Status: in progress


Ch 4

It had been a month since Mike and befriended Kellin and he was regretting ever having been involved in the mess that would happen when Vic decided it’s time to abduct Kellin. He was great friend with a wonderful family and a bright future. Mike didn’t want to see that be taken from him.

Right now, he was in Kellin’s room just hanging out. His parents went out of town to a colleges wedding and his three younger siblings were left under Kellin’s care.

Then he got a message.

From Vic : tonight.

To Vic : no. next week.

Incoming call from Vic.

“What do you mean no.”
Vic growled.

“Just trust me right now. It’ll be easier if we do this next week.”

”No, I don’t think you understand how this works. I give the orders around here, not you.”

“Vic, get that, I understand that, but please just trust me this one time ok?”

“Harp, stop bothering the boys!”

”Where are you Mikey?

“I’m at his house.”

”Is anyone else there with you?”

“His younger siblings.” Mike whispered.

“Give me his number.”

Mike pulled up the phonebook app and read the numbers to his brother. “five seven one, two eight six, sixty-three forty-four.”

The line went dead.

From Vic : bring him to the bar tonight, after the kids sleep, of course.

Mike didn’t reply and instead locked his phone and went downstairs.

“Hey sorry, but these kids need my help with their homework.”

“It’s cool.” Mike replied with a smile. “Do you need me to do something?”

“Check on the pizza that’s in the oven, will you?” Kellin asked. “Ok, Dev, write the equation with the numbers over each other.”

Mike really didn’t want to go through with this.

He checked the pizza, making sure it’s completely cooked before taking it out and letting it cool on the counter. When he turned around, he was scared to see Kellin’s youngest sibling, Harper, standing there in the kitchen.

“Is the pizza done yet?”

“Yeah, now we have to let it cool down a bit.” She walked up to him and grabbed his hand, looking at his arm. “Um, what are you doing?”

“Looking at the pictures you have. Can you draw this on me too?”

“I don’t think Kellin will be ok with that. Why don’t we go play with some of your Barbie’s?”

“Ok!” Harper said happily. “Dev and Hudson never want to play Barbie’s with me.” She said, pulling Mike into the living room. “Only Kells and Kailey play but its sometimes.”

“Who’s Kailey?”

“My big sister. Now, you’re the boy Barbie and I’m the girl Barbie. You work and I stay home to cook and clean.”

“What do I do for a job?”

“You’re a lawyer like my mommy and daddy.”

He played with the Barbie, bullshitting his way through the lawyer talk and actions until Kellin came to get them.

“Alright mister lawyer and misses housewife, time to eat.”

“Can I sit next to you again Mikey?” Harper asked.

“Sure kiddo. Go tell your brothers to wash their hands while Kellin and I get the pizza ready.” She ran off, in search for her brothers with a big smile on her face.

“You know she has a crush on you?” Kellin said as he cut the pizza up. “When you don’t come over she asks about you.”

“No she doesn’t, you’re just talking shit.”

“I’m serious!” Kellin laughed. “I’m her favorite but it seems like I’m being replaced. Now go wash your hands Michael.”

“Fuck off.” Mike replied jokingly.

When they set the table, the kids where coming back, taking their seats and digging in. Mike sat next to Harper who smiled with little teeth showing and tomato sauce on her chubby cheeks; he smiled back, cleaning her face with the napkin. He turned to look at Kellin who smirked back at him.

“Kellin, can I get pictures like Mikey?”

“When you’re eighteen babe. But for now, when you guys are done eating you can watch T.V. for a bit.”

“Are you gonna stay for more time?” Harper asked Mike.

“I can’t tonight bud. I have to go home.” She pouted at the response and ate her pizza sadly. When they all finished eating, and the table was clean, Kellin lead Mike to the door. “I’m going to the bar later, wanna come with? Be my wingman and everything.”

“As lovely as that sounds, I can’t. I’m babysitting.”

“Come after they fall asleep. Please?”

“I’ll text you later with an answer.”

“Fine, talk to you later. Bye.”

“Bye. Harp, come say bye to Mike.” Little feet could be heard running to the door and a body flung itself to his legs.

“Bye Mikey.”

“Bye Harp. I’ll se you tomorrow ok?” she nodded happily and ran back to the living room. “Text me later.” And with that, he walked out the house with guilt settling in the pit of his stomach.


“Vic, there are kids under his care. Just wait until his parents come back on Monday.” Mike pleaded.

“I don’t want to wait though.”

“What if he doesn’t want to come to the bar then? What are you going to do?”

We will break into his house and take him.”

“No, dude the kids will be traumatized.”

