Status: in progress


Ch 2

Kellin walked, with his hands in his pockets, down the streets of Portland. It was misting tonight, making Kellin feel like all his troubles were slowly washing away. The street was poorly lit and Kellin held his pepper spray tightly. You can never be too safe especially since more people have been reported as missing and some even found dead.

It was eerily quite right now and Kellin felt like he was being followed; looking behind him, he saw two guys walking in his direction. They could be headed the same way. Kellin thought to himself, but he picked up the pace a bit just in case. Five minutes later, Kellin saw the street he needed to turn on and relief washed over him.

It was short lived though.

The men also turned on the same street.

With his other hand, Kellin gripped his keys, making sure he had the right one. He counted to three and took off running. The footsteps of the other men sounded like they were running too and they were gaining up on him. Kellin tried to think of ways to get them of his back when he saw Mrs. Higgins fence; he jumped over it and ran to her backyard where he jumped over her fence again.

Kellin felt like he was doing hurdles and his legs burned but he didn’t stop. he landed in his backyard, finally, and quickly unlocked the back door and walked inside. He was kind of happy his parents went on their honeymoon cruise because they’d probably scold him for being very loud so late at night but he felt scared being alone too. He’s been left alone before and it was fine, nothing to fear really but after what just happened, he was terrified.

Making sure he doors and windows were locked, Kellin blindly went up to his room and tried to get dressed for bed. He didn’t want to turn on any sort of lighting just in case the mysterious men were still out there (and his blinds were open so light would probably shine through). The temptation of looking outside his window was kind of getting in the way of looking for his pajama bottoms.

He walked to his window and stood in the darkness as his eyes scanned the street and pavement. There was one guy, looking around like he was looking for something or someone. the guy looked at Kellin’s house, then up to the second floor. It looked like the guy saw Kellin but he continued walking, looking around.

To Justin : Are you busy rn ?

From Justin : No why ?

To Justin : Think you can come over for the night ?

From Justin : I’m warm in bed !!

To Justin : I know and I’m sorry :c but I’ll explain everything later. Just please come.

From Justin : Fine I’m omw -_-

Kellin sighed in relief and looked closed his blinds before walking downstairs to wait for Justin.


“What do you mean you can’t find him?” He yelled into the phone.

”Vic, man, he jumped a fence. I went after him but then he kind of disappeared. I think he did track because he’s fast.” Jaime replied.

“This isn’t a time for fucking jokes!” Vic sighed in frustration and ran a hand through his hair. “Where’s Tony?” he asked more calmly.

”Right now he’s walking down the street, trying to find anything that’ll tell us where the kid lives.

“And you’re doing what?”

”Looking for footprints in the ground.”

“Have you found any?”

”No. what if he’s a ghost?”

“You saw him didn’t you? And so did Alex. He’s not a ghost. Look, just go back to Tone and see if he noticed anything. Just come back because it’s gonna be morning soon.” With that, Vic hung up and leaned back against the couch, closing his eyes. He’s working with idiots, loveable idiots, but still idiots no less.

“So I have some ... news.” Mike said as he walked into the living room with his face slightly paled.

“What?” Vic asked without moving from his current position.

“I … I know the kid.” Mike whispered.

This got Vic’s attention. He quickly sat up and patted the spot next to him, signaling Mike to sit. “Where do you know him from, dear brother?”

“Cut with the loving bullshit. You can’t touch him.”

“This better be the last time I ask; where do you know him from, Mikey?”

“He’s in my class.” He mumbled. “We aren’t friends but we worked in a group before.”

“Well, I think it’s time you befriend him. Don’t you think so?” Vic asked with a smirk.

“No, man, he’s a good kid. He’s smart and he really has it going for him. Pick anyone else but him.”

“Do my ears deceive me?” Vic asked in fake enthusiasm. He stood up and paced in front of the couch. “It … It almost sounds like you, I don’t know … like him!” he stopped and looked at Mike with anger in his eyes. “What did mama tell us about being attached to people?”

“It’s not good.”

“And why isn’t good?”

“Because people only want to hurt me.”

“See, Mikey, all she ever wanted was to protect us. We’re the only family we have after she died. If we let people in, they’ll only tear us apart.”

“What about Himes and Tone?”

“Mama approved of them, remember? Now, you’re going to earn his trust and then, once he’s comfortable with you, you go in for the kill. Understood?” Mike looked down, avoiding his older brother’s face. “Did you fucking understand?” Vic yelled.

“Yes, damn!” Mike yelled back.

“Get out. I don’t want to see your face.” Vic said, facing the fire place. He turned again and said, “Next time you yell at me though,” Vic said disturbingly calm and making Mike stop in his spot, “Don’t be surprised if you get stabbed.”

Mike didn’t say anything; he just nodded and walked out.
♠ ♠ ♠
I gave myself goose bumps.