Status: Okie dokie, this is the only story I have 100% complete sitting in a word doc. on my laptop. As long as I remember to edit it on occasion, I should be able to keep with updates. We shall see!

Blood Lineage

Chapter 3: Dealing with Pirates

Uzumati was outside on that early morning. Her father was expected back at any moment. He had significantly reduced his work through the sea trade and passed some of the legal responsibility on to her brother when she was younger, but as Uzumati had grown older he seemed to be pressed to go back out to sea for less legal reasons. Uzumati scanned the tops of the cliffs staring out past the bleak seas. Time was the only unaccounted factor in the return for her father and brother. She had no doubt that they would bring back some wondrous vessel that could be stripped down and resold along with the contents of the cargo. A few gifts would be allowed to be kept by the crew and captain. Since Dubal was the captain Uzumati and her mother would have first pick of some of the finery within the vessel.

Uzumati’s older brother, Kazuhiko, was not her full brother; at least not by blood. Dubal had sired Kazuhiko from another woman in some far off and remote land before he had met her mother, Madame Shrue. Because of the gap that had formed between Kazuhiko and the Madame of the household there was often an uncomfortable tension between the two. A tension Uzumati could not fully understand for often she too was unsure of how she was related to her mother.

As a young one she was always told stories about how she was found in the woods. She had been illustrated as a little princess given a home as part of a gift from the feae. Really and truly the girl had never thought to question the stories in a more profound manner other than when she thought of her brother. She just came to grow and love the family that had formed excepting herself as part of this with or without the tales of faeries in her back story.

Her garment for the day was a deep crimson red and fit her form with the excellent skill only a master tailor of the trade could offer. Uzumati stood like a beacon at the cliffs waiting for her loved ones to return from their journey. She hummed the hypnotizing tune of the dead-de-taunts to herself. A song her mother used to lull her to sleep with when she was younger. Uzumati pushed down her anticipation and forced herself back to a state of calm. Within the hour the signs of sails blossomed along the horizon.

The men aboard would be docking in the secret al cove. A new ship filled with strange and fantastic loot was coming to harbor and it would hide for the time being while it was stripped and made into a different ship. Uzumati yielded to her excitement as she broke out of her tranquil state of induced relaxation. She ran back for the mansion hoping to inform the household of her sightings.

“Selia!” Uzumati yelled searching for the old hand maiden, “Selia,” she called running down the halls and into the kitchen.

Selia had aged somewhat since the two of them first had met and her hair had turned a light silver color now. She looked up to see the young mistress run into the hall, “ah dear, you are in luck. I have just finished my sweets.”

Selia pulled forth a tray of freshly baked cookies and for a brief moment Uzumati became distracted with desire for the delicious snacks the servant had completed. Her mentality was only briefly interrupted before she shook her head and refocused her intent, “Selia, you must inform mother… father has come home! I think Master Kazuhiko is with him, though I am not certain…”

Selia nodded setting the tray on top of the stove fixture. “Ah yes, your mother would like to know that. It will only be a moment. Try to leave this batch alone for now child. At least wait for your family to enjoy a few first.”

Uzumati agreed to Selia’s terms before rushing back out to greet the men.

Selia stood amazed with the transformation of the child. At one point in time the girl had been quit feral and hard to work with. Uzumati would growl and bark, and her tattoos and hair only added to the level of her savage behavior. Now the tattoos had faded away into her skin and could no longer be seen on her face. The Madame had taught her and shaped her into a lady rather than the wolfling that had come into the house. One could almost assume that she was not at all a wolf if looking at her. She was instead a smart and intelligent young lady, grown to be the young mistress of the home.

Uzumati ran back outdoors and to the hidden coves. It would have taken the average person half an hour’s jog to reach the cliff peaks but Uzumati’s pace was faster than that of a humans. She reached her destination in half the time using half the amount of energy a human would have spent. Not even her older brother could keep up with her.

The ship had ported now and she watched the men unload and break from their journey. She craned her neck as she attempted to make out familiar figures. Kazuhiko had an unnatural ability to pick out a person who was looking at him. He glanced up and saw the delicate red figure above him on the cliffs and waved to his little sister. She moved her frail arms and waved back in elation.

It had been a few months since Kazuhiko had last seen her. Dubal would no doubt be ecstatic to see his adopted daughter as well. Uzumati was the one thing that seemed to keep Dubal and Amelia in good terms with one another. Amelia was happy again once she had discovered the child, and Dubal seemed to grow more enthusiastic with the girl’s progress each passing year. He had also come to accept Uzumati as his daughter.

Kazuhiko felt a sliver of pride in himself too; it was hard not to grow fond of the girl. She was loyal and forgiving. Being near his younger sister made him feel comforted, and she was always happy to see him. She made him feel loved when Dubal or the Madame left him feeling empty at times. He finished up with his required work before departing from the other men. He desperately wished to see his estranged family. Kazuhiko worked his way up and around the cliffs and Uzumati moved with her unnatural speed eager to greet him.

