan and Jorel's part..."
I put the money in my pocket "Thanks.." I shook my head as the 6 of them walked out "Bar fight...niiice."
Jorel shrugged "Talk shit about my sister you get fucked up."
April shook her head laughing "It was hilarious..poor suburban boy didn't know what to do."
I laughed "Well we'll talk about this shit tomorrow everyone should go home and get rest..."
Everyone nodded and we all went to our homes