Status: Okie dokie, this is the only story I have 100% complete sitting in a word doc. on my laptop. As long as I remember to edit it on occasion, I should be able to keep with updates. We shall see!

Blood Lineage

Chapter 4: Just a Bad Feeling

It had been too long since Uzumati had been with her family as a whole and dinner together was a much needed occasion. The day was going along just as it should until dusk arrived on the low lit skies. Outside the mansion grounds the howls of a wild canine took to the night skies. By now the family had moved to the drawing room to partake in leisurely activities. As the family stood about the uncanny howling disrupted the peaceful moment Uzumati was experiencing with her family.

The hair on Uzumati’s arms rose on its ends and she reached out clutching onto the arm of her brother. “Listen…” she whispered. The eerie howl had frightened her, and it was not often she found herself frightened.

“It’s just a wolf pack ‘Mati…” Kazuhiko looked down at her with compassionate understanding.
She closed her eyes and focused on the howls; focused just as her mother had taught her to do. The pack was far, but it was a big pack that was foreign to this land. As they continued to howl it almost felt as if they were reaching out for her, trying to grab at her. Uzumati’s wrenched open her eyes and she could feel cool sweat form at her brow. These wolves were ominous and the foreign entities brought bad luck with them.

Madame Shrue was no stranger to the fear that paled her daughter’s face. She spoke to ease the fear, “I will encourage the men to hunt these next few days. I’m sure they can find a fine pelt for their hearths.”

Uzumati nodded releasing herself from the eerie vision she called upon to locate the outsider pack, “a prize it will be… these wolves are much bigger…”

Her eyes were illuminated this night and a small faded outline of two tattoos appeared on her porcelain like cheeks.

To the mother Uzumati’s fear was apparent, and this drew concern from the Madame. “I believe it is time for us to retire. Dubal, Kazuhiko, you will forgive me, but I will see to it personally that ‘Mati is attended to tonight.”

The two men nodded and resumed conversation of the peculiar ship they had found as Madame Shrue walked away with Uzumati leading the girl to her room. A few servants fastediously changed Uzumati out of her new gown and set it aside for the next day to wear. She was left in a simple white shift to sleep in.

Uzumati tried to speak to her mother but it was clear she was still disturbed by the setting of the night. Her voice choked up in her throat twice before she could form a proper sentence, “Please mother… please put brother Kazuhiko in the room nearest to mine… I do not want my hall to be empty tonight…”

Shrue knew the two were reaching an age where they should be kept separated, but the fear in her daughter’s eyes allowed her to question her bitter logic. “For tonight only I will see to such arrangements. But you are growing. You must learn to face your fears independently.”

Uzumati squeezed her mother’s hand weakly thankful for her response. For the child felt prescient instinct that told her that something of mal intent seemed likely to happen on this night. An undesired nervous sensation of the gut shook her delicate frame as she shivered ready for the day to come to completion.
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Quick chapter, almost to quick, I'll updoot with chapter 5 in a second.