As he reached the top of the cliff built stairs Uzumati came crashing into his arms. She clutched onto him in an embrace and he patted the top of her hair.

“You have grown dearest…” he noted looking at the girl.

Uzumati grinned deviously as she looked up at the boy. “Yup, another head taller mother says.”

“And how old are you now…?” Kazuhiko questioned.

Uzumati grinned, “12,” she stated proudly.

“Hmmm… when I last saw you… you were 11, and now you are 12. It would seem I have missed a birthday… but how is that possible?”

“You were at sea silly,” Uzumati said with a little giggle.

Kazuhiko gave an amused nod, seeing his sister like this always brought him joy. “Ah, at sea…”

Kazuhiko reached into the satchel he was carrying, “but at sea or no… I did come by this gift for a certain 12 year old.”

He pulled forth a lovely black pearl necklace and held it out in front of the girl. “You wouldn’t happen to know a 12 year old girl around here?”

Uzumati’s eyes widened as did her grin, “oh Kazu! I’m 12!”

The boy laughed and he relinquished the necklace to her. She very quickly snatched the item and latched it at the back of her neck. She gave a twirl spinning out the base of her dress in order to model the pearls.

“How do I look?” she asked.

In all honesty Kazuhiko thought she looked stunning. Her figure was just starting to take shape, and a young woman was beginning to grow. The red dress complimented her skin perfectly, and let her yellowed eyes glimmer with a golden radiance. The pearls he had picked out only added to her improving beauty. She was a delightful creature indeed. Kazuhiko stuffed down his feelings of admiration though. He was 18 now, and it was unorthodox for one to view their sister in such a manner, even if she was adopted.

“You look spectacular ‘Mati. Come now, surely Selia has prepared some kind of dinner for us? Dubal will want to see you as well. Geez, if you enjoyed my gift wait until you see what father has in store for you.”

Uzumati turned back in and gave Kazuhiko another hug, “oh thank you Kazuhiko! The necklace is just lovely.”

She pulled back holding out her arm, “you will escort me?”

Kazuhiko took arm into his. “But of course my dear,” he announced theatrically.

Even though Kazuhiko was escorting the lady, it was Uzumati who took the lead. No doubt she wished to inform her mother of his and Dubal’s company by showing the witch that they had arrived in the flesh.

In all honesty Amelia Shrue, scared Kazuhiko. She scared most of the men, which was why Dubal kept her away from his crew. Kazuhiko had always wondered why his father had taken such a risk in purchasing such a woman, but when he turned to look at the girl clutching onto his arms his concerns of Amelia seemed to lighten. Amelia may have been the only person fit to raise a werewolf.

Perhaps her sole purpose was to find us a daughter and a sister, Kazuhiko thought to himself.
Dubal had managed to arrive before the two children. Amelia was standing at his side playing the role of a proper mistress. When the two children walked into the home the staff seemed to light up and the house became filled with a positive atmosphere.

Amelia walked over and nodded politely at Kazuhiko then turned to her daughter, “ah ‘Mati, you must be careful up on those cliffs. You have gotten your dress dirty.”

Uzumati gave a quick curtsy releasing her arm from Kazuhiko’s, “yes ma’am. But… I wanted to see my brother. Look at the necklace he gave me!” She pointed at her neck and Amelia eyed the black pearls with reservation.

“Ah… it would seem you captured quite the ship…” Shrue spoke catching the gleam of the pearls in her eye.

Kazuhiko smiled, “Dubal saved the loveliest pieces for you my lady. I was able to grab a few paltry pieces for myself and for the young lady of the house here.”

Uzumati blushed when Kazuhiko glanced over at her implying he had made an attempt to keep the black pearls separate just for her. For Uzumati, Kazuhiko was like a magnet that just pulled her near to him. He could always take her on some crazy adventure, or entertain her for hours on end, and he always made her feel happy. She felt like this truly was her brother even if her mother did not always approve.

The Madame spoke thoughtfully, “and Dubal, have you had the chance to say hello?”

Uzumati peered around her mother and saw her father standing silently by the Madame.

“Papa!” she yelled and broke into a run. She practically knocked over the man when she reached him to return an embrace.

His face brightened upon seeing her. “Dearest,” he spoke sweetly.

Dubal had never sure how a girl so dangerous would fit into his family, but with time his guard was dropped entirely. She had become his daughter, and he loved her all the same. His hair too had begun to silver with age but he seemed just as sturdy and strong as the day ‘Mati first laid eyes on him.

“I hear that I have missed a birthday. I hope to remedy this, your room has been stacked with gifts my dear. I’ll have one of the servant’s change you and you can explore the goodies we have left in your room.”

Uzumati’s eyes widened with elation as she turned back to her brother and grinned mischievously exchanging a dubious look with him. She turned her focus back to her father and gave him a kiss on his cheek then sped up the stairs all too excited to see what her father had left for her.

