Not Another Timeless Classic


"Before you say anything, know that I hate you."

Sarah laughed as she looked up at me, closing her laptop as soon as I sat down across from her at the table. "Okay, someone's being dramatic today."

I narrowed my eyes at her, sliding the picture of my schedule towards her. She took it, but not after looking at me like I'd completely lost my mind. "I'm lost, Charlie."

"Remember when I thought it wouldn't be a good idea to roll that professor's house because you know, what if one of us had gotten him?"

She cut me off there, holding her hand up to stop me. She was grinning, eyes going back and forth between the paper and me. "Wait. You're serious?"

"You think this is funny," I said dryly, taking the paper from her hands once she handed it back to me.

She shrugged, doing her best to fight back a smile. "It's a little funny."

"And you know what makes it worse? He's the only damn professor the university has to teach the class. And of course it happens to be creative writing."

I know that I sounded a little crazy, and judging by the look she was giving me, Sarah was starting to think it, too. So instead of rambling on like I knew I would have otherwise, I dropped the subject. I convinced myself that I had other things to worry about, even if it didn't necessarily seem like it.

A few minutes of silence later and Sarah looked like she was about to burst. I raised an eyebrow at her, putting the rest of my things back into my bag. She was smirking now, getting up from the table, grabbing her laptop and coffee.

"Okay, what?"

"Is he at least hot?"

"Sarah!" I scolded, hitting her arm lightly, feeling my cheeks turn red at the question. "That has nothing to do with anything."

"Oh, but it does, Charlie. Because if he wasn't, you wouldn't be making such a big deal over it."

"Okay, that is not true."

"I don't see what the big deal is. Just get it out of your system and daydream about the guy. Hell, if it makes you feel better, get off on it, girl."

I groaned, looking away from her so she couldn't see how red my face was turning. "Sarah, what the hell is wrong with you? He's not even...he's not even that attractive."

"Sure, Charlie dear. Whatever helps you feel better."

"You're no help."

She laughed again, linking her arm through mine as we walked along the cemented path leading to the courtyard. "I'm your best friend, babe. I'm supposed to tease the hell out of you, right?"

"Remember that next time you try to take me to a kinky meet-up of yours, yeah?"

"Fair enough."

We fell into a comfortable silence the rest of the way there, but once we found an empty bench to sit on, Sarah was getting a call from Tara. I couldn't hear much of the conversation, but I knew by her facial expressions that it was important, even if it was slightly pissing her off.

"No, yeah, okay - yeah. We'll be there in a second, okay? Get your panties out of a twist, Tara. Okay, bye."

I laughed slightly, pulling my legs up on the metal bench. "What was that about?"

"Tara said we're needed in the Dean's office."

I felt my jaw go slack, turning to face her fully now. "Wait, what? Why?"

"Apparently," Sarah drug out the word, looking over at me, scooping her bag up before climbing off of the bench. "Your favorite professor made a huge deal about last night to the big guy and now we're needed there."

I felt my chest tightening at the thought of being in actual trouble, and I felt my hands start to shake. "I mean, do you it bad?"

She shrugged, chewing on her bottom lip. "Didn't say. Tara sounded pretty pissed, though."

"Great," I breathed, wrapping my arms around myself. Reluctantly, I slid off of the bench, following behind Sarah. My mind was reeling and I was trying not to imagine the worst or expect the worst, but being called into the Dean's office with Tara and whoever else didn't exactly seem like best case scenario, either.

"I've been in here, like, a thousand times, Charlie. Don't freak out, okay? He's a pretty understanding guy."

"'Don't freak out, Charlie. We're just being called into the Dean's office so, yeah, no biggie," I mocked her, crossing the street when we had the clear.

The Dean's office was in the President's house, and I'd stop to think about how pretty it actually was if I was under a different set of circumstances. I'd been here once before, but that wasn't a good experience, either. And if I were being honest, that's what I attributed my anxiety to. Well, that, and the unknown, really.

"Where's Tara?"

"She must already be inside."

The two waiting chairs in the hallway were unoccupied and the door to his office was shut when we'd made it to the end of the hallway. I took a breath to calm myself down before Sarah knocked tentatively, the door opening nearly a second later.

Tara was the one that opened the door and Sarah was the first to go in. My heart was beating even faster than before if that were even possible, and as I followed her into the room, it felt like my heart was going to stop almost completely.

Ashley was sitting in a chair in front of the dean's desk, and standing off to the side by the bookcase was Mr. Padalecki. I felt my face start to turn red again, aware now that Sarah's gaze was on me.
As soon as the door shut behind us, an uncomfortable silence settled. The Dean's eyes went around the room slowly, searching each of our faces carefully before he decided to speak.

