Status: Engaged

In the Arms of the Ocean

Samuel was never the guy picked for sports teams or for social events. He was rarely invited to parties or asked to dances, but that wasn't really his fault. As a child he spent many of his school days in the hospital- a rare heart condition keeping him from doing many of the things children his age did. By fourteen he had a heart transplant and was on many medications to regulate his blood pressure and heart rate. By the time he graduated he had been on three pity dates and had one drunk kiss with the head cheerleader at his school at a party he wasn't supposed to be at.

Going to college was supposed to be his new beginning and after the first month, nothing had changed. He was never in study groups or welcome in sorority houses, he kept to himself and even his roommate found him a bit drab. But then, one day in Fall semester Psychology 101, she entered his life.

A beacon of radiance and hair like a artist's ocean. She asked him for a pen and that was it, after giving her the pen she scooted her things over the desk between them and fell in the spot beside him, a grin that would forever remain in his head on her face.

A new beginning indeed.