The Lure of a Vampire

Waking Up

Chastity came awake slowly but dreadfully aware of how shitty she was feeling. Her head throbbed viciously, her body ached all over and it felt as if twenty pound weight were attached to each of her eyelids.

Groaning, she used all her energy to open her eyes and immediately wanted to close them. She was back in her room in the coven house, the room was dim but she could see the shadow of Max hovering over her.

Without thought she screamed, she screamed loud and long as if her life depending on the sound coming from her throat and Max let her, just watched her intently until she finally quieted. “Are you done?” he asked quietly. When Chastity nodded weakly he asked, “Why did you wander off?”

Despite her pain, Chastity scowled at him, “I wasn’t going to watch that whore throw herself at you and I shouldn’t have to watch you let her.”

“You almost got yourself killed because you were jealous?” he growled, each word radiating his anger.

“It’s not like I asked that asshole to attack me!” Chastity yelled at Max angrily, “I only meant to find somewhere quiet to sit down and I got lost, I was calling for you but he found me. I tried to fight him.”

“Stupid girl,” Max snarled, “You made your injuries much worse by fighting, he would have left you relatively unharmed had you just let him bite you like you gave him permission to do.”

“I didn’t give him permission! Why the hell would I do that? He only attacked me because of you!” She cried loudly, tears welling in her eyes as she watched the look of shock take over Max’s features. “He said he would rape me and I wasn’t going to let him just do that! If… if that's what you expect me to do than fuck all of this. I won’t be your Bride and a whore to any vampire around.”

“He threatened to rape you?” Max gritted out from between clenched teeth and when Chastity nodded in affirmation his angry features turned darker, more sinister. “That changes things, Bride. I’m sorry that I upset you,” he murmured quietly, using a hand to stroke her cheek gently. “Why don’t you rest a bit more while I take care of a few things.”

Chastity felt the bed lift as he stood and immediately reached out, groping for him blindly before wrapping her fingers around his wrist to halt him, “Max, don’t leave me.”

“Hush, little Bride. I am going to rectify a situation I left open ended I will be back soon.”

“I’m scared,” Chastity whispered. “Please, don’t leave me. I… I won’t be able to sleep knowing that you aren’t going to be here to protect me. What if someone comes in and tries to bite me again?”

Max let out a deep sigh before he leaned onto the bed, “I’m sorry but I can’t stay with you right now, but I’ll put you at ease.” Leaning in closer until their foreheads touched and their breaths commingled he looked deeply into her eyes before saying, “Sleep.”

The compulsion to sleep slammed into her like a freight train. Her eyes grew heavier than they were before, her head hazy as she felt herself falling into sleep. Just before she lost consciousness completely she felt the cool press of Max’s lips against her forehead.