She was a darling little girl, but even Dubal was beginning to notice the changes occurring in her. She was becoming a young woman, and Dubal would soon have to decide her fate. It would be the time that he either decides a suitor or risk sending her to a convent like her mother once attended.

He looked back to his son who had gazed day dreamily as the girl walked up the stairs.
They are not related by blood… Dubal thought to himself. It might seem unusual to have the siblings wed, but they had already known each other for so many years. Kazuhiko already knew Uzumati’s secret and there was little risk of treason coming back to haunt Dubal if he wed the two and let them live out their lives in continued secrecy. His lady may throw a fit at the idea though. No doubt she had already decided to send Uzumati to a convent for young women and have her refined into a fine young lady that some church could utilize, like they had done with her.

“Our little girl is not so little anymore,” Dubal muttered to Amelia.

“Ah, you see it too, she grows. She has not blossomed yet, and so she is still too young to determine a long term fate for.”

Dubal nodded, “But it is time we began to make arrangements.”

He walked his lady into the dining hall and stood before the table. “What about Kazuhiko?” He asked to his mistress. As he had expected her continence expressed disapproval.

“They are siblings my lord!” She spoke.

“Hardly,” he muttered. “Kazu is a bastard, and only the gods know of Uzumati’s original origins. I think they would make a perfect match for one another. Even you can surely see the way the two look at each another. It’s like each day they have fallen in love with out yet realizing it. I think Kazuhiko is starting to finally notice the feelings he is carrying for the girl.”

The woman gulped, there was a reason she did not like the bastard. First he appeared in the household without the Madame’s consent or conference from Dubal. Then Dubal determined Kazuhiko would stay. Now Dubal was implying that was willing to hand Uzumati over to his bastard degenerate. It did not matter that Dubal would call Kazuhiko his legal son to the Madame, she wanted nothing to do with the boy.

“I do not think it appropriate my lord…”

“There would be no secrets among the two. They already know well of one another,” Dubal retorted.

“It does not seem right…” the lady went on.

Dubal waved his hand. For now it was only a thought. No further plans could be officially made until his daughter was indeed a woman. He could bargain her out to a noble, but he was sure that it would be too noticeable that she was not an ordinary girl. This discussion would have to continue at another time though.

Kazuhiko stepped into the dining hall with a look of caution about his composure. “And how does my lady fair today?”

Amelia gave him a quick glance then turned back to Dubal. “She fairs well,” the Madame spoke curtly.

Dubal could clearly see the disdain his lady held for his bastard son.

It was not long until Uzumati had returned back down to the dining hall. Her gown was switched to a satin blue. It was a rich satin blue that contrasted with the vivd colors that made her composure look so warm. The dress fitted so that it raised in varying sections, but stayed modest in stylization. The expensive garment was cold and if not for the brightness of Uzumati it might have made the wearer appear sad or forlorn.

“Ah, my darling, what ship did you take?” The Madame spoke while eyeing the new gown on her daughter.

“A very wealthy one,” Dubal returned. “I believe we took the ship of a noble who was on a quest for treasure, and treasure was indeed found.” He smiled at his lady.

“Yes, though… this ship was rather strange…” Kazuhiko muttered, daring to enter the conversation. “Most of the crew had been taken by sickness, and passed. It was easy to gain hold of this ship; it was run by skeleton crew and no fight was left in them. The master of the ship had died many months before we found the old girl. I think there was a child on board, but the girl must have died. We found plenty of items that were perfect for Uzumati, but we did not find a young girl the items would have been meant for.”

“How peculiar,” The Madame replied still keeping her responses short when addressing Kazuhiko.
Uzumati shivered at the idea that she might be wearing the garments of dead child. These expensive layers were designed for someone no longer of this earth.

Dubal nodded, “ah yes… we found many riches aboard. Many riches and one strange obsidian coffin. Who ever had passed on this journey was an important man with an important family. The body was in route to be sent back. Currently my men are trying to pry the coffin open.”

Uzumati gasped, “why would you disturb the dead!?”

Dubal smiled to her, “he has a wealthy coffin, and perhaps he has some of his wealth still with him in the coffin.”

Uzumati grimaced and looked at her father with disapproval, “it is not normal to do something so cruel… one should leave the dead be. You should burry it, or perhaps toss him to the sea as he may have been a captain once,” she spoke succinctly as if leaving her father with no other option in her plans.

Dubal laughed, he had always loved the fact that his young daughter had taken so much after him. She held an unquestioned authority about her which was an attitude she had gleamed from his leadership.

“We shall see my dearest one. For now we leave the men to work alongside the ship. They will dismantle it and come up with a plan to re-sell the remaining goods inside. We could use another schooner so there is much we must remove before we can sell it.”

The Madame agreed, this was all customary work when it came to the dealings of pirates and smugglers.
♠ ♠ ♠
pirate dad and pirate son come home from a long day of pirating. PIRATES!