The Lure of a Vampire

Alternatively Titled:
Help! I've Been Arranged to Marry (And Am Falling In Love With) a Vampire Prince But I Hate Him!

Chastity Raven Black is an ordinary sixteen year old, high school girl who enjoys long walks in moonlit forests and obsessing over the darker things in life. She is happy and content in her solitary life until her single father tells her she has been arranged to marry a vampire prince!

Written for:
In Honor of Quizilla being hosted by She Said Poptarts

This story is purely satire and in no way is it supposed to be taken seriously in any way. It is purposefully cliche and redundant. It will be updated inconsistently and will only ever be worked on if the mood strikes me.

This story will be wholly kinda unedited. Its being written on my phone on the memo app and the spell check on that beast is nothing short of non-existant.
Princely Vampire, High School Girl, Kidnapping, Arranged Marriage, Abusive Single Parent Home.
Later there will be mature themes.
Rating will be changed accordingly.