Status: Find me on tumblr as ladyartemina!

The Assassin of Shadows

Chapter Two: Details

My mouth was suddenly so dry that I had to take a drink to wet it again. It was a harsh feeling when realization started to settle in, like my stomach had bottomed out. If I hadn’t been sitting, I surely would have collapsed. Ulfric Stormcloak. The single most high profile target that I had ever been assigned. I had done in noblemen, housecarls, and stewards. Never had I been assigned a Jarl. This was almost as significant as the recent assassination of the Emperor.

“You may spend the night at home, so that you can get a good night’s sleep. You will need it before you set out in the morning.” My mother said, disrupting my reverie.

“Ulfric Stormcloak.” I fought to keep my voice level.

“Yes, is that a problem.”

Her tone was nonchalant, but that did not stop me from straightening my back and replying with a prideful, “No, not at all.” I knew I would regret the words the instant they left my mouth.

“Good. Just remember, when you finish this contract, you will be free to purse whatever you wish for a year or maybe even more.” She crossed the room, placing a kiss on the top of my head, “Now. I will fetch the tub so that you may properly bathe.” She left me alone, and I stared at the slip of paper in my hand blankly.

My mother returned promptly with the bronze basin. By this time, I had steeled myself over. I could do this—I would do this, and nothing would stop me. She drew me a bath after boiling buckets of water. It was not until I had discarded my clothing that I realized just how dirty I had been. I must have placated my mother by accepting the contract, because she did not utter a single complaint. Instead, she walked across the room to pull out one of her last bars of homemade soaps. It smelled of juniper berries and roses. My personal favorite.

When she offered to help me wash, I allowed it instead of waving her away as I normally did. This gesture pleased her. In reality, I did not think I would be able to do much more than lie there.
Once I was clean, I sat by the hearth to dry. My mother brushed my hair while humming a soft tune that she used to sing me to sleep when I was a girl. This particular lullaby was effective, working in tandem with the rhythmic strokes of the brush. My rampant thoughts were quieted, and my eyelids grew heavy. Once she finished, I was off to bed.

I expected sleep to find me quickly, but that would be fortunate. Instead, I spent most of the night staring up at the ceiling. My fatigue had all but vanished by the time my mother had extinguished all of the lights. Trying to clear my mind, I closed my eyes. This only made the persistent rambling worse. What if I failed? How would I get close enough to him to even make an attempt on his life? After what felt like hours of asking myself tedious questions, I finally gave in to the fact that I would not sleep until I thought I had a foolproof strategy.

By the time the sun peaked over the horizon, I had only gotten a few hours of sleep. My eyes were gritty and my frustrations raw. With bleary eyes, I read over the letter I had written. Satisfied with its content, I folded it and sealed it with wax. This would go to a contact in Riften. Though the letter seemed full of trivial gossip, she would understand the deeper meaning of what I had written.
When my mother woke an hour or so later, I was packing my knapsack.

“I hadn’t expected you to be awake so early.” An ebony brow quirked as she regarded me.
“Nor had I.” I paused to study the belonging in my hand. A battered amulet of Mara gleamed in the candlelight. It used to belong to my grandmother, then it passed to my mother, and now it was mine. It was the very Amulet—my mother had told me—she had used to attract the attention of her late husband, a man I had never gotten the chance to meet.

I wrapped it in an old handkerchief and gingerly placed it in a bag. Reaching across the table, I grabbed a stack of coins that I had been saving for large assignments such as this. They numbered three-hundred and seventy-four golden septims. Since I would be purchasing a more winter appropriate wardrobe, I only packed the bare essentials clothing wise. I had a few pairs of woolen leggings, but for an extended stay, I would need more than that. I scooped the coins into a purse and tied it tight. That too joined my amulet.

I began counting out the supplies I was taking for my journey. I had enough coin to hire a carriage to take me to Windhelm. The journey would be long and daunting, but it would be necessary as I was without a horse. The rest would be spent on supplies once I arrived in the city. I nodded, it would be worth it, and I could certainly hunt to earn anything I lacked.

Once I had finished packing the essentials, I moved on to the basic healing supplies. Five healing potions, dried herbs, a portable alchemy kit, and clean bandages. Then came personal effects. A hairbrush and makeup—to pacify my mother. By this point I had long scarfed down a breakfast of apples and cheese, so I would only need to pack food for the road.

