Status: Active! I've done a lot of editing on this sucker and I think I finally have something I can keep up to date with. I'm back, kinda!

Unlikely Events

Monica Strongborn

Eizenthorp LegerDeMain was the name of the school Monica was to call her home for the next six years. She would learn, practice, and use the craft under rigorous conditions in order to become an expert spell castor. Monica smiled happily as she unpacked her items in the shared dormitory.

The private residencies for the students were far more lavish than Monica could have ever dreamed of. A brick fireplace was already lit forcing the cold air away from walls of the room. There were two lavishly decorated beds complete with their own sheets and blankets. Furthermore, the two desks set in the room came fully supplied and stocked with much of the needed equipment a wizard must have for their studies. The room had a cozy wood feel to it with carvings and paintings of forests which lined the four surrounding walls. A reminder of elfish heritage no doubt.

Already the school was filled with rumors and whispers about Monica. The school head master and professor Luz Eizenthorp said that Monica would be a key figure in building a bridge between elves and dwarves. The school had been founded by Durion Eizenthorp hundreds of years ago to allow the Elven kind a place to explore, refine, and build their magical abilities. It was only but a short century ago that the first gnome stepped into this building. The logic of the time was to only allow creatures of fae blood which the gnomes and elves shared. Next a Halfling was allowed and with much reluctance but a desperate need for income, humans too began to enter the very private Elven school.

Monica would be the very first dwarf. There was a rumor that Eizenthorp had hopes to expand to all races, even to allow half-blood monsters to enter if they so desired, which would make the E.L. the first universal school. Monica was a step in positive education, but not much of a step. Elves and humans alike wanted to keep other beasties out, but a dwarf would be the perfect addition to Luz’s dream.

For now, though, all of that was irrelevant information to Monica. This was a new home, a new beginning, and a new life. Monica’s eyes flicked over to the bed of her roommate and she wondered what she would be in for regarding her future living situation. Would the other girl be an elf? Would they like each other? Would she be tidy?

Monica shook her head out of it. She wanted to acquaint herself with the building layout. So she grabbed a few things and exited the room. There was a bathhouse that was in a separate facility guarded by the girl’s dormitory building itself. It stood as a centerpiece in a gorgeous Elven garden protected by the inner four walls of the dorm. There were many sculptures and fauna decorating the walk ways of the outdoors and benches strategically placed for mediation within the gardens.

Monica then moved out of the dormitory to explore a couple of the other school buildings but found the facilities to be locked. At the very least she was able to learn the building names and locations on the small campus. At the opposite side of the campus was the boy’s private dorm. This building was equally fortified and watched over to keep the students protected mostly from one another. Monica was happy with what she had with the tiny campus but she was left yearning to discover more. The campus was smaller than her mining town and lacked adventure.

So Monica took it upon herself to explore the surrounding city. She needed to learn of all the locations that could bring assistance to her educational experience. At first she marveled at the homes of the residential area, surprised to see the massive structures packed so tightly together; but with time she realized these cramped and tall structures were a standard to city living.

An unusual scent wafted through the air and Monica knew she was surely close to a nearby market. The smell led her out into the busy and bustling streets of the public and Monica found her adventure as she peered at merchandise from stall to stall. She was simply transfixed at each vendor and the exotic items they sold. A dark-skinned human in a star-spangled turban held out an array of colorful potions, talking excitedly as people walked by. A green-haired gnome presented forth herbs and medicines. A partnership of two women, elf and Halfling, focused attention to their bodies by wearing scandalous garb with hopes to sell their enchanted accessories.

Everywhere Monica could see there was life about her. Monica pressed further down the block suddenly itching to own a souvenir to take back. Her mother had given her coin to live off of, but not enough to live foolishly as a spend thrift. The school would take care of her immediate needs, but she would still need to be wise with the coins she carried.

As she walked past a run-down appearing pawn shop a glint from within the dirty window caught her eye. Something inside those dark stained windows seemed to pull at her will and she instantly desired to enter the dingy building. As she walked in she was confronted by the strong musty smell of burning incense which assaulted her nose; and yet it was a smell still not powerful enough to cover up the hint of growing mold. The place was ill lit and a dark haired pale skinned human sat reading behind the counter, or maybe he was an elf. His hair covered his ears.

Monica took to exploring the facility trying to make sense of why she would ever want to enter this stink bin in the first place.

'Stop'. A voice called out from the dim lit rows of the shop. 'Help me.'

Monica stood still as the chilling disembodied tone found its way to her. Goose pimples rose at the base of her neck and she turned around trying to gauge the origin of the sound.

' Stop. Help me. '

The voice died as Monica’s eyes came to linger on a sleek black wooden cane. Monica reached out for the object. Her hands trailed down the ancient runes that had been carved into its side, much like the runes she found in the mines of her home town. Her hand clasped the decorated handle, the figure of a lady justice held in her palm. Gently she tugged at it and an eerie blue blade slide out from the cane sheath. Monica’s eyes widened with delight as she stared at the treasure before her. This was no ordinary cane, it was a sword hidden within the body of a cane.

“A girl must be able to defend herself…” she attempted to reason a justification for purchasing this item that she now felt she needed.

Nervously she walked up to the pasty man behind the counter. With every fiber of her being she hoped she would be able to afford the magnificent piece she had found.

“Um… excuse me…” she spoke just barely above a whisper.

The man glanced down from his book, “a fancy stick,” he muttered with some surprise in his tone, “can’t say there haven’t been stranger purchases.”

“I like this stick,” Monica noted slightly peeved by the stranger’s response.

He shook his head, and without bothering to examine the item he spoke, “Four gold for the fancy stick.”

Monica bit at her lower lip, “I only have 2 gold pieces on me… and a few silver.”

The man’s eyes narrowed and he gazed at the worn down detailing on the stick. “Fine,” he stated, “Two gold and a few silver.”

He held out his hand expectantly while Monica dug deep into her pockets glad to make the exchange.

The man grinned as he watched the dwarf wander out of the store with such a pesky stolen item. He was glad to be rid of it.
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Surprisingly short chapter. I didn't think I had it in me.