Status: Okie dokie, this is the only story I have 100% complete sitting in a word doc. on my laptop. As long as I remember to edit it on occasion, I should be able to keep with updates. We shall see!

Blood Lineage

Uzumati loses nearly everything that she loves when a mysterious vampire invades her home one night. She finds her long lost father has become a twisted soul unable to control his heart, and her brother a jealous creature hell bent on trying to kill her. All she has left is her beloved Kazuhiko, and even that relationship is slowly being torn apart by the childish whims of a demented Queen.
  1. Chapter 1: A Discovery
    Madame Shrue discovers and abandon werewolf cub in the woods. After momentarily considering killing the godless creature she decides to take in the child wolf and raise it as a witch.
  2. Chapter 2: A New Home
    The werewolf cub starts to find a home in the Madame Shrue's life, but will she be accepted by the smuggler Dubal? The man who owns the properties?
  3. Chapter 3: Dealing with Pirates
    Uzumati's step father returns home from a voyage. With him he has her adoptive brother, and a very out of place ship. What treasure lay within the ship that was stolen?
  4. Chapter 4: Just a Bad Feeling
    Uzumati gets a bad feeling when she hears the wolves howl outside the homestead.
  5. Chapter 5: A Short Discussion
    Uzumati leaves the rest of the family unsettled before going to bed. The mood of the household it tense.
  6. Chapter 6: Greetings Kazuhiko
    Kazuhiko is disturbed by a vampire with a vendetta for his ship. Uzumati's instincts had been correct, Dubal and Kazuhiko had bit off more than they could chew.
  7. Chapter 7: The Time has Come
    Uzumati comes running in too late. Her brother is dead on the floor and a stranger with all white hair is intrigued by the creature she has become.
  8. Chapter 8: The ***ed
    When Dubal discovers the death of his son and the transformation of his daughter he realizes his time is just about to run out.
  9. Chapter 9: Witches and Werewolves
    Jamis and Dante can't believe their luck when the capture the stolen werewolf Uzumati, only to discover she's more than your average monster. She's also a witch.