I finished and admired my handiwork. Everything had its own pouch or section, and each item was meticulously placed for the best balance. My knapsack finished, I donned my traveling armor before throwing the bag over my shoulder. I checked over my prized ebony bow and made sure I had a full sheath of arrows. Now I was ready. I cast a glance around the room to see that my mother was absent. She must be in her garden. That was my cue to take my leave.

Once outside, I stayed on the porch to allow the cool breeze to blow against my face. I braided my curls into a plait that hung over my shoulder before stepping off the porch.

“One more thing before you go…“ Her voice nearly startled me. I turned to see my mother leading Nala around the cabin.

“Ma?” The horse was already saddled, and her saddle bags were packed with unknown items.

“Happy birthday, love.” She handed me the mare’s reigns.

I did not know what to say other than a shocked, “What.”

“Unless you’re home to ride her, she gets very little exercise. She’s been growing restless, and I can’t bare the thought of her going to waste.” She said wistfully, “Besides, love, she has always favored you most.” I stroked Nala’s nose, at a loss for words. This present was the last thing I had expected before setting out. How long had she been waiting to hand over ownership? My throat constricted with emotion.

I finally managed a, “Thanks ma.” Mother placed a kiss in my hair line, helped me into the saddle, and gave me a warm smile.

“Send a letter every once-in-a-while, would you.”

After brief good-byes, I spurred Nala into a trot down the mountains. She disliked the bandits as much as I did, and in a split second decision I notched an arrow. With very little effort on my part and a little illusion magic, I had managed to clean out the ruined city and collect most of my arrows from the bandits they felled. Instead of forcing Nala to walk the unsteady route off path, we trot through Helgen with our heads held high.

I felt a deepening affection for the bay as we passed the bodies strewn through the streets. She did not shy away or pay them any heed. Her head was held aloft in a manner not unlike my own. Nala and I would do well together, and now that she was mine, she was coming with me every chance I got. A companion would be nice during the lonely days of travel.

The sun was already high in the sky by the time our leisurely stroll had brought us to Riverwood. I was not in any particular hurry. Factoring in time to eat, sleep, and rest Nala, this trip would take three days at the most—two if I had no trouble from bandits or wildlife. This plan would take time to execute, and if I allowed myself to rush, I would chance muddling my already slim chances.

When we reached the Whiterun stables, I turned Nala over to the capable hands of the stable master.
“I will be right back, so I won’t unload her saddle bags.” I told him with my friendliest smile.

“Right you are, miss.” He looked over Nala with a twinkle in his eye, “She’s beautiful. She must have cost a small fortune.” I did not engage in his conversation, instead, I trekked up the path to the city’s tall gates.

“We hadn’t expected to see you again so soon,” One of the guards greeted.

“Light armor, excellent choice.” The second guard commented. I pushed past the gate after flashing him a smile. I let the gate close behind me as the two launched into a debate of heavy versus light armor. I shook my head. Men…

The sound of hammering caught my interest. As soon as you enter the city, Warmaiden’s was on the right. Adrianne Avenicci was standing at the forge, shaping a bit of iron into a blade.

“Afternoon,” I greeted.

“Ah, our best customer!” The imperial replied, “We just got a fresh shipment arrows inside.”

I gave her my thanks before entering the shop. Inside I was greeted by a bear of a Nord behind a counter. He wasted no time in placing bundles of arrows on the counter.

“Any of them strike your fancy?” His question was customary, but he already knew his answer. When I quirked a brow he said, “Ebony it is then!” I paid and left after a good natured chat.

I walked the steps to Dragonsreach, finding the courier there. I paid him and sent him ahead with my letter. I wasted no time in leaving after that. With three quivers worth of arrows, I had plenty to hunt at will. Retrieving Nala from the stables, I spurred her into a trot.

I stopped only when I thought Nala was growing tired. It was then that I allowed myself a small meal of bread and an apple, feeding Nala out of a bag of oats found in one of the saddle bags. Once I thought she was sufficiently rested, we would continue our journey.

Being young, the bay had plenty of energy, and she was more than eager to press on. Her enthusiasm brought a smile to my face on more than one occasion. I was thankful that she was hardy as we traveled farther north. The temperature was steadily dropping, and when the sun dropped below the horizon, it was only bound to get worse.

Only when the sun had been several hours gone from the sky and the moon was high overhead did I stop to make camp. A breeze was nonexistent, so I had a small flame burning in no time. My small encampment was near a tiny pond. I shot two mudcrabs and made a meal out of their legs as Nala lapped merrily at the water. I took the time afterward to relieve the steed of her burdens and rifle through the saddle bags. Extra food, potions, Nala’s brush, and other trifle were neatly packed within.

