Status: Okie dokie, this is the only story I have 100% complete sitting in a word doc. on my laptop. As long as I remember to edit it on occasion, I should be able to keep with updates. We shall see!

Blood Lineage

Chapter 8: The ***ed

The Madame rushed in bewildered by the racket she heard. Uzumati stood at the window howling and Kazuhiko lay still in the bed with eyes open and glazed over with the look of death. Her daughter’s cries were depressed and unmanageable, as was Kazuhiko’s surprising fate.

“No…” the madam whispered.

The child turned her head to face her mother. Once again she looked like the creature found alone in the den. A savage little beast left alone and ignored. Features of humanity were fading and for the first time in years the image of a wolf began to emerge on her daughter. The howling had transformed her, finally turned her back to her blood lineage. A small red wolf stood before the Madame, and not her daughter.

“SLEEP!” The Madame cast her arm toward to her daughter and the spell hit. The wolf dropped to the ground and the human form of her daughter once more emerged. Madame Shrue checked the pulse of her beau’s son. He was dead, drained of his blood. She moved over to her daughter, surely it was not her daughter that had done this? If it was her daughter then it was a very clean kill, for not a drop of blood was on the girl, and her howls displayed such misery.

Dubal entered to see both of his children down. His woman’s eyes were widened with horror. Kazuhiko’s life seemed to be gone and the girl was left in shambles on the floor.

“No…” Dubal whispered to himself.

“No…” louder his voice grew until it became screams. He ran to his daughter, she was still breathing. The transformation the house had feared was clear on her features still. Her teeth were sharp, the tattoos were strong, and though her facial features were human it was hard to dismiss the wolf’s tail that had grown.

“It was not ‘Mati…” the Madame spoke carefully.

“I know it was not ‘Mati!” Dubal screamed. “Our daughter loved him… more than likely she foolishly tried to protect him…”

Carefully Dubal picked up the little girl and walked from the room, “leave him there…” he whispered to the Madame.

“Don’t let the servants touch him… things are unraveling too quickly…”

His statements confused Amelia but she obeyed him. She locked the door to Kazuhiko’s room.
“You will need to dress her… in the finest gown you can find for her my love… it is time we come to take consequences for our actions…”

The howls of the wolves outdoors had grown even louder and were now approaching the house. The Madame’s voice trembled with fear as she posed her uncertainties to Dubal, “Surely… surely they don’t come for our daughter?”

Dubal nodded, “we took a daughter from them… they want her back… that ship must have been a trap. Their original goal may have simply been wanted to put an end to a few pirates, but if they have already discovered Uzumati…”

He turned and looked at the door angrily, “that is the work of a vampire.”

Amelia gulped, “he is…”

“He’s been taken… if I would have only known what I lifted from that coffin… I would have never opened it…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Updoot for Cacl