Status: Okie dokie, this is the only story I have 100% complete sitting in a word doc. on my laptop. As long as I remember to edit it on occasion, I should be able to keep with updates. We shall see!

Blood Lineage

Chapter 6: Greetings Kazuhiko

Kazuhiko eyes closed feeling heavier and heavier with each breath he took. He rolled over and turned towards the bay window looking out again to the night sky. As he peered over he noticed that the latch had been undone. Fog was rolling into the room and the air turned cold around him making him feel uncomfortable. Grudgingly he lifted himself from the bed and walked over to the window. He pulled it shut before latching down the locking mechanism.

“Kazuhiko…” A mysterious disembodied voice whispered his name.

Kazuhiko spun around wildly and peered about the room in the dark. No one was to be seen. Kazuhiko walked over to his bedside table reaching for the candle that rested on the top.

“Oh Kazuhiko…” the voice sounded again, this time with a slight hint of amusement in it.

Kazuhiko turned once more to the window. The lock on the window started to raise again as it slowly it opened itself a second time. Fog and mist rolled into the room and Kazuhiko took several steps back away. The cold night air nipped at his feet chilling the boy.

“Hahaha, to believe there is such a one who thinks to steal from me!”

Kazuhiko’s eyes searched the room wildly as he desperately tried to find the origin of the voice. As he peered about the room he watched in horror as a figure indeed begin to emerge. Slowly a gaseous human body materialized on the balcony rising from the mist in the most eerie of fashions.

'A ghost!' Kazuhiko thought to himself. 'A ghost desperate for vendetta of his ship!'

Kazuhiko backed himself up and tripped over his own bed falling onto the floor. He dropped the candle, the flame lost as it rolled across the barren floor. The transient body began to build in mass and a solid form started to take shape. A man now stood at the center of the balcony. He lifted his hand and entered through the unlocked bay window stepping into the room. He was a tall elegant man, with all the features of a noble. He turned and gazed at Kazuhiko.

“My my, the robbers of the sea are getting much younger these days…” The strange man smiled at Kazu. This man had sharp distinct features. His hair was as white as the surface of the moon and just as reflective. His eyes almost glowed a brilliant dark blue. They appeared to be lit with a life of their own, super natural eyes much like Uzumati’s yellow.

The man sniffed at the air then turned his attention back to Kazu, “No need to be so frightened, please sit.”

He extended his arm over to the top of the bed gesturing for Kazuhiko to pick himself up from the floor. He was a very attractive man; even his gestures seemed to allure Kazuhiko towards him. The stranger’s eyes glowed a brighter blue and Kazuhiko found himself focusing more onto those mesmerizing eyes.

“Do you know who it is that you’ve stolen from, boy?” The man walked closer to Kazuhiko who was now perched upon the edge of the bed.

Kazuhiko shook his head nervously showing he did not know. The man reached out and gently caressed the side of Kazuhiko’s cheek as he leaned in. Once he was up close the stranger smiled revealing two very sharp canine-teeth. Kazuhiko was only now starting to understand the severity of the situation he was in.

“You… you are the guard….” Kazuhiko sputtered feeling terror grip his body. He tensed up, his body fighting the natural reaction to flee.

“Oh good job, now you get it. Yes, I am Count Jamis Engstrom, personal guard to her royal majesty, and guard to her belongings when they have need of being shipped.”

Kazuhiko wanted to run; he wanted to warn Dubal and the Madame. This house would be overtaken very soon, but the gaze from Jamis kept Kazuhiko perfectly still and perfectly quiet. Kazuhiko had been hypnotized.

“So young, you are so young to be taking such large ships like mine. I did not have enough living staff aboard my ship. The dead do not like the sunlight you see, so I need living men to work the vessel during the day.” Jamis looked curiously at Kazuhiko. “I let the others hide within the floor boards and walls of the vessel.”

The monster had hoped to enter the room of Dubal, the man who took his ship, but instead he entered the room of the son. It was just as well for the son was indeed a very lovely figure, much like his father whose infamy was growing in popularity as he continued his raids on the regencies belongings. Kazuhiko had dark hair, gorgeous dark brown eyes, the attraction and allure of the orient in him, and lastly a figure that showed he was accustomed to working outdoors. His muscle was lean and tight to his body showing a lanky model like figure. It would be a shame to let such a lovely creature go to waste.

“Tell me, do you know what the royal guard is?” Jamis said analyzing the boy.

Kazuhiko nodded slowly, if the royal guard was coming to the homestead he must warn Dubal. The Madame would need to get Uzumati out of here. This house was to be a scandal and a tragedy if Kazuhiko could not break his gaze from this vampire.

“You know, Dubal is famed enough he should have known a royal ship when he sees one. I assume you knew as well what you had found for yourselves, but with most of the crew being dead, I guess you thought that this ship was safe for the taking? My, what a pair of fools.”

Kazuhiko squirmed trying to break free from the vampire. The hypnotic gaze was too powerful keeping him rooted.

Jamis sniffed at the air, “and that smell… what is that smell in this house? You are hiding something more than my queen’s gems and treasures.”

Uzumati… Kazuhiko squirmed some more.

“But that can be dealt with in a little bit, first I need to deal with you, and your idiot father,” Jamis said.

Kazuhiko tightened up. This was not a good situation to be in. He’d never get the chance to say good bye to his sister, to his father, to any of the crew… this was not how he wanted to die.

“Rise up,” Jamis smirked and barred his teeth. Kazuhiko stood up against his will and approached Jamis with awkward movements desperate to resist but unable to do so.

“Such a waste… to just let one such as you go. Hmmm,” Jamis smiled.

He reached out a brought Kazuhiko near to him, “Don’t be so dower boy, I decided I’m not going to kill you,” with that the vampire carefully turned Kazuhiko’s neck to the side.

Kazuhiko could feel the hot breathe and cold touch of the undead on him, and there was nothing he could do to fight back. Jamis gracefully leaned into Kazuhiko’s exposed neck and let his tongue run along the flesh of the boy sampling his meal. Kazuhiko tried with all his might to resist the will of Jamis, to fight back or even run, but he found that he could not retreat from this monster. The trance was fixed deeply upon him controlling the movements of his body.

Jamis’s teeth sank into his neck and Kazuhiko released a low moan indicating the pain felt by the penetration. The exhale of sound only seemed to excite the vampire who greedily dug his fangs further into Kazuhiko’s skin lapping up the blood as it flowed into his mouth. Kazuhiko’s mind continued to fight, but it was all in vain. His vision began to blur and darkness began to take him.

At the door Kazuhiko could hear a small rattle outside. He knew she must have come wandering down the hallway to seek comfort from the night terrors that had afflicted her earlier.

“’Mati… run,” Kazuhiko whispered before falling unconscious from the drain of blood.
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It's like a 3 year old wrote this. Well, I'm in too deep now... here you go guys. I hope this is plenty enough suspense for you all!