Once I had finished, I unpacked a bedroll and readied myself for bed. I did not bother to remove my armor in case I needed to spring into action at a moments notice. Sleep came easily enough that night, allowing me to wake in the early hours of the morning. The fire had long burned down to coals, which I used to grill leeks for breakfast. Afterward, I erased most of the traces of my little camp, saddled Nala, and continued onward.

After another day of travel, Lake Yorgrim was visible in the distance by late afternoon. I kept Nala to the main path allowing it to guide us around the north side. I spurred her into a gallop, and by the time Windhelm’s cold, gray walls came into sight, the sun was already beginning to dip below the horizon again.

When I reached the stables, an Altmer couple were arguing back and forth. This argument had apparently been going of for some time, because when I approached, I went unnoticed.

“If the guards would listen to Viola, they’s have caught the butcher by now.” The woman said tersely.

“Viola is a gossip loving attention seeker.” The man replied pleasantly.

“Aren’t you worried that I could be next!?” She barked at the man.

The man let out a sigh, “I always worry dear, but we need these horses sold if we’re to make room for that new shipment. Honestly, I don’t know why you worry yourself with such matters.” The woman opened her mouth to retort, but the man had taken notice of me and cut across her, “Good evening traveler!” He called merrily, “That is one beautiful bay, if I do say so myself.”

“That she is,” I agreed, “I am expecting an extended stay, so I trust that you’ll take good care of her.” By this time I had already dismounted and started relieving her of the saddle bags.

“No complaints here!” The man chimed. The woman, whom I assumed to be his wife, snorted before going on with her business.

Once I was assured that Nala was in good hands I trekked across the snowy bridge to the front gates. The high walls of the Palace of Kings towered over everything, and they were clearly visible even over the walls surrounding the city. As beautiful as the architecture was, the city was devoid of color. The inky, black sky was more vividly hued. The washed out, icy stones gave the atmosphere a bleak depression. How anyone lived here permanently, I would never know.

Upon entering the city, it became very clear that there was no more color within the walls than outside. Any semblance of a smile that had lifted my lips was gone. I would have to hope that my stay would not be prolonged any farther than necessary.

In the center of the stone square, on a raised foundation, stood the inn. I climbed the uneven steps to the Candlehearth Hall. Warmth greeted me as I opened the door to the left. Inside the cramped space, a lone figure sat at the bar. A Nord woman with an aged, but otherwise kind face greeted me from behind the bar.

“I’d like to rent a room for the night-“

“Oh no you don’t.” The figure at the bar sat up and faced me. The woman had arched features that suggested Elven parentage, but pale skin and blue eyes that suggested Nord. Her arms folded across her chest, and her thin lips were pursed.

“Really now Sona.” The Nord admonished.

“Sorry Elda, but this is the one that I’ve been waiting for.” There was not a hint of sincerity in her words, but only a seasoned liar would know this, something that Elda clearly was not.

“Very well then.” She waved us away.

Sona beckoned for me to follow her back out of the door. Once outside she wrapped her long arms around me, holding me against her breast completely unabashed.

“Yes, yes, hello Sona.” I sighed.

“I thought you would be here sooner.” She held me at arms length, her eyes narrowing with accusation.
“I took my time.” I countered.

“Yes, well…” She frowned at me, “I figured Silstina would hound you to get a move on.”

“I got off easy since yesterday was my birthday..” I shrugged.

“Oh no! I almost forgot! We have to celebrate!” Her face lit up entirely, all irritation at my late arrival forgotten. “Let’s go to the Ragged Flagon and-“ A quirked brow halted her train of thought, “Right…contract…my bad…Well, pa will be happy to see you.” She wrapped an arm around my shoulder—which she had to hunch to do seeing as I barely cleared her own. “Can you believe that he still thinks he’s forgotten your name?”

My laugh was genuine, “I’m not altogether surprised. I’ve forgotten to mention it for a reason.”

“You’ll probably have to give him a name this time.” Sona sighed, “Since you didn’t mention one in your letter, what’s the verdict?”

“Abelle Jolvan, daughter of Breton farmers from High Rock.”

Her lips pursed as she regarded me, “Doesn’t fit you…”

“It doesn’t matter.” I said, “It’s all in the details.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sona is an original character, which should be clear by the fact that she's part elf. There are several original characters in this story ~ and each of them has their own backgrounds and stories. You will meet her father in the next chapter, who is another character.