‹ Prequel: Night Enchanted
Status: Rating for language and mature content

The Master of Tides

My name is Eroan Morro. My parents, Elwin Morro and Camilia Constantin, are the royal elven ambassadors. My sister, Kilyn, is a few years younger than me but looks nothing like me. The only person I look like is my mother and even then it's little traits.

I'm turning 27 and, it's on this day, my mother was going to reveal my true past. That is, until she got gravely ill. She's a human which means only one thing: find medicine or she'll die.

I, Kilyn, and our friends Rina Leoris, Sylmae Trafir, Galan Ologolor, and Folen Sylris are going on a mission to find a flower that is rumored to not only save my mother, but keep her alive long enough to spend the rest of my father's life with him.

During our travels, though, we realize there are more mythical creatures than elves and goblins. We also learn how dangerous the world really is.