Inevitable Silences

Cod Fish

As James stormed out my hyperventilating seized with the bang of the door and the sick relief that I could share this pain alone with Aby, I was starting to freak out about becoming deaf and I wanted to record his voice – but my phone had died.
So I grabbed his with the ease of being in a committed relationship and as I clicked record then he freaked… I then gripped the phone tighter and asked ‘what was going on?!’ and he said to just give him his phone and then as if on cue a snapchat arrived, I slid my thumb across serendipitously thinking this is the reason why he freaked he was expecting this… the camera crackled into view and a pair of breast filled the screen – at first I thought it might be a picture or a spam but it was worse a video… the screen panned up and giggles so vivacious I would know them without my sound banking, filled the ghastly narrowing void between me and my love as Gabby’s round face and love filled filled almond eyes filled the edge to edge Samsung screen.
He laughed and said ‘it was a joke, you know Gabs’ he grabbed the phone and accidentally hit the volume up as the last part of the 10 second video changed from loud seductive giggles to her creamy voice ‘I wish you were here’ and a kiss sound before cutting off.
This was a sound memory I would not want to keep. I recounted the break up and I snuggled into my sisters arms.

Abigail –
That codfish, and Gabby… how could they! Gabby had been here six months ago gushing over Ney’s promise ring.
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not sure if this is finished... :/