Status: All characters that appear in this story belong to me, the plot line and everything else! :)

Elves of Cawree


The queen stared at her reflection, she smiled softly and fixed her deep grey flowy gown. Alva adjusted her traditional elven braid before sighing contently and walking to check on her daughter, Nimdes. While on her way to her daughter's room, she accidentally bumped into somebody. The other person grabbed the queen by the arm gently.

"Annwyl, be careful." The person said, Alva smiled and looked up to see her husband.
"My love, I'm sorry. I did not see you there." Alva replied smugly before kissing him on the cheek and continuing her way to Nimdes' room. Alva stopped outside her door and before she could knock, she heard the princess arguing with her hand maiden.

"Breena, I don't want to wear this dress, it's not a pretty color!" Alva heard Breena try to reason with the young elf, Alva giggled softly before making her way down to the gathering room to make sure that everything was going according to plan.

Alva smiled when she saw all the nightsetters placed strategically around the room. The flowers were pink and orange, and they reminded her of the sunset, her favorite part of the evening.
"My melar! It is time for you to receive your new crown." A guard had said, Alva turned softly on her heel and nodded. Alva followed him into the throne room.

They arrived, and there they found Gaerdes already receiving his new crown. The king smiled brightly as he watched the queen receive hers. As soon as the crown was adjusted on her head, all colors that she once saw disappeared. Gaerdes' expression turned to one of concern as he his queen furrow her brow in confusion.

"Is everything alright?" Gaerdes questioned, he received a small but unconvincing nod from Alva.
The queen turned on her heel and left the throne room for the gathering room. Alva felt like something was seeping into her brain but she elected to ignore it seeing as how guests were arriving for the moon year gathering.

Nimdes made her way down the staircase, she approached the entrance of the gathering room and smiled gleefully as she watched all the guests pour in. This was an exciting time for the young elven princess as this was her first moon year gathering and it would be one she would remember for years to come.

Gaerdes left the throne room to begin his part in the gathering which was to listen to what the citizens wanted for the new year. He found the night to be dragging on so he went in search for Alva, in hopes that she could make his night better. By the time he found her, Alva felt her body was fighting something. Gaerdes had noticed her eyes were no longer the brilliant blue they once were but now a faded grey. Her cream colored skin was slowly losing it's color. The queen grabbed onto Gaerdes' shoulders and she started to collapse. Nimdes came running at the sight of her mother, the princess stared in horror as her mothers hand slipped off her fathers shoulders. The queen was dead.
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The cause of the Queen's death will be revealed later on in the story, put please comment and let me know what you think!