Status: Enjoy! :)




David and I arrived at Vanessa and Derek's apartment. When we walk inside, we find a disaster. Books and other things have been flung all over the place. Pictures with Derek cut out. Then we see blood. I quickly called a forensic analyst as David inspects the place.

"This unsub is angry. Organized. He wants to be the alpha male, it would seem." he said as he picked up a picture that was taken of Vanessa and Derek at JJ's wedding a few years back.

"Why would he just take her though, I don't understand."

"It has to be an ex boyfriend, or some sort of stalker."

We walked into the bedroom when I stepped in something wet. I turned the light on and saw more blood. She was hit in the nose, and she is a bleeder. The analysts came in, along with a few police officers and they did a sweep of the place. We had them test the blood, however, to see if maybe Vanessa fought back. As they did that Garcia called my cell.

"Hotch, Vanessa just called me." she practically screamed through the phone. "I'm running a trace on it now, but it wast a very long phone call and-"

"Garcia, calm down. She called you?"

"Yes and before she could tell me where she was she screamed and called out a name. Jacob? I've been looking through her things to see if I could find anything on a 'Jacob', but I haven't found anything."

"Did JJ and Emily talk to her parents?"

"Yes. Her dad never knew she had a boyfriend before Derek. Besides this one guy in High School, but his name was Caleb and he's married with three kids."

"What about her mother? Brothers?"

"Her brothers didn't know anything and her mother is to much of an emotional wreck to think straight."

"Keep looking and keep me posted."

"Yes sir."


I don't know how long I was out, but when I finally broke through the haze, I was hoping it was all some terrible nightmare. When I saw Spencer sitting in the chair beside me looking through case files, I knew it wasn't.

"Pretty Boy." I called, my voice rough.

His head perked up and he looked at me.

"Have you found anything?"

He shook his head. "We've been going through everything. Garcia got a call from Vanessa, but the call was to short for her to trace. Vanessa managed to scream out a name though, Jacob? Does that name ring any bells?"

I thought about it and I couldn't recall a 'Jacob'. I shook my head. "Have you talked to her family?"

"Her mother is to distraught, her father is in denial and her brothers don't know much."

"We need to find her." I grunted as I tried to sit up, only to be pushed back down by Spencer.

"We will find her. You need to rest and help me find who did this."

"I don't know what you want me to remember."

"There must've been a guy before you, right?" I nodded. "Then you have to know his name."

"She never told me his name, only that he was crazy."

Spencer got that look that he gets when he gets an idea. He quickly pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, Garcia. I need you to see if there was anyone with the name Jacob that has been recently released from a mental institution." he paused. "Check in the areas of Quantico and Miami." another pause. "I know that's a lot of names, but Vanessa lived in Miami, Florida. Yes, he's awake."

He handed me the phone and put it on speaker. "Yeah, baby girl, talk to me."

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Okay is an understatement."

"We're looking for her Derek, but are you sure she never told you anything about her past?"

"The only thing I know is that her ex boyfriend went nuts and attacked her three years before we got together. She said he went crazy and after that she transferred to Quantico."

"I'll look through the mental institutions, but it could take some time."

"How much time?"

"Nine, maybe ten hours. Maybe more."

"Try as hard as you can Penelope, please?"

"I will."

She hung up and Spencer went back to looking through the files he was sent. He started muttering to himself, something I'm use to, so I was left alone with my thoughts. I'm terrified. The last time I saw her I didn't even tell her I loved her again, I just made some stupid joke. I should have begged her not to leave. Begged her to stay and shower here. I just had to get shot, and now I couldn't protect the woman I love. This is all my fault....
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