“The kids wont be harmed, don’t worry.” Vic said dismissively.

“Why him? Out of everyone there, why Kellin?”

“Because I want him. That’s all there is to it.”

“And there’s nothing I can do to make you change your mind?”

“Nope.” Vic said, popping the p. “Now, do you know Kellin’s sexual preference?”

“No, why would I know that?;

“You’ve been his friend for a month, Michael; I think that’s enough time to know someone’s sexuality.”

“Just because you like to be blunt about yours doesn’t mean everyone else does.” Vic simply shrugged. “You’re fucking crazy.”

“Now that’s how you compliment someone like me Mikey.”


From Kells : I’ll go. Should I meet you there or ?”

“He said he’d come.”

“Wonderful! Pick him up and see if there’s an extra key hiding anywhere. If there isn’t then I’ll find a way inside.”

To Kellin : I’ll pick you up

“One more thing, make sure Kellin isn’t hurt ok? He’s fragile.”

“Oh Mikey, if I didn’t know you were straight I’d think you had a crush on this kid.” Vic said with a laugh. “He won’t get hurt if he decides to cooperate. Do you see how that works? He does what I say and he goes unharmed but, if he chooses to fight then I can’t help but rough him up.” The smirk on Vic’s face made Mike uncomfortable.


“Ok you guys, it’s time for bed.” Kellin said as the movie finished. “Go brush your teeth and then off to sleep.”

Dev and Hudson groaned but didn’t fight it; they just did what he asked. Harper, on the other hand, wasn’t having it.

“My Kellin, can we pretty please watch another one?” she asked, hopping onto his lap.

“I’m afraid not buttercup. It’s way past your bed time.”

“But, but please?” she whined.

“No.; Kellin said firmly. “Now go brush your teeth.” He got up and sat her on the sofa, heading up the stairs to make sure the boys are doing whet they’re told and not making a mess. He peeped into the bathroom, seeing toothpaste droppings in the sink. He’d have to spell their breath. Kellin heard Harper running up the stairs and soon felt little arms wrap around his legs.

“Can you help me brush my teeth Kells?”

“You’re five babe, you know how to do this on your own.”

“But Ke-.”

There was a knock on the door.

“Go, Harper.” He gently shoved the little girl into the bathroom then went down to answer the door. He looked through the peephole and opened it. “Hey, I thought you were coming in like an hour.”

“Oops. Well I can wait till you get ready. Are the kids asleep?”

“The boys are in their rooms but Harper is giving me a rough time.”

“I can help.”

“You don’t have to, honestly.”

“It’s cool.” Mike said walking past him and up the stairs. “Harper!” he called out. “Where are you?”

“Mike!” Kellin hear Harper scream. He sighed, closing the door and going back upstairs to check on his brothers. “Boys.” He said, catching them playing on the DS. “Come on, turn it off. It’s time to sleep.”

“But Kellin,; Hudson said, not taking his eyes off the screen. “We’re almost about to finish the level.”

“Fine. When harper falls asleep, you guys are turning that off whether you beat the level or not.”

He stood there for a few more seconds before leaving them alone. You can’t win all of them. He walked past Harpers room and saw Mike reading to her. She was laying on her bed while Mike sat on the floor. Kellin walked to his room and grabbed some clothes before getting into the shower to wash himself quickly. When he was done he dried off and jumped into his skinny jeans and t-shirt. Opening the door, he bumped into Mike.

“Shit, sorry.” Mike said.

“It’s cool. Did she fall asleep?”

“Yeah and I checked on the boys and they weren’t sleeping but I didn’t see anything on.”

“Ok, I’ll go check and then I have to put my shoes on then we can leave.”

“I’ll be waiting in the car then.”

“I know you boys are awake.” Kellin said, walking into their room.

“Kellin, can we please not sleep.” Dev said, not looking up at him.

“No. C’mon guys, give me your games.” Kellin stood with his hip jutted out and a hand on it. His signature pose for not putting up with anything. Dev and Hudson quickly gave Kellin their gaming system and crawled back into bed. “Thank you. Now I’m going to go… play a game with Mike and his friends so if anything happens and I’m not here, go to Harper’s room and protect her. Got it?”

“Got it.” They said simultaneously.

Kellin closed their door, checked on Harper then went downstairs where he proceeded to hop around again, slipping his shoes on before grabbing his keys and locking up behind him. He walked to the car and the smell of mint hit his nostrils.

“Keys and phone?” Mike said before putting the car in drive.

“Yeah, lets go.”
♠ ♠ ♠
i should be working on Days Like These but im PROCRASTINATIONG lol