
Facing the truth

Sometimes I wonder.

What would life had been like if I were born in another world.

Would I have been happy? Would I have a family? Brothers? Sisters? Maybe even a sweet old grandma who would pinch my cheek and call me baby names?

Sometimes I would even fantasize that this other world did exist. On those rare occasions when I let my guard drop my mind would slip away. For those few brief moments I was happy.

It never lasted long though.

Soon enough I would be back here. Doing everything I could to survive another day. Another night.

Today was no different. The village I'd been staying in for the past couple days was dull, and lifeless. The villagers watched me with wary eyes following my every movement. It was almost as if they blamed me for the disappearances. Even now as I made my way through the worn town square unfriendly gazes burned into my back.

Turning I met their gaze only for them to look away. For a moment I waited before walking on. They weren't the ones I was looking for. Only regular people who couldn't see past their own prejudice. I was looping around the village for the second time when I felt something hit my back. Turning I wasn't surprised to see a small dirty child glaring at me from the shadows. Reaching my arm over my should I peeled off the pieces of rotten fruit that stuck to my clothes.

"I hate you! Because of you mommy and daddy are gone!" The child yelled their hands clenching into fists at their side.

I wasn't sure if it was a boy or girl I was looking at. All I knew was that in this child I saw a part of myself. The part where my anger came from. Without thinking I walked over quickly and kneeled in front of the child.

"I wasn't the one who ate them. I wasn't the one who summoned the monster that took them. But I am the one who's going to destroy the thing that did." As I said the words the child looked up at me startled.

"Do you promise?" They asked rubbing dirt stained fingers across tear rimmed eyes.

"I promise."


Days passed and I knew the mayor was getting antsy. Since my arrival the disappearances had stopped but I was no closer to finding the monster then before. This one was smart. Blending in with the rest of the villagers. Never making a scene. I would find it though because no matter how good it was at hiding there was one thing it couldn't stop.

It's hunger.

When I heard the screams I was already moving. It was nighttime and silence had filled the air. I was farther from the village then I had wanted to be but even in crisis I knew the only person I could rely on was myself. I had seen the abduction. The child I had spoken to days before and a woman. I knew it would be too late for one of them. The creature would have been unable to control itself after days of going without food. Running a hand across the marks on my arm I felt my blood begin to boil as I drew closer and closer.

"Well well well if it isn't the little demon hunter. I was afraid you were going to miss the festivities." I recognized the voice as I walked into the fire light.

"So you were the beast the whole time. Why does that not surprise me." I let my gaze roam over the transformed inn-keeper before me.

When I'd first arrived he had been as cold as the rest of the town. The room I received was little more then a closet with a bed. Over time though he seemed to warm up to me. Asking me questions about my hunt under the disguise of having to worry about the other guests in case it was one of them. He had been my top suspect after that but when I found nothing in his rooms or any of the rooms I let it go.

Rookie mistake.

"So what did he summon you for? Money? Power? What was so important he would sell his soul to a thing like you?" I asked as the beast wiped blood from it's fanged mouth.

"If you would believe it he wanted love. There was a woman he cherished who wouldn't give him the time of day. I promised him that if he gave his soul I would let him become one with her. As you can see I have more then fulfilled that wouldn't you agree?" The beast explained before gesturing to the corpse behind him.

"Disgusting." I muttered the marks on my back beginning to burn now.

"How harsh. Isn't it in human nature to desire things they can never have. To go to whatever lengths to fill the void in themselves. We were born of that and yet you dare pass judgement on us. You humans never learn." The creature hissed it claws extending along with his fangs and spine.

Truly there was nothing more hideous then watching a demon change. All pretense of humanity is lost and all that is left is a warped shell of greed. Looking over at the child who was cowering in fear against a group of rocks I felt a twinge of pity for them. Seeing these things would forever scar them. The creature saw my gaze and chuckled bringing me back to the present.

"Don't worry I made sure to save the brat for after I kill you. A sort of dessert you would say." It hissed with un-hidden glee.

"Sorry but that's not going to happen." I replied as the marks on my legs began to burn fiercely.

"And why is that little human? You think you can defeat me? I don't know what demons you've fought but you wont defeat me so easily." The creature taunted sliding into a fighting stance.

"I've fought hundreds of demons it's true. I've also killed every single one. How you may ask. Simple they all made the same mistake that you did." I said before shrugging off my cloak.

"And what exactly is that?" The creature hissed.

"I'm not human."

My eyes were the last part of me that began to burn. The creature realizing it's mistake launched itself at me. I didn't give it the chance to even reach me before my claws were piercing it's skin. Blood splashed to the ground as I attacked again and again. The creature fought back trying to use it's speed to get the upperhand. It was no use though. No matter where it went, air or rock, I followed beating it down without stopping. Even when it got it's claws into my shoulders I continued my attacks.

Finally the creature lay at my feet. It's breath was labored as I stood over it noting the missing limbs I had hacked off in my frenzy. Slowly my body began to reshape itself into the human I had once been. Placing a hand on my sword I drew it out slowly the fading light glinting off it. The creature stared at me with glassy black eyes completely at my mercy.

"H-how could yo-you do t-this to your o-own kind?" It gasped.

"How? I wonder that sometimes myself. How could my brother be so foolish as to summon a demon? How is it fair that my parents were the first to die? How come I was the one who had to kill my brother when he attacked me? Don't bothering answering all those questions were rhetorical," I said slowly placing the tip of my blade against it's skull, "Don't think you'll survive this is a holy blade I had forged once The Order finished burning holy sutras into my flesh. You see after I killed my brother I lay on the floor of our home nearly dead. The demon saved me by leaving his body and entering mine. Since then my life has been nothing but a living hell and I swore I would hunt down every one of my so called "kind" until they were all dead. So that's how."

With that I drove my blade home. The moment it pierced the skin a light flashed as its unholy scream echoed into the night. Once the body stopped twitching I drew the tip out slowly. Once it was free the body burst into flames before my eyes. When the last flame vanished I slid my sword home before turning back my eyes lighting on the child. During the entire battle I had forgotten they were there. Taking a step forward I froze as they began to scream trying to back away as far as they could.

"Stay away from me you monster!" They screamed.

With that word echoing through my mind I walked forward. Ignoring the screams. Ignoring the cries. I wrapped my arms around the struggling child feeling the warmth of tears staining my clothes as they continued to yell.

"I'm sorry." Was all I was able to say.

I hate demons.

Sometimes I wish I had been born in a different world.
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Man that was a bear to write but once I got going it really took off fast.