"It was brought to my attention by Professor Padalecki that you girls caused something of a disturbance at his home the other night. Is this true, girls?"

Tara, of course, was the first to answer, gesturing towards where Padalecki was standing. "He's always had it out for the sorority, Dean Matthews. We were just having a little fun and he took it to heart."

He let out a sigh, taking his glasses off to set them on his desk. I could tell from the way that she talked to him that it probably wasn't her first time here, either. Mr. Padalecki decided to step in here, uncrossing his arms and leaning forward, setting a hand on the back of the chair Tara was sitting in. "I think it's unfair for you to say that, Ms. Delaney. I don’t have an issue with any of the student organizations, namely the one you run. The only thing I find a problem with is the damage done to my property."

Dean Matthews raised an eyebrow at this, pointing a finger at Tara. "What did we talk about last time you were here, Tara? You know that hazing is strictly prohibited. Has been for quite some time now."

"It wasn't hazing, sir. I swear it," she told him seriously, putting a hand over her chest. I refrained from rolling my eyes, looking over at Ashley and Sarah. "Besides, I wasn't the one that "damaged" Mr. Padalecki's property, if that's the reason we're here."

I gaped at her when she turned around to face me, narrowing my eyes. My chest tightened when everyone's eyes moved to me, swallowing the lump in my throat. Great, here it comes. I'm going to be suspended for the semester or expelled from the university. I knew it was a bad idea. It'll be fun, Charlie! Didn't see this coming, did you, Mom?

"Is this true, Charlie?"

I fidgeted slightly, avoiding his gaze completely. How the hell was I supposed to tell the guy that I did it, when I swore that I'd be better this semester not even a month ago? "Yes, sir."

He only nodded, running a hand through his thinning hair before looking at the other three waiting girls. I could tell he was still willing to give everyone a fair chance, but that hope vanished when he turned to my professor. "And were these girls involved?"

Mr. Padalecki only shook his head in response. I groaned inwardly as the Dean nodded, dismissing Ashley and Sarah. Sarah didn't leave when she was given the option, though, standing by the door. "We didn't technically do anything to his house, but we were there. Shouldn't that.. I mean, Charlie isn't the only one that's in the wrong, sir."

He smiled at her, slipping his glasses in his shirt pocket. "Thank you, Sarah. You can see yourself out. And Tara, if I get word of something like this happening again, there won't be a sorority for you to head. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir. Completely."

"You may go."

She picked up her bag and purse as she left, shooting me a smile before she was out the door. Bitch.

Another beat of silence passed before I was sitting in the chair in front of his desk, bouncing my knee from nerves. I usually embraced silence, but it was driving me insane at the moment. I had no idea what was going to be done about it, and bile started to rise in my throat. Mr. Padalecki sighed, sitting on the arm of the opposite chair, and for a second I was amazed he had the audacity to act like that in front of his superior. Then again, maybe he didn't care—it's not like his academic career was hanging in the balance or anything.

Wow, a bit dramatic, are we, Charlie?

I rolled my eyes at the thought, looking up when my name was said. "I'm sorry?"

Dean Matthews smiled smally at me, looking towards my professor. "I don't think that this is worth purging your classes for the semester and it's certainly not worth keeping you from your education. Mr. Padalecki and I have reached an agreement, and as long as you follow this and check in with your advisor at least twice this semester regarding your academic standing, I see no reason as to why you would need to see me again."

"Okay," I told him hesitantly, glancing between him and the man to the right of me confused. "That's it?"

He nodded, holding up a finger. "Yes, but it comes with a condition." Of course it does.

Mr. Padalecki cleared his throat, folding his hands in his lap as he turned to look at me. "I expect the mess to be cleaned and an apology letter written. I'll be on campus until around four in the evening the rest of this week and, with the weekend, I'll be available at home. Whenever you're free in the next few days, I'd like everything to be back to normal and I expect the letter no later than this weekend. Understood, Ms. Hemmings?"

I nodded, clenching my jaw slightly. "Yes."

He raised an eyebrow at that, leaning forward. "I'm sorry?"

"Yes, sir. I understand."

His eyes narrowed in the slightest, but the dean took no notice, nodding. "Very good. I hope the next time we see each other, Miss Hemmings, it is on better terms. You're free to leave and send the next student in, please."

I thanked him, shutting the door behind me as I left, nearly running into Sarah, who had obviously tried to eavesdrop. She smirked when she saw my face, crossing her arms over her chest. "So..he's a little more attractive than you let on, Charlie. What happened?"

"Apparently, I'm going to his house sometime this week."
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